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Messages - LemonBubbles


I promise that this time the first thing I buy will NOT be one of those $10 key chains.
I promise not to feel so rushed and to remember that the four days of Fanime will feel like an awesome forever.
I promise to bring more blister band-aid contraptions.
I promise to take a shower every day. >.> Sticking my head in the sink doesn't count.
I promise not to spend money on edibles unless it is rare candy (<---lolrarecandypokemon) that I cannot find anywhere else.
I promise to take more pictures of myself and my friends, as well as other cosplayers.
I promise I will spend more time in the video rooms.
I promise not to wander off alone.
I promise to make new friends.
I promise to put off the withdrawals at least until I'm actually back in my home town.

I don't know how many I'll keep....but I will do my best! -fiery fist of determination-

I want to be involved as well. I have several cosplays, so I should choose one depending on the plot/setting/role.

So are there going to be the 'actors' who play certain set people (ie maid, butler) and who answer the questions of other people that we invite (the ones trying to solve it)? And how many invitees would there be? I think that there should be more than just one night of this. Like multiple showings of a play. So as we get closer to the con, people who are interested in being invited, not in being actors, could sign up. Maybe if they trusted us enough they'd give us their room #s, and we could send them paper invitations telling them which night they would come. Or email would work just as well.

Well, that is my two cents. =D

Quote from: shy-cosplayer on September 19, 2008, 10:38:14 AM
lol, cosplay Hokey-Pokey! =D

=0 Actually, that would be so fun. Someone with have to get that song on a boom box. xD (lawlboomboxsoancient) And we could just do it by the fountains.

QuoteI say e-mail or something

Wah... -,- *has no courage* I don't really know what I would say... I'll look into it. Thanks!


I'm not sure if it can be "official" and so I don't know where it could be held yet. I'm in the process of working that out. ^^;;

Long post whoa
That would be cool any of you could do a South Park cosplay!

I'm glad people are even interested! We'll see what happens as we get closer to the con.  =)
Quote from: Charis on September 12, 2008, 08:25:21 AM
LemonBubble - my understanding is that they make coloured contacts specifically for dark eyes

Do you (or anyone else who is reading this) happen to know where there could be some at a reasonable price? All the ones I found are crazy expensive! I'm definately not going be spending more on contacts then the entire convention put together... Dx
So there are a lot of children's games that require a lot of people to play, but for most of us, in our normal lives, there is no one to play them with. On that note, I propose a twister tornament!! =D I realise that that could be dangerous with some of those complicated cosplays, so...people will have to wear simpler ones or normal clothes.

Also! We should play telephone(where you say something and pass it on until it is beyond recognition)! If we organized it we could have it going throughout the entire con, then announce what it was and what it turned into at the end. If that is even possible... But we could just play a short game too, with a line of people in some room.

And Another One! There is this game where a bunch of people link hands and then twist their arms and legs up. They call "Doctor, Doctor!" and another person comes in and unties them without disconnecting their hands. Does anyone  know that one?

Would anyone be interested in that? ( this in the right forum? ^^;; It is a suggestion...)
Well here is a link to that Cosplay Lab shop that the other person mentioned, in case you don't have it it. =D

But while we are on the topic of colored contacts.... I heard once that if you have dark eyes, light colored contacts will not work very well.
Like, I have brown eyes and I want light blue contacts. Now I'm pretty sure this isn't true, but could anyone just... reaffirm that for me, please? ^^;; Thanks.

So is anyone else going to do a South Park cosplay? There doesn't seem to be a lot of people who do, but I am going to go as Marjorine.

If there happens to be anyone else who's going to, we should gather. =)
I will be going as Pharos again. Yay.

And yes I am dying for Persona 4 too! I was so close to buying a Japanese console so I could import it (but alas I'm broke).
Hello there. Does anyone have any pictures of me as Ash(ley) from Pokemon. Or Satoshi/Satoko if you're going by the original version. I was in a yellow wig and an orange dress, and I was dressed as that on all of the days except Thursday. Thanks so much!
Now let's see... I'm a girl dressing up as a guy who is dressing up as a girl. I'm not really sure if counts a crossplaying. ^^;
Quote from: Mister_E on April 01, 2008, 09:27:30 PM
Quote from: LemonBubbles on April 01, 2008, 09:20:32 PM
So is this just for Naruto cosplayers or all kinds? I'm not doing a Naruto cosplay... but either way I want to be there with a camera. ^^
It's not just Naruto cosplayers it's for everyone, just Naurto in the biggest Gathering at fanime of Naruto and Non-Naruto cosplayers alike. You can join if you want to.

Oh sweetness. I'll join as well then. n___n
So is this just for Naruto cosplayers or all kinds? I'm not doing a Naruto cosplay... but either way I want to be there with a camera. ^^
After more prodding, I managed to convince my friend to go as my pokemon. Yay. But, I will be doing more than one cosplay, so what day is this going to be?
I herd u liek mudkips?

But, darn it, I'm not going as one! =(  I'll be going as Ash in his Ashley outfit. (Please tell me people remember that episode...) Unfortunately, I don't have any friends willing to dress up and be my Pokemon, so I'll have to catch one~! Anyway, having battles sounds like fun! I'm defiantly interested.
General Convention Discussion / Re: Badge Number 2008
January 15, 2008, 03:25:21 PM
623!! Pretty good. Oh, and 6 divided by 2 is 3! I say that means my number is lucky. =D
Hi. I know this is sort of stupid of me, but I'd really like a second opinion. I am planning on making this costume, Pharos from Persona 3: (the boy on top, not the strange, large man ^^)

The only fabric that I could find was this:

So, does this material look right? Has anyone seen anything that might look better?

Also, he has a little beauty mark and I was wondering if there is a more proffesional and effective way of making one besides just putting on a dot of eyeliner.

Thanks so much in advance!
I'm thinking of going as either Pharos or Ken Amada. I haven't decided because I don't know where I could find the fabric for Pharos' clothes and Ken's outfit seems like it would be really expensive...

Anyway, I will be one of them for sure.
I'm going to be Ash(ley) from way back in the episode Pokemon Scent-sation! May I join this gathering?
