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Messages - Naiagu

Let me just bump this up for now. I need to get rid of this stuff~
Frustrated @_@
Registration / Re: Lines for badges on Thursday
May 17, 2013, 01:08:40 PM
I am planning on showing up around 5:30pm for the lines on Thursday and I expect by the time I get there, it will be a decently long line that would still take me an extra hour or two after lines open to get to the front. From past experience people tend to try to come as early as they can. Both Thursday and Friday morning are pretty crazy.
My work place has made me have a serious hatred for Kindle Fires.
D: I just finished my 2 cosplays last night @_@ still stressing over finishing my bf's it's soo close to being done.
I'm debating on bringing my Tohru Honda outfit for Monday... hmm..
If anyone else is interested in anything let me know, I'm moving this Saturday so I'll try to keep things organized. to find things @_@.
Just emailed everyone that has holds to confirm date/time/location @_@. Sorry for the late reply, just got my approved time off work.
Need to finish cosplays @_@
Not going to have roommates after this Saturday's move. I'm so happy to be done with all the unreliable roommates.
I can't dance and I know it. That doesn't stop me from dancing either!
Spray paint is so difficult to get off your hands :[
I've had coffee today O_O I feel like a new person!
My roommate told me I could have his DSL. I already have a DSL but he said at least this one can hold itself together. I'm going to miss that guy once he leaves back to China.
I'm so happy to announce that I finished Mor @_@. I won't have her neat accessories like the bracelets or necklace but her outfit is complete. Now to finish my Alibaba's outfit, I hope I have time to get his sword/dagger done.
Excited to see Iron Man 3 this friday!!! <3
I left the house having a really bad outfit day, mostly because I need to do laundry but I was stopped and told I was cute by a stranger. That made my day.
Quote from: shirugo on May 07, 2013, 01:07:36 AM
Hi I hope this isn't too late ;~; I'm Jun and I'll be going as Aladdin with my friend (Yuji, doesn't have an account) as Alibaba.

//slowly rolls off the screen/

Thanks for putting together this gathering btw!

It's never too late to join!! Unless, you know... it's May 28th. Hope to see you there! :3
Got the new keys to my new apartment on Saturday. My roommate at my old place is freaking out about not finding a place to live by the end of the month, and somehow, I don't feel bad for her. :/
I am so excited for tomorrow! Gonna sign my new lease~