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I've read the FAQs, I'm posting this here because it contains a set of broad questions and I don't feel like spamming the boards with different threads for each question.

This will be my first time going to Fanime (not my first con, I've been to DunDraCon twice). I went to Burning Man last year, for the full week, little supervision, without my family, so I'm guessing I can deal with a bunch of cute lil nerds for a week. I'm not that into a lot of anime or Japanese stuff. Whatever. That doesn't matter. The only problem is my mom. I love her, but she worries. A lot.

I'm 15 and a girl.

I'd be staying with 4 to 8 other people, mostly adult men (friends of mine). We'd be splitting a room for $50/piece. I'd prereg. We'd be driving down Friday afternoon after they get off of work.

I have read the FAQs.


1. What are the special rules concerning minors @ Fanime? Obviously, they still have to obey federal law (no drugs/sex/alcohol), can't go into the hentai rooms, etc. I have no interest in the Masquerade because my friends don't (watch me regret that later). But other than that, are there special rules concerning minors?

2. From,11015.0.html:
QuoteQ: I am under 18 and do not have a drivers license or passport
A: All Fanime members must have valid government issued ID. The only exception are those under 18 attending with a responsible guardian (of the parental caliber). The guardian must also be a Fanime member and have valid government issued ID. The guardian will be responsible for the minor and all his or her actions.

Could I have one of my friends (who is older than 18) be my guardian for the event?

3. Cosplay. Do most people wear their costume just once or wear it multiple times over the event?

I'd be going as Xion from Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts, so I'd just be wearing black tight pants, black boots, black shirt, and the jacket (my mom bought one from Hot Topic <don't shoot me> for a Halloween party last year), and my uncle would be making the keyblade (out of alumnium using AutoCAD). I'd really just have to change pants/shirts/undergarments because the jacket would presumably remain clean.

What rough percentage of people cosplay? Will most people attempt to glomp me? Will a keyblade be allowed?

4. Money. How much should I bring? I don't plan on buying anything other than drinks/food, but spending money could be nice.

So far, estimate is around 200-300 dollars. Not including badge/room. I meant physical money on me, because I don't have a bank account!

5. Cell phone coverage. Is Verizon okay down there?

Been answered, apparently it is.

I don't have enough information to make this a question, but...

My mom's friend is an organizer or something, apparently. He's been going for years. I don't know his name IRL, because we knew him from a LARP ( was a long time ago...). My mom would want me to check in with him everyday. Assuming he was just an average organizer, would it be hard to find him everyday to check in with him?

By the way, I know I have a condescending tone. Oh well. I'm just doing this because my friends insist I'll love it, and it gives me a chance to see them cosplay IRL and hopefully have fun.