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Topics - alliecat

I was very excited this year to have a table at Fanime (first time going to fanime, and first time having a table at a big con)!! It was a wonderful experience and I met so many cool people and artist, having a blast!

Something Other artist at tables near me and my partner noticed, was there were four tables dedicated to the same art.  I was later informed that these two sets of two tables were a couple who attend these cons to sell prints. I have nothing against independent artists (duh), but I felt it was a bit unfair that two people were able to purchase four tables in good spots to sell their fan art merchandise, and not asked to go to the dealers hall. They are major artists, who have been attending many cons (in fact, they had a table in the artist alley at Sac Anime & in the Dealers hall at Sac Anime).  When an artist is at the point of buying four tables and has a corporate-looking set up with corporate merchandise, they are no longer an independent artist, but a corporate entity that should be in the dealers hall.

Other artist around me also reported a decline in sales whenever this couple is around.

Perhaps at next Fanime, there should be more rules regarding how much space you are allowed to purchase to sell the same art, or at least confine someone who wishes for more space and recognition to the dealers hall?

I might be making a bigger deal than this should be too.  >.<;;;