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Messages - Attackthbloo


I sent you a message but it looks like you haven't it yet.

We had to change the time for the Nintendo Gathering from 330 to 230. Sorry about the short notice.
Quote from: OniCourseMusha on May 19, 2008, 04:30:35 PM
Quote from: Attackthbloo on May 19, 2008, 03:02:21 PM
OMG! I just need to finish my toadette head and I'll be done! ::dances::
Can you let or contact BSaphire to let her know that you're changing the gathering time?

I did. I sent her a message but she hasn't changed it yet. I will send it to her in the thread
OMG! I just need to finish my toadette head and I'll be done! ::dances::
OMG! Only seven days away until I have to finish my Toadette head! AH! :o
If you can that would be great :D
Quote from: error00004 on May 09, 2008, 08:45:25 PM
awww!!! >3<
I guess I have to run away from the arcade to catch this gathering Dx

I sorry T_T I know that's really, really, hard!
Just so you guys know there was a change in time since I have to be at the Gaia Panel. Sorry!
I'm going to be Fuu!
Toadette is here! :D

Also, we're having a Nintendo Gathering on Saturday @ 230 in front of the fountains :D We need you guys there!
You know, nerds will count if you have the word "nintendo" on you some where :D
You and your giant Kiki!

I'm wondering why Sunday when the panel is on Saturday?
Well, everyday I dress differently but that's because I have a short attention span and stuff.

Friday: Pirate lady cause I CAN!
Saturday: Toadette / gaia (when ever it is)
Sunday: Fuu / gaia (when ever it is)
Monday: Regular

Saturday at 330 in front of the fountains :D We need SSB!

Saturday at 330 will be the nintendo gathering :D We need you guys too <3
Yay people make this thread alive!

Quote from: OniCourseMusha on March 31, 2008, 06:23:36 PM
Yo!! Wondering if the Brain Age Guy can join?

OF COURSE! OMG! Brainage 4 life!
As leader of the Nintendo Gathering, we shall make it at Saturday @ 330 at the fountains :D

Oh man this is gonna be a blast!

Here is another Esther coming in XD
So is this Pirate thing still gonna happen? Cause my pirate stuff is ready to be used!