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Messages - MinaKitsune

I was able to get my wig at Evangelines today, and it looks about right C: Now all I need is the tie and since I'm getting that at the con anyways, I don't need to worry! Ahh it's so close to Fanime, I'm really excited :D
Whew! My friend and I both have our patches, and we'll be bringing our plain black ties with some purple ribbons as a back up plan in case we don't see any ties at the convention. C: I still need to get my wig, but if I don't get it I'll still go to the gathering.. Now all I have to worry about is for us to get there on time! xD

Either way, I hope we see you guys there! :D I'm really excited!

Edit: We just reserved our hotel at Miliptas, it's about a 12 minute drive to the convention :] I talked to my parents and we're going to go to Evangalines in Old Sacramento tomorrow to pick out a wig for Tamaki! Also my friend is going to get her hair cut soon and dyed, so we're pretty much almost perfectly set! :D Anybody else doing last minute things still?
I just ordered my patch the other day and it'll be here in a few days time :] I was thinking of getting the tie at the con since I saw them there last year, that way I don't have to worry of whether or not it'll get here in time! :\
Quote from: HeeroYuy135 on April 13, 2010, 12:06:33 PM
Yeah, close enough
If you want, I can help you out...just let me know
Thanks, but I think I'll be alright. c:
So far everything's good, I've found a patch and tie online. I'm going to ask my Dad to go and put money on the card today so I can buy them.

Good luck for anybody else getting their cosplay ready! <3
Wow really? I'm actually from Woodland, which is about half an hour to and hour from Sacramento. But it's still pretty close :]
General Convention Discussion / Re: Your Fan Name
April 13, 2010, 10:45:21 AM
Haha, Mad As Sin sounds like a good play on words with your name. xD Lucky, my name's Shelby so I can't think of any play on words with that. Shell Bay is the best I can come up with :B ( Name is pronounced Shell-bee btw, not bay )

Mine has been Mina Kitsune for two years now, going on a third! :]
Change of plans! My friend's coming and she wants to be Haruhi, so I'll be going as Tamaki instead. :] I need to buy a wig now OTL Good thing there's a place in Old Sacramento that sells wigs! It's a costume store called Evangalines, I love that place nnn <3
Oh yes, that does help thank you! :] I'm sure I'll be able to find it now.
Hmm.. is that a map of the top, or bottom floor? I thought it was of the top floor, but then I realized the elevators are going in the direction they go for the bottom floor, so I'm a bit confused. :o
Wow! Fanime has yet again snuck up on me! :o Last year I wasn't able to make it to the Ouran gathering since we were running pretty late ( We got there at 5 D: ) but I'm really hoping to make it this year! I'll be going as Haruhi, since I actually have the jacket + pants + dress shirt! :] All I need is the tie + patch and I'll be good to go, plus a hair cut.

It sounds really fun, unfortunately I'm not familiar with the area the gathering is at. That map kind of helps though, since I know where the vendors rooms are. Hopefully I'll be able to make it + find it! c:
Any pictures yet? I'm super excited to see them and hear all about it! ^-^
Hope you guys had fun! We didn't get to the con until like, 5 PM so we didn't make it >__<;

Anybody able to take videos? :3
Me and MistressWinter will NOT be able to make it in cosplay :c We weren't able to find the costumes in so little time, so we can't make it! MistressWinter had her heart set on a certain wig too, which we couldn't get.

Hope you guys all have fun! :D I'm sure next year we can be there for the Ouran Gathering. Please take tons of pictures and videos for us! <3 I'll see if we can drop by and take pictures, but it all depends on if our alarm clocks will wake us up this time! (Last year, every alarm clock we set didn't go off so we didn't get up on time)
This looks like tons of fun! <3
Have you guys figured out what the prizes will be?

Me and my friend might join, we'll figure it out when we get there I guess XD
The Ouran High School Host Club panel, if showed, would best be on Friday, since there is going to be an Ouran Gathering that day. I got pretty excited seeing that it was a panel (I saw it in the Program Guide) but now that I see that its pending, that kinda stinks .___.;
Good luck on planning everything out and getting it all set up, though! <3
I could try to bring a few chairs, we won't have that much room in our car but I can keep them in my lap C:
I'm also going to try to bring some cookies, since a cake would more then likely melt in the car before we got there XD

Please add me to the list! C: I'm so excited for Fanime, though I'm feeling so crunched on not having my cosplay yet @o@;
I've never been there before, so I'm not too sure :P
It is a good idea to maybe move it there, but terrible for those of us that have no clue where to go XD Is it like, a short walk away? My parents are following me and MistressWinter around and my Mom can't walk too far without having to rest for a few minutes, so it could be a bit of a problem.

Me and MistressWinter are still un-confirmed, seeing as we still don't have our cosplays yet, but I'm pretty sure we will be able to make it. C:
I think the events sound like a lot of fun! I'm not sure who I will be (The costumes are so expensive, and we don't own a sewing machine :\) but me and my friend are really hoping we will be there!
Just as a suggestion, if anybody is willing to, we could set up a tea party/picnic. If I can, I could try to bring some cookies and such, there is a spot near the fountains that we could set it up, I was there last year for the Death Note gathering and noticed a few cosplayers hanging out over by the trees in the shade having a mini picnic.
It would be awesome if we could set it up like an actual Host Club, but I'm not sure of any place we could do that other then the spot by the trees/fountain. Where is the cake eating contest going to be held? And is the gathering in the main lobby and it might move outside or what? Just want to have all the info I can get~! c:
I noticed more pictures we're taken of the L's more (But you gotta love a sleep-deprived guy who eats sweets 24/7 ^^ ), and this gathering was not really what I was expecting, did they take any group pictures? Like all the Death Note cosplayers got in a big bunch and took one huge picture? Because if they did then I missed it big time D:
Twister sounds like fun o 3o We could always play Duck Duck Goose too ^^ (Or Kira Kira L, since its a Death Note Gathering :P)
And for my Cosplay Update, I'm not going as Near, and I can luckily only make it for Friday, which is when the Death Note Gathering is (Right? o__o) ^^
Oh gosh, EVERYTHING =.=;

- I have nothing for my Light cosplay o-o-
- I still need to have a chat with my Mom about Fanime -_-
- I need more money
- Still need to reg
- Need to figure out if we need to get a hotel or not (Its less expensive if we go for a day)
- The letters on my Death Note are fading so I need to somehow get some the letters to normal.

- I have enough money for reg at least :D -shot-

Don't have to do but want to:
- Find my DS
- Find Pokemon Diamond
- Bring my camera, but Krista is bringing her's ^^; But she probably won't upload anything so it'd be smart to bring mine...