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Messages - monikamilani

Is on team Jacob because of his abs LOL
Look! I'm flashing a smile to you! LOOK!!!!!!!
Woah that looks hot *smacks butt* (WTF?!) Oh Crap.
with a katana
I guess whoever runs this place wants us to learn the hard way...... unless your rich. =DDDDDDDDDD

I want pudding. GET ME SOME!... Please??
(Lol I was this one, it was falling apart from the start, and sadly I broke it from tripping before cosplay dodge ball -___- only 5 hours of wearing it.)

^ Has not only Fangirls now, he has FanBOYS.
^eh, you could say that.... Kinda....
> Baked PO-TA-TOes. are the bomb.
< Im working on an agnes (It's so FLUFFY girl) from despicable me) cosplay. Alot of people say I look like her and kinda act like her so I was like, what the heck, might as well... she's cool =DD
v What's your favorite food to eat on a holiday or just whenever you can?
(Were you the pocky walking with the ramen, or the pocky with her hair pulled back... if ur the one with the hair pulled back I took a picture with you and men's pocky XD)
^ Tried to sell Russel (Jerry =DD)
I think I started watching anime once I became ....7 years old LOL My brothers, and My reading capabilities.... uh, yeah.
^Eats hello kitty candy when she gets nervous =DD
*Cringes and Runs* Ahhhhh! It's eyes BURN!!!!

*Throws a Kon Plushie (Bleach)*
^ Horrased the protestors w/ Fanime Jesus about their shoes being untied =DD
^ Lol Capture the Flag, especially when the people that I play with are a lot older than me. ( Fanime 2010 Experience -__-)
< Sings Duran Duran Songs, and loves it ;DD
> I Bought Sonic Heroes on PC and I play it a lot. It's fun! With the 4 teams and.. Sonic and... Rose, you know!
v Same Question, I'm getting lazier and lazier by the day. :(
Forum Games / Re: Guess the Next Poster's Gender.
July 08, 2010, 09:54:34 AM
LOL no. =P

A pretty woman, walking down the streets.
^ Was taught "Chestnuts roasting on an open fire" by Cologne ;DD
Forum Games / Re: The 'In my pants' Game! =D
July 08, 2010, 09:51:46 AM
Tarzan... in my pants (Wtf?)
Forum Games / Re: Super-Ultra Random Prize Machine
July 07, 2010, 09:34:44 PM
^ You get a Reborn! Lambo plushie :3

**inserts coin**
*Uses them as bullets for a weird homemade marble gun* >:D

*Throws a bag of Tampons*