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Messages - Jun-Watarase

General Convention Discussion / Re: SLeeping schedule?
February 24, 2009, 12:52:33 PM
Maids have to look cute. Not tired and full of soggy dark circles. :(
Things in the Universe / Re: Map of Counties in Ca.
February 24, 2009, 12:34:29 AM
Quote from: LordKefka on February 24, 2009, 12:24:48 AM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on February 24, 2009, 12:22:53 AM
Quote from: LordKefka on February 24, 2009, 12:18:10 AM
I'm in Boston and I'm lonely. The only people I hang out with are dental or medical students...;-;

Where are all my animu friends! T__T

animu friends suck

Lies and slanders! T_______________________T

But anyways, yeah. It's funny cause a lot of my real friends who are "anime friends" don't talk about anime to me at all. It's like.. casual stuff from the talk we do. Liking anime is just something of a common interest that starts the friendship off. It's when you can sit there with your friend and not have to worry about what you need to say next because you are being judged that you know he's a FRIEND... (I feel weird saying this..>.>;; )

Then I also have people who are ANIME friends who just end up being an example of what you see in Otaku no Video..-_-;;

I think you should like what you like, and if you want to talk about anime, then start off the conversation about anime. It's not bad to have other interests, too. :|
Things in the Universe / Re: IHOP pancake Tuesday!!
February 24, 2009, 12:23:52 AM
I think we'd be better off if you drove here, and we can go to GOLDILOCKS, AND GET SOME PUTO, WITH QUESO.
Things in the Universe / Re: Map of Counties in Ca.
February 24, 2009, 12:22:53 AM
Quote from: LordKefka on February 24, 2009, 12:18:10 AM
I'm in Boston and I'm lonely. The only people I hang out with are dental or medical students...;-;

Where are all my animu friends! T__T

animu friends suck
Things in the Universe / Re: Map of Counties in Ca.
February 24, 2009, 12:13:19 AM
To be honest, your initial post did come off a bit whiny... that people don't go out of their way to see you. Even if you may be willing to drive over an hour to see someone, even if people are willing to put up with it, it's still is "going out of their way" to do so. You seemed a bit upset that people would go longer distances, or go somewhere nearby... but people may have other things to do than to make the effort, especially for those who barely know you. It would be better if those made the effort because they want, rather are pushed to or guilt-tripped to. This post may help people map out counties and acknowledge their options to see yo when traveling, but what you had said after that left a bit of a bitter taste afterward.

Being alone and not having people to hang out with, sucks. I'm sure you don't like your position, and I am fairly sure that a lot of people and a lot of your friends would want to go out to see you. But sometimes it's harder for others to travel great distances. I mean, Mikey and I take hours upon hours of effort from time to time to see our friends (via public transportation), and even though we did it because we wanted to, it was still a pain to do it. It isn't something we can really do on whim... it normally takes some planning in advance.

Take the initiative when you can, and point it out to others how much easier it is to get to you by showing the information you've given us.... without being whiny. Since you can drive, and you can afford it... why not take the time to do so? Also, do you have any options to possibly move? Maybe find a roommate, so you're closer to everything else and out of the country? It'd be nice to explore your options, because being as lonely or bored as you are stuck in the country may be damaging if anything. If you could plan out how you could change that, I think you should.

But for now, why not spend the time to talk it over with the friends you want to see, rather than crying out to a public forum full of random people who may or may not want to see you... I think talking it out with your friends, personally, would be more productive than this. Like Darth, for instance-- talk it over with him, and directly plan out a way that you can hang out. Maybe invite some mutual friends, and plan out a trip over there, or where you are, or somewhere else you all can get to. Anything that would make something actually happen.
Things in the Universe / Re: Map of Counties in Ca.
February 23, 2009, 05:40:11 PM
Amador... Geez, that's ridiculously far!

Mikey and I are in the San Mateo county-- half an hour away to San Francisco...
Big Event Showcase / Re: Maid Cafe 2008 Feedback
February 23, 2009, 12:40:56 AM
Quote from: mowse on February 22, 2009, 11:47:37 PM
Quote from: thelifeoftehparty on May 29, 2008, 02:40:07 AM

And i loved that Alice in Wonderland cosplay group as well. =w= I was happy i got to mix their tea. Teehee~!

I was the Door Mouse of that group and I know this is like a million years late but you and the other maids were fantastic and we all loved you guys to death. Thanks for putting up with our shenanigans and we definitely intend to show up this coming Fanime. See you there. :)

Thank you for your support! You will be glad to hear that we will be adding new features to our cafe, this coming Fanime. Be sure to check it out! We'll be glad to have you.
General Convention Discussion / Re: SLeeping schedule?
February 22, 2009, 09:09:19 PM
EDIT: Totaly thought this was on Things in the Universe.

Everyone stays up almost all night, then I'll have to wake up earlier than I normally do... for work at the maid cafe. :(

*Sobs maniacally.*
Quote from: rude32 on February 20, 2009, 08:27:56 PM
Then they are probably regular goth kids then.

I dunno. I was pretty sure the Twilight fandom's demographic is pretty much the average teenager, rather than exclusively goths and emo kids. From what I remember from high school, a lot of goths are slightly elitist in what they like and participate in, and tend to push away general conformity for the sake of nonconforming, and anyone else would just be a poseur.
Quote from: JTchinoy on February 18, 2009, 11:49:30 PM
Well I've never heard it worded the way I quoted.

We just say things like "learn from your mistakes".

Of course it's how everyone should live, but I thought the way it was translated the exact same way twice from 2 different shows that it might've been something more core in their culture than ours.  Oh well, carry on!

They're kind of like proverbs, just as how "Learn from your mistakes" is in our culture... to a more passionate extent. The whole idea of "Spirit!" and using that to grow stronger, endure hardships, and overcome obstacles in life to survive and be the best one can be. It's something people as a whole believe in. They're just expressed differently depending on the people. And I guess, from what I mentioned to you, there's this whole... "Spirit of the Japanese people!" thing like... "God bless America".

Though, I must add. It'd help a lot if you included the original Japanese phrase. looool.
More like, a general... human philosophy.

To survive, you must persevere. This is not something exclusive to Japan. They express it much like many other countries do, just like America does, as well. The need to grow, become stronger, and improve as a person over time-- this is something ideally anyone should do.

Man, why do you suck so much, JT.
Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 18, 2009, 12:31:02 PM
Okay, so there was this coworker I had... And he was obsessed with me for about 3 years, and pursued me even though I was dating someone who was his friend. This guy, my god, was creepier than any stalker, ever.

On Valentine's Day, he bought my a crystal figure that said "I love you". At the same time as my ex.

One day, driving me to work... bouquet of roses! Out of nowhere. I put them in a plastic pitcher at work and left them there. He seemed a bit disappointed, so I said, "Um... they look better here!" and went straight home.

Another day, he bought one of those ... 99c plushes from Walgreens and hung it on my doornob by the neck, with a creepy letter in bad handwriting about him thinking about me, that day.

Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 17, 2009, 06:24:30 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on February 17, 2009, 06:14:35 PM
Quote from: Darth_Diclonius on February 15, 2009, 02:37:43 PM
Quote from: Kazuko on February 15, 2009, 12:47:02 PM
Haha I came home to my apartment today only to hear my roomate and her boyfriend having sex in the bathroom

WHERE I CAN HEAR IT ;3; I couldnt eat my delicious breakfast and they came out all smiles hahaa...hes here till monday night oh joy!

THat's when you retaliate with your own loud bathroom OR kitchen sex. :D
Yeah too bad it doesnt work when your single :U

Even if you weren't, you wouldn't put out anyway. lol
The thing is, by itself... it isn't a terrible series. It's the hype and fandom that makes it terrible. The fact that it's put on a pedestal so high that it's considered a social faux-pas to have not read it and how people typically mindlessly become obsessed with it enough to push it unto others... is what makes it ridiculously irritating.

Stephanie Meyer isn't some sort of horrible person to have wrote this, claiming it to be the masterpiece of the century. She knows, for the most part, what it was intentionally written for... young teen-aged girls. It's not my cup of tea, but the demographic it was targeted enjoyed it. I just hate how people react to it, and how obnoxious the entire fandom is as a whole.
QuoteYour date of conception was on or about 14 February 1990 which was a Wednesday.

Pretty lulz, but I was born a month early.

November, represent.
Quote from: XpHoBiaX on February 16, 2009, 03:08:02 PM
Unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egoistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromises.

So that is probably WHY I am single. lol Oh well.

I'm born in the same month as you. It's not any reason why you should be single-- you just haven't met someone you feel compatible with, yet. All sorts of people can get into relationships-- you're just not the type of person who would lower their standards for the sake of being with someone for the sake of a relationship... and tons of people seem to do that.

There are good things and bad things about both being single, and in a relationship. People often have the thought that being in a relationship is better than being single, even though it may not be necessarily true. If you want to be single, choose to be single. If you want to be in a relationship, search for one that you can be happy in.

Pros and cons. While I admire the optimistic outlook in the posts on being single, neither is better or worse on their own. They all measure up differently, and either or may make you happier. Some people want to experience love and having a partner, some people would prefer to be solitary and make all their moves in their life without romance distracting them. It just depends on the person.

Pros and cons, etc. Ranting.
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Quote from: mDuo13 on February 16, 2009, 11:47:54 AM
I feel bad for my friend's brother. He's in middle school, not too interested in Twilight but he tagged along with some friends to see the movie. Then he got slapped in the face for watching the movie without reading the books first. Poor kid has the dumbest friends.

What the hell, that's terrible.
As stated on the message, all maids who are interested in trying-out are required to only attend one introductory meeting. There are 2 locations for the convenience of our maids, who may live in different locations. You are not required, nor recommended, that you attend more than one meeting. Please do not attend more than one introductory meeting. Upon passing, you will be required to attend a follow-up meeting, and a short meeting at the con for preparation. Maids will be confirmed sometime in March, via e-mail.
Things in the Universe / Re: Happy Single Awareness Day!
February 14, 2009, 07:15:00 PM
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on February 14, 2009, 07:08:00 PM
A friend of mine invited me out to dinner with her and her boyfriend.  That was very nice of them. 

And honestly I got a lot of valentines from students this year. 

I'm lucky to have friends and people who care, even the little ones who drive me crazy at work all week.   :D

Awww, that's all very sweet. What grade do you teach?

So I bought a whole bunch of High School Musical Valentine's day cards to throw at Mikey when he gets home from work. They all say "To: PHO" or "To: DU MA". Can't wait until we buy 3 on DVD. :D

My mum's boyfriend is really sweet. He and my mum are planning on getting married soon, upon agreement, but he never had the opportunity to actually propose, so he and I went to go buy tons of balloons and wrote messages on them, and hid them under the covers of the bed. So when my mum gets home from work, she'll lift the covers and get attacked by a bunch of red, purple, and pink balloons.

If anyone is going to AOD tomorrow, my friend Yukie is hosting a performance in her own panel, and I'll be passing heart-shaped lollipops if anyone wants free candy. :J
Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 14, 2009, 07:07:45 PM
When you're in a car full of elderly people and they're blasting enka as if they were gangstas playing hip hop.