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Topics - SukebeStudios

How Do We Feel About Our Moderators?

I don't want this thread to become a "Mod-Bashing," but rather, more like an evaluation.

Do you have instances of Mods performing their duties excellently, then please post thos stories. Some Mods in fact go above and beyond the call of duty, and will help you deal with other Mods that act in an unjust manner. They will even stop "trolls" and "thread bullies" (don't know if that's an actual term) from picking on you. Mods CAN do their jobs well, and those that do should be acknowledged. (To be fair to the "negative side" please don't mention names.)

Has anyone else felt that Mods have abused their power in any way? Such as show favoritism towards certain posters, locking threads for little reason other than trying to be like a parent telling their child "no" with their reason being, "Because I said so!"? Or telling you to stop talking and threatening you with banning because they don't agree with you, even though you're doing or saying nothing wrong? If so, post! You don't need to mention any particular names, (In fact, I'd rather you didn't. Mods talk to each other, you know) but if you could, talk about it!

I posted this topic in this category because the Mods of the MORE proper categories would ban this for people speaking their minds against them. To help try to keep this touchy thread alive...I suggest these guidelines...

* "Please stay on topic" Mods tend to delete threads that go off the wagon and just go into shameless stupid arguments.

* "No flaming" This is a simple, straightforward topic. It's not about arguing that someone is being stupid or being a p*ssy.

* "Facts only" If you have a story to tell, facts only please. If you think a Mod behaved unfairly, then only say what they did (no names), and try to leave out your personal opinions. If they behaved in a favorable manner, then again, to be fair, say only how they helped/assisted/impressed you.

* "No attacks" If you're out to just bash certain Mods you don't like, whether for personal reasons or otherwise, please don't post here.

I want this to be a fair discussion and evaluation of how we feel our Mods are performing their duties. Perhaps if they know how we feel, they will either keep up their good work, or change whatever mistakes they're making.
Ideas and Suggestions / TGWTG @ Fanime?
December 04, 2009, 01:02:00 AM
Hey, why not some of the members of the "" website? They've been known to attend conventions, and in fact, attended the recent Youmacon.

As far as I know, the major ones to attend were
Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic, Chester A. Bum, That Guy)
Lewis Lovhaug (Linkara, 90's Kid)
Joe (Angry Joe)

So, how would people feel about some of the TGWTG member showing up?

On a similar note, how interested would anyone be in Team Four Star?
Gaming / Retro Games LOVE AND HATE
November 25, 2009, 04:52:41 AM
This is similar to my Nintendo Entertainment System Thread. Except this one will be of a broader nature. Instead of just asking about NES, this time, I'm asking which games did you like from ALL retro gaming systems. Now begs the question, what does this include? To ME, "retro systems" are any systems that were before the "3D Age." Meaning once the systems started utilizing 3D graphics, no longer Retro. (Example. N64, PS1, Dreamcast). And this also includes add ons that the systems might have had, mainly Sega and the 32X and the Sega CD. Those count. SO! Which retro games did you LIKE, and which did you HATE! If you can, tell us why! And also tell us what system it's for.

LIKE: Snatcher(Sega CD)

The gameplay takes some getting used to, and sometimes you're left wondering "what else is there to do?" but the storyline and dialogue is well done, as well as the humor, and the anime artwork style. You could easily see this game being turned into a live-action movie. AS LONG AS THAT ASSHAT UWE BOWL DOESN"T LAY HIS GRIMY HANDS ON IT!!

HATE: Who Framed Roger Rabbit (NES) the NES thread, Pyron mentioned that a game I LIKED, Friday the 13th didn't explain anything to you. This game is even WORSE THAN THAT! It EXPECTS you to know everything about the movie, so it doesn't have to explain anything to you. You have no idea where you're supposed to go, what you're supposed to do, or why! Even if you cheat and read a Walkthrough on the net, you STILL have problems navigating yourself around the city, as it looks like an UP CLOSE version of the Ghostbusters(NES) Mapscreen. None of the buildings are labeled, and you have to walk into the walk up to the door. (Try to make sense of that) I could do a whole review on this game, and I know the Angry Video Game Nerd did one, but there was a lot of stuff he left out of complaining, most likely due to time constraints. But oh well.
Gaming / Nintendo Entertainment System
November 21, 2009, 07:54:35 PM
I just started this thread, mainly to get ideas of what ROMs to download.

We love nintendo, but do you love the OLD SCHOOL?
Please post an old school NES game that you loved, and a game that you hated. Only rule, is that it's Nintendo Entertainment System ONLY.

Love: Super Mario Brothers 3
Hate: Castlevania
I decided to try to start something with no drama. Now when I say Christmas, I'm referring to the season, not exactly the holiday. So weather or not you celebrate Christmas or Hanukah, or Kwanzaa, you might be getting something as a gift. What do you like about the season, and what are you wishing for?

Myself, I enjoy the music and Christmas media. I've already started stocking up my music collection, (Josh Groban's "Noel", and Andrea Bocelli's, "My Christmas") as well as buy a few movies like "Jingle All The Way", and "A Christmas Story." (Yeah, I know that TBS shows the 24 hour marathon every year, but what the hell.)

I really don't want much for Christmas, I enjoy giving the presents rather than getting them. I guess the one thing I really want is to see the eyes light up of someone I'm giving a gift to. That's what I want for Christmas. Like the year I gave my dad 4 tickets for the New Years Day game to see the 49ers play.

Now you tell me! What do you like/want?
Anyone interested in a Tournament of "Godzilla: Save The Earth" for XBOX? If there's a good amount of people, I may include prizes. THe even would take place @ Fanime 2010.

Big Event Showcase / Masquerade Rule Clarifications
September 11, 2009, 01:57:35 AM
I went ahead and made this thread so people who're unsure about the rules can just go ahead and ask questions. Here's my 1st.

From my understanding, you can not have your ENTIRE outfit made for you by someone else. But you are allowed to collect pieces in order to make your outfit. Now here's my question. Ordering most of your costume made, but gathering pieces on your own from elsewhere. Like if the top, and pants were made, but the "eyewear" and "footwear" were collected on your own, as well as the "hairstyle." Would that be against the rules? Seems like a grey area to me.
Anyone care to gather Weds night on opening day to see Transformers? Denny's afterwards? I'm gonna be seeing it twice that day, the midnight opening, and then the 10...something show at the Oakridge Mall. I'm going, if ya'll wanna go too, that'd be cool.
Hey there, is anyone interested in going to Sac-Anime? I'm trying to find anyone that's willing to go. REQUIREMENT...must be upbeat (But not to the point of annoying) and able to help introduce to and make new friends.
#35 many people were at Stage Zero to watch Reuben Langdon play those 5 guys in Street Fighter IV on Stage Zero Saturday? That was pretty cool, wasn't it? I knew the last guy was going to beat his ass, I played him at the Play 'n Trade booth in the dealer's room. He's f**king intense!
Hey, ewu or kava, I made this one first before remembering to add the thread. Please delete this one, I want to only keep the other one.
If you'd like to be featured in a new YouTube series known as "Gangsta Geek," then be on the lookout for a guy wearing white t-shirt, sunglasses, baggy pants, and bandanna being followed by a cameraman. Basically, Gangsta Geek will be walking around the halls, and asking people questions and interviewing them with a "gangsta street" personality.


Ladies, there is a scene we'd like to film, provided we can get some female cosplayers. He's basically going to be smoking a joint (NOT REAL) and imagining he's watching anime/video game girls are dancing for him. We'd only need 1 or 2 girls for this. Nothing explicit, nothing naughty. Hell, it would be great if there was a Bridget cosplay.

So yeah, anyone, if you'd like to be featured in the video, look for us, the gangsta and the cameraman.
Hey people, thought I'd give you a heads up and let ya know that that Friday night of Fanime, we're going to have a lil party to celebrate my 25th birthday. Nothing fancy, just a little alkey-holl, maybe a cake, and some gaming. My friend is gonna be scouring the grounds ta see if anyone wants to come, but I'd figure to ask here, just for the hell of it.

Well, last year went fairly well for me and my friends, especially on the food end. Here's my plan this year. NOTE, I'm getting help this year and a birthday present from the FPU (Female Parental Unit), seeing as Fanime is only 1 week before my birthday, (June 1st btw...I'm thinking of inviting people to out hotel room for a little mini-party) And this is more of a "What I'd do if I were you" guide.

Oh yes, I should mention that most of this would only work if you're staying in a hotel room.


I was lucky enough to be a frequent visitor to Dave & Busters in Milpitas, CA, and saved up enough prize tickets to win a Rice Cooker. This turned out as a real godsend for me at Fanime, DEEPLY cutting down on the food budget, making dining out a luxury and a treat instead of a requirement. We would splurge at night and order a pizza from Round Table. Buying one meal a day is pretty good. If you get the chance, I HIGHLY recommend buying one. Then we buy a big sack of rice to last us the duration of the con, possibly more than one sack (just in case), and multiple bottles of soy sauce, or 1-2 big jugs of it. And if you plan on food as being not so high on your priority list, this is DEFINATELY the best way to go. BUT! Make sure you bring measuring cups and a cup or scooper for your rice. You can also use the water from the tap in your hotel bathroom. The water will boil in your rice cooker, and remove most if not all of any possible "funny" aftertaste for those that are really picky. Another recommendation for this is to bring your OWN flatware. This is mainly to avoid inconveniencing Room Service and asking them just to bring up a bunch of forks and spoons to your room, as well as bowls. BUY A LOT OF BOWLS! I recommend Target, and buy a lot of those disposable paper bowls, and plastic utensils while you're at it. It will cut down on tableware that needs to be washed. Another good thing about bringing your own forks, spoons, and don't need to worry about the cleaning lady taking them away so you have to call to have more brought up. This is of course, assuming that they can get in at the right time when you're away and not sleeping, partying, gaming, or watching more anime.

All in all...I'm planning to pitch in about $25-$50 for a Food Fund at our hotel room. Just in case we wanna order another pizza, or go out to eat.


This year, my tax refund check was worth $300. All that went straight to my Fanime Fund Money, where I would not touch it, only add to it. Considering I have 1-2 more pay periods, I plan to add $100-$300 more to it, bringing the total up to about $400-$600. I don't plan on going to anything on Thursday, I'm budgeting for Fri-Monday. I'm planning to divide the money up evenly and spend about $100 a day, leaving me some possible elbow room if I plan to make a BIG purchase in the Dealer's Room, or something REALLY nice in Artist's Alley, such as a commissioned art piece.
Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.
And as far as putting in for MY share of the hotel room, for my birthday, my FPU (Female Parental Unit) has graciously offered to pay $200 towards my part of the hotel room. That's the only reason I'm not taking the hotel room finances into account here.


This one should be short and easy. Depending on the size of the room you're getting, (we're staying at the Marriot right AT the con) however many nights you plan to stay, my recommendation is to get minimum, one person for every day. If you're staying from Thurs-Monday, then get at least 3 other people so there's 4 of you. Then each of you pays for one night's stay. And if someone wants to add INTERNET ACCESS, then THEY have to pony up the extra dough! (It's a good idea to get it though, that way you can look up titles listed in the Video Room schedule to see if you'd be interested in seeing it). Now I only say MINIMUM, because if you get more people to crash and chip in...then the cost is divided further, so less each person has to pay. Of course, the Hotel will only allow so many people to the room OFFICIALLY. So keep in mind, you're only going to get a certain amount of room keys. If you don't have one, then you're just going to have to hope someone is in the hotel room, or you're buddy-ing up with a roommate. As far as sleeping arrangements, I recommend double beds instead of one large bed. A large bed SOUNDS like a good idea, but here's why I advise AGAINST it. My friend who's putting the money on his nice almost to a fault. If he meets someone that desperately needs a place to sleep, he'll let them crash for one night...then the next...and so on. I don't mind, I like making new friends.

But I digress...

Let's say you get a...somewhat larger sized room with two beds. If you don't mind being mildly cramped, you can fit at least, 8 people. 2 on each bed, 1 in between the beds, 1 possibly in that space between the bed and the wall with the window, 1 at the foot of one bed (at both beds it's stretching it, because there HAS to be a way to get up for the bathroom), and for someone wanting to be by themselves, 1 person can sleep in the closet, as long as you take your suitcases and/or travel bags out first.

Seriously, no joke...the closet. One night two years ago, I went to sleep when nobody else was there. I woke up...and there was a Ranma-chan cosplayer sleeping under the desk, and I could see a pair of feet belonging to someone sleeping in the closet. Both color me AWKWARD PINK!


Now this issue has been subject to many questions (including one thread on this board as far as I know). Are the TVs able to be plugged into for gaming? I'm not sure currently, or about the Hilton, having never stayed there. But we were able to hook up my Playstation 3 to the flat screen TV they had. Although this was after much confusion, and having to ask the Marriott to send up a handyman to help us out.


We were able to get connectivity, but only by using the component cables (YRB). Even though the TVs had an HDMI input jack, we were unable to figure out how to use it, and I believe the handyman told us we were unable to use it because of the way the hotel had it set up. It might take some playing around with...but it CAN be done. Although, if you want to avoid the hassle...and are a complete can bring your own flat screen from home. I HIGHLY advise against this, even IF you have a lot of protection for transporting it. There are so many variables that can happen to damage the TV from your home all the way to your hotel room. Think about it...

Room in your house--->Vehicle--->Hotel (trolly maybe)--->Hotel Room--->TV stand

And this is assuming that the room you're staying at has ROOM to put the TV in! So unless you're bring a normal boxy tube TV, leave it at home. The hotel won't pay for it even if their bellhops accidentally let it fall from the trolley. that all THAT is out of the way...I can recommend stuff to do while at Fanime.


As I said before, chip in for the High Speed Internet access to your hotel room. I'm doing it this year. That way I'll be able to gather information on what's going to be shown in the Video Rooms. Otherwise, I'm limited to watching what I've already seen, parodies, or being lucky enough to have something catch my eye as I'm walking past an open door. But don't spend ALL your time in video rooms. Myself, I only spend a limited amount of time there.

Probably one of the main reasons I come to Fanime is to shop. be honest...that's what most of us like to do. As for what to's my RULE OF THUMB. If you see something you REALLY want and fall in love with at first sight...and you have the money to get it...BUY IT. Treat yourself to something nice if it doesn't put you over budget. But I'd try to limit that practice to things like figurines, clothing, weapons...mainly import stuff. Probably the only thing I wouldn't practice that with is DVDs. You can buy anime anytime online, so what I'd advise is to hold off on buying anime till maybe last 2 days of the con. But then's a suggestion. You might find something you haven't seen in years.

Also, visit Artist's Alley! You will find some unbelievable treasures here. There are so many awesome artists that come to Fanime every year to display and show off their work. And it's not all just pictures and drawings. A lot of them sell their published mangas, or little knick-knacks with their art on it. And if you HAPPEN to have money to burn, you might find an artist there that does commissions. If you pay them enough, they might finish it before the con is over too!

Cosplaying is probably one of the biggest parts of Fanime. everywhere you go you're going to see cosplayers, hell, you might even be one yourself! Bring a camera, preferably a digital so you can take many pictures. A side note...Some of the Guests of Honor may be seen walking the floor outside of their Panels, but these tend to be the REAL geeks. You may want to bring a sharpie pen just in case you get a chance to ask for their autograph.

BRING A COMPUTER...but leave it in your hotel room. Yes there is free internet access in the hallways...but why do you want to lug your laptop around wherever you go?


This is the section where I "advertise" for people I like.

A gaming store near my house, Play N' Trade, will be manning a booth in the Dealer's Room. I go there mainly because they have so many retro games in their store from PS2 and XBOX, all the way to NES and Sega Genesis. The ones I met at the store are ULTIMATE geeks and one in particular loves to talk shop and knows MASSIVE knowledge about old school gaming. Check them out, and give'm a holla!

David Wong...the man...the myth...the legend. I met this guy at the very FIRST Fanime that I attended in 2001. My dad found an article in the paper about Fanime and asked if I wanted to check it out. I went for a day, and was amazed. I went to Artist's Alley (which at the time was in a hallway, so the name was appropriate. I saw David Wong's stuff and was fascinated. Ever since then I had to visit his booth every year, and every year I leave with more than one piece that he's done. And hell, he doesn't mind chatting it up with you if he's got the time. This guy is a total class act, he can talk vulgar and obscene, and has a heart of gold. He's funny as hell, and is about guaranteed to make you laugh. He also does great commissions, and is almost always willing to negotiate the price. I overheard him say once to a customer, "If we sign a contract saying you have to bring a doughnut to my house every morning for two weeks, then that's what the price will be." And just like the sign at his booth says..."Will draw anything...YES, EVEN THAT!"

Well, that about covers everything I can think of now. If you have any questions or things to add, post! Please post! I want to hear your reactions. long, and SEE YOU AT FANIMECON 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I figure this would fit in this subforum. I mean, we MAKE AMVs, right? Here's an entry I'm considering for next year...barring the unforseen THEME. Tell me if you think it would be worthy for the Drama section, or just worthy in general.
Registration / Why am I still UNPAID?
April 04, 2009, 07:30:08 PM
Hey, how come even though I pre-regged and paid the same day months and months account now shows that I haven't made any payments?
Ok, I know this is ultra last minute, so I don't expect anyone to show up. But I'm hosting a party for Wrestlemania 25 this Sunday. The party begins between 1-2 pm, and will go on after the event is over. If you would seriously like to go, email me at [email protected], and I'll send you the address and directions how to get here either Saturday afternoon or Saturday evening. The party is going to be in Morgan Hill, CA. We're going to be watching it in HD with stereo surround sound. Bring food if possible, but not required, there should be plenty. Hope ya'll respond! ^_^
Ok, just throwing this out there as an idea, would anyone be interested in a "Retro Console Tourney" or meeting up with at Fanime? Currently, the only systems I have available is, NES, SNES, and N64. But I'll be working on getting more. Perhaps an old school Smash Brothers tourney?
Well, one business I was thinking of reviving is making hand made and painted "Native American Style" wall hangings...of anime.

Let me explain what I'm talking about.

The hangings are buckskin or leather stretched over a metal ring, with an image panted on the flat face. Dangling below are tassles of leather and feathers. As soon as I get a image of one, I'll post it, to let you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about.

I've made many many native style ones, Including one LARGE hanging donated to the leader of the Washoe Tribe. I've also done paintings of other things  on the hangings, such as sports team logos, political emblems, etc. However, I've only done ONE hanging of an anime character, and that was a picture of Vash the Stampede, for a friend. I've never seen this type of thing sold at the Artist Alley or Dealer's room, so as far as I know, I'm the only one that's offering this. The prices are negotiable, but also an estimate is based on size, not difficulty. These will most likely be commission only.

Small       - $10-15
Medium    - $15-30
Large       - $30-50
Anything   - $Depends on request and availability
Things in the Universe / Lonely Thread
March 02, 2009, 01:05:40 AM
Hey, is anyone lonely? I sure as hell am. Seems like everyone that I IM, chooses to not respond. One person, 2, even 3 I could understand. But...everyone? Sigh.  I tried to start gatherings, and nobody shows up. The only responses I get are people who JUST HAVE TO put in their 2 cents about why my gatherings don't work. DOES NOT HELP IN THE LEAST!!

This is the "Lonely Thread."
OK! I figure I'll start this one a little bit earlier than my Friday the 13th gathering WHICH NOBODY SHOWED UP FOR! (Thank you very much...dammit.)

But this time I figure since it's more "anime oriented," why don't we gather for Street Fighter: The Chun Li Chronicles at the Great Mall!? And then another later for Dragonball Evolution. So...let's meet up for the earliest showing that they have available, and afterwards, we can go to Dennys, then come back to my place to play Street Fighter IV, and Dragonball Z Burst Limit on 360. Think about it, my room has a 32 in HD tv, and a surround sound stereo system hooked up to my 360. CUMMON PEOPLE! LET'S DO IT!!!!

Oh yeah, when Dragonball Evolution comes out, and we gather for that, I'll wear my GOku outfit!!

Does anyone wish to get together to go see the movie "FRIDAY THE 13TH" next Friday on Friday the 13th? We can go see the earliest showing and then meet at my residence to commence with the enjoyment of Xbox 360. Mainly DBZ Burst Limit, and Soul Calibur IV. Also Halo if anyone wants to bring their lucky controller. What do ya say? Whole day of fun and excitement?
Things in the Universe / New Sukebe Studios Website
August 20, 2008, 12:43:12 PM

Hello everyone! I'm posting this to let you all know that Sukebe Studios has finally put up a new website. It seems like we got all the bugs worked out...course there might be one left, we dunno.

CHeck it out, it has all our AMV links up there, including 2 new one using "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya." Also piggy-backing on our site is the "Target Guy," who constantly bitches about stupid people who shop at Target. Check it out when you get a chance!
Anyone out there...I am desperately trying to find something I believe is most likely lost to the ravages of time. I recently came across possibly one of the saddest animes I've seen.  :'( Andersen Dowa Ningyo Hime (aka The Little Mermaid). Unfortunately, it is in English, although it doesn't take too much away from the story. BUT!!

I have a quest for anyone willing to undertake it. I will hansomely reward anyone who can get a hold of a copy of the Japanese dub of this beautiful anime. Along with the price of the video or dvd, I'll give the finder $50!

ALso, you'll have my love forever, and I'll have to glomp you at the next Fanime!
Things in the Universe / Personality? Or Looks?
June 06, 2008, 01:33:11 AM
Ok...I'm putting this poll up because I've honestly gotten fed up with ladies telling me they like guys with a nice personality. Come on ladies, you know that's a lie. If you had a choice between an Otaku that can make you laugh, and someone that looks like Orlando'd go out with Orlando Bloom! Nice guys with average looks or below, don't stand a chance against the really good looking guys out there. So answer the poll honestly...stop trying to kid us nice guys, cause eventually we might stop being so nice.