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Topics - howitdovoodoo

Registration / Schedule?
May 11, 2011, 12:08:06 AM
Sorry I am so nub, this is my first year at fanime and I have no idea how the process works. I looked all over the website but I cannot find when what starts! Not the events, but registration. What time does Fanime actually start on Day 0? I am sure there is going to be a huge line for when we pick up our badges, I just want to know when everything starts so I could prepare myself. Unless it has yet to be posted, then I am very sorry! D:
So I am volunteering this year for Fanime 2011 for DANCE. I just want somebody to confirm some things.. So its true that I have to buy my own regular badge correct? Yes, I know I get a reimbursement after doing a minimum of 20 hours. So another thing, is there a dress code for volunteers? Or can we just where whatever we want, or even cosplay? Also, do we have to go to some mandatory meeting before the weekend of Fanime?One last thing, the day 0 of Fanime, we get our badge and then do we have to go somewhere since we are volunteering?? Sorry if I am asking so many questions, I have never done this before nor have I been to a fanime before. :/