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Topics - openhappy

Come and have fun if you are interested :)

Online materials under

Basic Cosplay Photography

You spent so much time putting your costumes together, but you cannot find a good picture of it. You love taking photos of cosplayers, but you are having trouble getting good photos. Come and learn basic cosplay photography from posing models, digital camera setting, lighting equipment setup, to photo processing software. This will be super fun for everyone.

May 28, 2010 (Friday): 8pm to 9pm

Mariott Salons III (Panel 2)

Info page under:

Please tell your friends and family to come see us!!!

Online materials under -


We are proud to have Hobby Link Japan to be the exclusive sponsor of's Building Gundam Model Panel and Workshop at Fanime 2010. Attendees will receive a small gundam kit as a prize for attending and completing the workshop. You can use the kit in the workshop to practice some of the skills illustrated. (You have to attend the whole workshop to qualify for the free sponsored kit. In the case of too many attendees, we will do a lucky draw of the kits and have a team build). Once again. THANK YOU Hobby Link Japan !!!


Looking to improve your model building skills? This panel is for you. From kits selection, tools, preparation, construction, painting, panel lining to weathering, we will introduce various skills to help you build better looking gunpla models. Come, learn something you love and have fun! Lead by Richard and staffs from We welcome both beginners and experienced builders. Please do bring your modeling tools if you have them available on the workshop day.

Time: May 29, 2010 (Saturday): 8pm to 10pm
Location: Mariott Salons I & II
Contact: Richard ([email protected])


Official Page:
I put together a little app for Cosplayers to enjoy :)

---> Cosplayer Fanime 09 vs AX 09 Voting Game <---

- Richard.
Just put together something fun for everyone to enjoy :)

Try it below :P

Fanime Cosplay MyPick Voting Game

Panels and Workshops / Panel Reports?
May 28, 2009, 10:10:08 AM
Is there any panel report this year? Love to read them.
Last year better or this year better? Come vote for yourself :)

(This is fun  ;D )

Click here and start voting

Fanime 08 vs 09 Voting Game


All Private photoshoot pics are up. Enjoy:

Yeah! It is fanime con again. Many old faces I met last year was return. Fanime is different than AX as there is really a family feel to it. People are generally very nice ... it is just nice to return to a con with people knowing you.

In any case, instead of letting my photoshoot guys and girls to wait for a month before they can see anything. I decided to make a couple page of quick "preview". So, they can show off their nice pictures to their friends during the con.

Did you see any of them?


More fanime 09 cosplayer pics:

Hi All,

Hope everyone is well and kicking! We will be returning to fanime to offer free cosplay photoshoot. The general information is posted under:

And the schedule will be posted under:

OpenHappy Cosplay Pics are under

Here is a summary of the FAQ:

How do I sign up?
Please email (not forum PM) me at richard at The information I need is:

  • Your name (real or coplay name that I can address you) and email.
  • A working cell phone number on the day of the con. (I want to know if you are coming or not. If not, we want to spend some more time in the dealer room :) or give the slot to someone else.) Please email / call / SMS richard if you cannot show up on that day. I could either give the slot to someone else or just go to the dealer room / artist alley instead of waiting around.
  • Your custome (character + series)
  • How many people does your group have?
  • Time slot you prefer
  • Link to your profile at, cosplaylab or anywhere else. If you have no profile, please send me a sample photo of your cosplay.
  • Any special preference I have to watch out.


  • I don't use forum PM for this so I don't need to go to two different systems to get all the info.
  • And yes, if you have spam from me, please let me know. We have a case of people using my address for spam.
  • No working email / phone number, no photoshoot. Since from experience that the chance of you showing up is kind of low without any valid information.
  • I will post the schedule after a few weeks. Email me to reserve a spot now!

There is no release form to sign. Watermarked pictures will be posted in and you can also have the original version for download if necessary. Feel free to bring a friend or friends to photoshoot with us if you feel safer that way. Parents are also welcome to take part in the photoshoots. (So, yes, we have moms that watch the cosplayers or shoot with them).

Do people look at my photos on your site?
Yes. We usually have some 100,000 visits in the three months period we covered Fanime and AX. I usually take a break and spend some time with my
toys, figures, gundam or travel towards the end of the year..

It is Free. How do I say thank you?
You can say "thank you" by

a. Linking up with one of these banners from your web site.

You can link to either or

b. Link me up with my newly created facebook account. I will update you on local photoshoot events we will have.
   Go to, and search for richard at and add me

c. Comments on about the pictures you like and have fun.

Please reply to this post or email me richard at for questions! Hope to see you guys!

Found these in my hard drive and realized I forgot to post them. (By the way, the photo albums section does not allow any new post).

Hope to bring back good memories for you guys.
We are trying to invest sometime to develop some shopping related features targetted for cosplayers. But is not really sure what will work. So, any advice would be good.

We have

1. Amazon listing such as this on the right hand side ...

2. Yahoo ads (same location as above)

3. And movie room for anime preview.

The question is. Given a lot of cosplayers I know shop from ross, wal-mart, good-will store, etc for the most price effective cosplay gears. Do cosplayers (such as the one in this forum) buy anything else online?

Any pointers will be appreciated.

- Richard.

Gaming / Cosplayer Voting Game!
June 25, 2008, 12:54:56 PM
We put together a very fun cosplayer picture voting game.
Come and vote for Fanime Con 2008!

Here is the link:

Cosplayer Voting games

15817 voted so far!

- Improved picture clicking mechanism (just click the pic)
- Comment on each pic if you want
- AX is winning Fanime so far (64% (6780 votes)  36% (3865 votes))
- Over 2000 pics in two games

Enjoy  :D

AX vs Fanime


Fanime vs AGS


Overall Ranking


Cosplay Main Index
I missed it. Anyone has any picture? Thx.
Yeah!!! Cosplayer Photos from Friday - May 23, 2008

Here they are. Just a small sample of what is coming. Will update as time goes.


Yeah!!! Cosplayer Photos from Friday - May 23, 2008

Here they are. Just a small sample of what is coming. Will update as time goes.



Latest Update:

We will meet in front of the fountains of the convention center near the main entrance. Let's say we will try to meet in front of the second sphere on the right hand side of the foutains. If you have not signup and would like to be in a photo shoot, please just stop by at any time slot. The photographer will be able to take you if he does finish early with the current person or someone just does not show up.  Full schedule and other info is at is happy to present free Fanime Cosplay Photoshoot 2008.
Recent photoshoots can be found under

Here is a few recent samples:

No form to sign! Watermarked pictures will be posted in and you can also have the original version for download if necessary.

Meet in front of the fountains of the convention center near the main entrance.  If you prefer somewhere else and it is within walking distance for me to make the next appointment, we can meet somewhere else. Please be on time.

Time Slot:
Friday, May 23, 2008
2:00pm to 2:30pm Dolls from Rozen Maiden
2:30pm to 3:00pm 1 from Casey
3:00pm to 3:30pm Street Fighter
3:30pm to 4:00pm Sakagami Kouya (Loveless)
4:00pm to 4:30pm Link (Ovi) and Link (JJ)
4:30pm to 5:00pm Wii-tan
5:00pm to 5:30pm Death Note
5:30pm to 6:00pm Friends of Death Note?
6:00pm to 6:30pm Demyx, Organization 13, Kingdom Hearts 2

Sat, May 24, 2008
5:30pm to 6:00pm  D-Gray Man
6:00pm to 6:30pm  Ven
6:30pm to 7:00pm  Plusle, Pichu & Meganium from Gijinka Pokemon
7:00pm to 7:30pm  Random Slot
7:30pm to 8:00pm  Random Slot

2-5 people have not confirm time slot yet.

Time slot:
Please PM me at [email protected]. The information I need is:
1. Your custome (character + series)
2. Your name and cell phone (so I can contact you on that day)
3. How many people you have?
4. Time slot you prefer
5. Link to your profile at, cosplaylab or anywhere else. If you have no profile, please send me a sample photo of your cosplay.
6. Any special preference I have to watch out.

- I usually just photo shoot cosplay events in Asia. So, it is going to be fun  :)
- Please think of some posting you would like to do. I will have some standard posting. But it is a lot more fun with your participation.
- Image what someone will look like after watching anime for 25 years .... (Anyway, I will post my recent photo later so you can id me).
- Just reply to this thread if you have any question.
- I will post the schedule in a week or so. Email me to reserve a spot now!