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Messages - Teh_Real_Ash_Ketchum

I need to know if anyone is dressing up as a pokemon because it would be nice to have them seeing how I lost some of minw -.- BTW, I am cosplaying Ash if you couldn't tell, and I will also be down for yaoi-ing as well ^_^
General Convention Discussion / Pokemon Cards
August 30, 2007, 01:14:37 PM
Yea I know, but I would like to play people who aren't from my city.
I have to say the carziest thing that happend to me was when I was dressed up as Ash Ketchum and a zombie bit me and I became zombie  Ash and then started to fight pyramid head. Or when I was regular Ash Ketchum and just fought everyone I could find.
General Convention Discussion / Pokemon Cards
August 28, 2007, 11:49:29 PM
I always bring my Pokemon cards but never find anyone other than my friends to play against. Does anyone else play Pokemon?!?!?!?!? I beg of you people to bring them if you have them so I can have fun being Ash Ketchum and actually play the card game!!!
^_____^ Cool, people still remember me. As long as I make people smile I will continue to be Ash. ALthough it was no fun when some random anime caracter took my poke'ball and I couldn't get it back for like ten minutes -.-. that didn't make me smile...I felt naked without those pok'balls.
And I have a suggestion on what time we should meet up. I say like on Saturday afternoon cause thats when (in my opinion) Fanime is most croweded. So thereofr hopefully, we can get a lot of gruop photos! ^_____^
Well, I don't know if you guys remember me but I was the Ash Ketchum who fought everyone and ran away for losing everytime -.- But I will yet again be Ash Ketchum (from the first season) so sign me up...And I think I am going to have a Pikachu this year that is a cup so I can drink from it's head...
I would like to do a pokemon skit for Fanime 2008. I would love it if other pokemon cosplayers would join me on this one. This is just an idea for now, so if someone wants to send me a message on the forum or in a PM then that would be great ^____^

P.S. Does anyone know where to find a certain picture of me? I was Ash and it was a black and white picture of me throwing a pokeball. I have been looking all over for it but can't find it.