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Topics - tajadoreternity

Hello! I've submitted a gathering request for this on google forms, but just found about the forum submission process, so apologies for how late this is!

EDIT: We are confirmed! The correct location and time are below.

If you're here, thanks for your interest! I'm Rat 1 of @ratsresurrected on instagram, and will be hosting a Gintama gathering. (Hopefully.) Rat 2 should be helping me out.

TIME: 11:00
(Check our instagram page or the gatherings sheet for any updates!)

I don't expect there to be more than 5-15 cosplayers. If you aren't going to be in cosplay, please still stop by! I'd love to meet more gintama fans.

Legal Statement-Fanime will be taking group pictures during the Gathering/Event this year. If you do not want to be included in those pictures please step aside for those photos. By remaining with the group when the pictures are being taken you give your consent to be photographed.

(Notably, Fanime's photography dept is spread thin this year, and it is unclear if we will get official photos taken. We'll still take phone camera pics, and will distribute via google photo link.)

PHOTO GROUPS (Tentative):
Group Photo
Anti Foreigner Faction (Katsura, Elizabeth, etc...)
(Any Other Groups Or Factions)
All Other Characters
Individual Characters (If this will be as small as I predict... we may not get to this if we run out of time.)
Final Group Photo

NOTES: I'll be in Hijikata, keep an eye out for me. (Rat 2 will be Travis from No More Heroes.) If you have any questions, feel free to hit us up on instagram, I'll be posting updates on there, or reach out to me on discord at knivesgetsshot.

If you read this far, once again, thanks for your interest!!