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Messages - KevFox2169

It's all included with your Fanime badge. The Twilight Knights are contracted by Fanime to provide these classes at no cost to you, the con goer, for the entire weekend. Come on down and check out any (or all) classes that might interest you!
Hello Fanime! I'm here to explain our scheduled activities/classes and answer any questions concerning what is going on in the Dojo this year. The Twilight Knights are a group dedicated to teaching, showing, and performing a wide variety of martial combat live and in-person to all willing con goers all weekend. With more than 40 hours of weekend activities to experience, we hope to see you there.


12pm-2pm: Opening Meet and Greet the Twilight Knights with Q&A ***

2pm -4pm: Sword and Shield Workshop **

4pm-5pm: Archery Panel ***

5pm-7pm: Paired Daggers Workshop **

7pm-8pm: Let's Talk Steel ***

8pm-10pm: Leather-working Workshop ***

10pm-12am: Self Defense for Women *


10am-11am: Yoga **

Self Defense for Women *

1pm-2pm: Rogue One Wushu ***

2pm-4pm: Sword and Shield Workshop **

4pm-6pm: Paired Daggers Workshop **

6pm-7pm: Exotic Weapons Panel ***

7pm-9pm: Chainmail ***

9pm-11pm: Self Defense for Men *

11pm-12am: Archery Panel ***


10am-11am: Krav Maga **

11am-1pm: Paired Daggers Workshop **

1pm-2pm: Movie Fighting and Story Telling ***

2pm-4pm: Sword and Shield Workshop **

4pm-6pm: Self Defense for Women (pt 2) *

6pm-7pm: Let's Talk Steel ***

7pm-9pm: Self Defense for Men *

9pm-10pm: Archery Panel ***

10pm-12am: Exotic Weapons Panel ***


11am: Final Questions and Answers ***

*: Waiver required. Classes are closed to anyone who does not self identify as the targeted gender, in order to provide an atmosphere of learning.

**: Any con-goer may enter and those who wish to sign a waiver may participate.

***: All con-goers welcome.
EXCELLENT Question! From the concourse/ main entrance you can reach the dojo by doing the following:

Turn right and walk down the main hall.
Turn right again and enter the Hilton.
Make sure you are on the ground floor near the Hilton (there's a nearby Pete's and hotel restaurant)
Walk straight through the hotel lobby.
The dojo is in the far back and to the right. (There is a large whiteboard sign.)
Officially it is known as the Almaden Ballroom 1, but ask around for the dojo if you're having trouble!

Side note: if you see folks in all black with berets with patches on their head, that's us! Don't be shy to chat us up and if we're free we're more than happy to direct you to the dojo!
Hello FanimeCon 2015! As the hosts of the Dojo we'd like to introduce ourselves and welcome you to our humble corner of Fanime. We are a group dedicated to teaching, showing, and performing a wide variety of martial combat live and in-person to all willing con goers all weekend. We have 42 hours of active live dojo workshops, demonstrations, and panels scheduled this year!

12pm-2pm - Meet and Greet Q+A***
2pm-4pm - Longsword Workshop **
4pm-5pm - Exotic Weapons Panel***
5pm-7pm - Spear Workshop **
7pm-8pm - Amtgard***
8pm-10pm - Leatherworking Panel***
10pm-12pm - Paired Swords Workshop **
12AM-2AM - Self-Defense for Women *

10AM-11AM - Yoga**
11AM-1pm - Self Defense for Women *
1pm-2pm - Amtgard***
2pm-4pm - Spear Workshop **
4pm-6pm - Paired Swords Workshop **
6pm-7pm - Movie Fighting & Storytelling***
7pm-9pm - Leatherworking Panel***
9pm-11pm - Longsword Workshop **
11pm-12AM - Exotic Weapons Panel***

10AM-11AM - Krav Maga**
11AM-1pm - Paired Swords Workshop **
1pm-2pm - Movie Fighting & Storytelling***
2pm-4pm - Longsword Workshop **
4pm-6pm - Self Defense for Women *
6pm-7pm - Amtgard***
7pm-9pm - Spear Workshop **
9pm-10pm - Exotic Weapons Panel***
10pm-12AM - Line Combat Tactics***

11AM-1pm - Final Q+A & Boffer Sale***

Hope to see you there! Have questions? Let us know!

*: Waiver required. Classes are closed to anyone who does not self identify as a woman, in order to provide an atmosphere of learning.

**: Any con-goer may enter and those who wish to sign a waiver may participate.

***: All con-goers welcome.
We're thinking Friday, and probably around 3:00pm. We already have a Majora's Mask Skull Kid (myself) and a Ocarina of Time Sheik (friend) and are looking to create this as part of a fun gathering.

Anyone Interested? Show the love to the green tunic ladies and gentlemen. The golden gauntlets...

...They have been thrown down.
Oh! are we playing the "real science in a magical world" game? Please tell me we are.

Because, AIDS is a retro-virus that cuts itself into DNA and lies dormant. Some virus may be lytic at one time or other if it senses the cells being stressed, and so it pops the cell and spews a bunch of AIDS virus throughout the bloodstream.  Infecting more cells, thus making it worse. When the virus is in its Retro-active state however, its nigh impossible to tell. (thats why we test by T-cell count, because we can't see the virus at all. no matter if its in the DNA or running Amok)

BUT! Vampires don't age, but they do heal. Meaning one of two things; First, that time has no affect on the cellular lifespan of a vampire's organism, and secondly, The only time the cells divide is when the vampire is wounded. So, if we wanted to GIVE AIDS to a vampire, you'd have to cut him and put the AIDS into his blood while he's healing. But because the rest of the vampire is in that dead-dormant state, it wouldn't go Lytic; unless you wounded him again in the exact same spot.

Thus, if we're worrying about him giving anyone aids, some OTHER AIDS ridden person would have to bite him in the mouth, and everyone else would have to bite him in that exact same place to get the virus. Of course, Hilarity must ensue after that.


Hehehehe The idea of a Vampire going into a Free Clinic makes me giggle.
But he's a vampire. Vampires don't get aids. (/duh)

Hahaha I'm kidding. Good idea for a costume I suppose, but Looks like he'd of been better suited for the Death Guild than fanime.

Randomly biting people sounds like a much better form of social introduction than glomping though. We should see if we can replace them. *Rawr*
Like, your driving license / ID?

Did you get it in the Mail on monday with these badges that said Hypno and Magma on them?

(you can also buy a new ID for like 20 bucks at the DMV)
So on monday, my friend and I walked across the street, and I kicked at someones license on the crosswalk. We picked it up, found it was in San Jose, and decided to go on the adventure to return it to them.

We did, left our badges with her as that very stylish, "Here's our card" hero thing. And went about our daily lives.

Then we started thinking, what if she had her purse or bag stolen, and we just returned the ID, maybe she thinks we robbed her and decided to be total Dbags and just return her ID. (I might be paranoid, but life hates me when I try and do nice things.)

So, I think, just to be safe. We found the ID on the ground, and returned it accordingly, Didn't want you getting pulled over without a license.

Yup, I was the very akwardly dressed Hypno and my friend was my Team Magma Girl Trainer. There was also a Silver haired girl traveling with a deathnote guy who I'd like to be re-introduced to. (and a Zapados I almost battled in the middle of the street.)
Gaming / Re: Warhammer 40K
May 24, 2008, 09:15:26 AM
alright! Todays one of the days! We're coming in with Dark Eldar, Tau, and Space Wolves as Warhammer 40k armies to play.

Games should start around 3pm at the gaming room on a tabletop or two, sorry guys, but its gonna be a coke-can terrain.

Also, if all goes well, tomorrow should be 40k gaming as well.
I know I will be attending as Hypno. Lucky for me, he's just human enough that It should end up really well. Count me in!

and do check out the other pokemon threads, we should fuse them together.
Just my two-cents.
I'm no authority, but Last year I was one of the people cosplaying without a shirt. (black and leopard neko's) Anyway, I never had a problem. I mean, only do as far as your comfort level will allow, if you're uncomfortable, you'll look uncomfortable, and that projects to others.

Other than that, make sure it looks good, by not wearing a shirt, you're saying your body IS the cosplay. Wish you the best, I may be doing This year's Hypno costume in a semi-undressed fashion.

Pushing the envelope for the win.
Gaming / Re: Warhammer 40K
May 08, 2008, 09:28:10 AM
Well, I suppose since there are less than a handful of Players even interested in Warhammer 40k as it does take up a lot of time. Allow us to simply readjust to say that we should have open gaming for 3 classes of point brackets.

A 400 Point combat patrol List
A 1500 Point 40k Objective list
A 2000 Point Cleanse/Obliterate List.

Now, the reason I really urge people to plan ahead for this is so people bring 3 configurations of a "take all comers" list for fairness sake. Also, if we have the lists, we simply plop the models we'd already planned and calculated to take down on the table. No muss no fuss. Games would run MUCH faster. Also, instead of dicerolls for pregame setups, just ask another random gamer to set it up for you. That way it isnt running on and hour before you start blasting and slashing.

Sound good?
We have found vindication my Friends, 2 other pokemon related threads have cropped up. Here we are to add to those lists I hope.

Again, My hypno costume I hope to be sweet.
Well, though no word of any real gathering, I've been massing people up to come as Pokemon. Not their respective trainers.

Currently, we have a Team Magma Girl, An Electabuzz, and a Hypno. Theres another thread with which everyone has claimed allegiance to some pokemon or other. 

Ideally, With that many trainers you have, It should be fun trying to capture us.
Gaming / Re: WAR : The Nerf War Suggestion
April 03, 2008, 09:06:14 AM
Hahahaha Touche

That was an excellent post. And you did catch me without an answer a few times there.  (particularly the "relevance" part. Hmmm....) While I cannot give it real sustaining arguments and rhetoric to favor my original opposition (Its 9 in the morning, I've been up for a total of 2 minutes... give me a break) I do hope to get back to you all with something brilliant.

I dunno what it is yet, but I may even reinvent the toaster or LARPing or something. So just you all wait till its the afternoon and I'm back from class.

Off the top of my sleep deprived head, I can only say that even if its far too late for this year, someone should pick up the torch and keep up the fight if only for next year.

Hahaha but just you wait till I'm eloquent and intelligent again.

-Because I can.
Gaming / Re: WAR : The Nerf War Suggestion
April 02, 2008, 11:55:22 PM
While that is a strong case against this little hatchling of an idea.  I think there are many ways around it.  For instance, if that's the case, so many guns carefully made by cosplayers would not be allowed. However, we all know they are allowed due to peacebonding. Now, whether these peace bonding ties are indeed magic police-bullet deterrents is beyond me, but it seems "weapons" get brought in all the time.

On the flip side, if that is indeed the problem, then it seems to me that the more people we have creating strong arguments FOR this idea, as well as a large enough thread of followers, we create a more appealing case for the Con-staff. I also would think discussing it here is a good way to get Con-Staff's attention. (I'd hope they read their own hosted forums)

As you suggested, if it's been "discussed up and down by con staff." Then it seems either, A: Con Staff themselves aren't that sure of their own decision seeing as how its still a discussion item. or B: A few fellow dreamers may have already been hounding the staff to allow nerf guns to be approved.  Both of which make it seem even more pertinent to see if theres an interest in this idea!

But to flesh out the idea itself, if it becomes an event, it would be much easier to deal with. Eye protection can be supplied, as well as mouthgards, helmets, whatever you want really. People can be warned ahead of time to prepare for this battle of epic proportions. I know I would pay 10 dollars to let myself and 3 of my friends go at it with nerf guns against 2-4 other teams of 4. I mean, specifically i only mention the potential money aspect because lets face it, when does a lucrative idea ever sound less appealing than a charitable idea? (don't answer that.)

-Because I can.
Gaming / Re: WAR : The Nerf War Suggestion
April 02, 2008, 11:29:47 PM
Hey now little buddy, no one needs to be throwing around names. You would not be considered constructive because your suggestion was to not do it. Constructive criticism requires ideas on how to make something work, not by saying it simply won't work. More than that, we know what you're replying to because theres only 3 of us talking about it, no need to quote the entire reply right back to us if your post is the next in line.

But anyway, back to why I think you're being to quick to pull the "OMGZOR never try it" card. That is to say, Just because something hasn't happend yet, doesnt suggest it may not happen in the future. Innovation and novel ideas are often thought to be dangerous or inappropriate, but with time as well as a calm mind behind it, it could very well become a sacred tradition.

If but only to appease people like yourself, and hopefully begin by convincing you as well as the many others I'm sure I'll need to convince, let me begin by defining why it's a good idea.

Firstly, Nerf guns are toys. They're meant for ages 6ish and up. They are harmless foam projectiles. More than that, if its a problem; we can assign times of 10pm-12pm So that it is more obviously directed towards and "adult audience"

Secondly, democracy could prevail and if enough people agree, and support the idea, its more likely to be passed. Not to take a shot directly at you specifically, but nay sayers rarely help things get started. I think this would be a lot of fun, and could help get some much needed exercise into the con. there are tons of free open space, even more so at night, so I doubt it would really be a safety problem if we worked directly with the con organizers

Thirdly, it can even be an event. Teams sign up, sign waivers, and go at it for 10min rounds, What would be a more excellent way to generate funds that go directly to the good people at Fanime? If given enough forewarning, people could supply their own nerf guns and the like.

So Let me rephrase, since I may not have been clear enough to begin with otakuapprentice, I would like ideas, suggestions, comments more directed to HOW to make this happen. If it is later decided that it will not/can not happen, then we accept that. But prior to that moment, I feel it foolish to give up so easily.

-Because I can.
Gaming / WAR : The Nerf War Suggestion
April 02, 2008, 09:18:45 PM
Perusing my local toy store the other day I came across the Nerf section. And Then I realized; Much like a flashmob, a giant nerf battle would indeed be the best possible thing ever.  It can be a timed thing, or it can take up some space in the gaming room. or even the 1st floor main hall since that place is usually pretty sparse.  I don't think we'll need it peace bonded, since nerf "weaponry" is allowed for ages like 7 and up. Maybe we will though, but still, get your sniper rifles / dual weilding pistols ready boys and girls, because we could end up making a great thing unforgetable.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Do please let me know.

-Because I can.
Gaming / Re: Warhammer 40K
March 31, 2008, 11:16:40 AM
Sounds like I'm talking to myself. Which is fine for most days, since I do indeed like talking to myself, but when organizing something like Warhammer, it seems like a corroborative effort should be in order.  I agree that we need terrain and "staff" to help. But I dont think my 3 paragraphs of skeletal outline suffices as a plan with which to start assigning people into.

But, until someone changes my original plan, I suppose we're not left with much else to do. So, time to start thinking of jobs for people to do to help this get off the ground. (or else we're having a coke can and carrying case as terrain for the boards. And no one wants that.)

So, I think we'll need 3 people willing to fill up each role, so that people get shifts instead of being trapped in a smelly gaming room all day. So lets just be aware that there are 3 spots for each job. (and any ideas for jobs to be added later will be swell too.)

Job1: Rules Master

Job2: Time Keeper

Job3: MatchMaker

I'm late for class, so I can't really think of anything more, but hopefully instead of posting more, I'll just edit this.

TTFN, (ta ta for now)