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Messages - EeveeGirl101

Sounds good, Yukari-san! Also, could you add Waffle-chan and I to the attendence list? I'll be going as Turn Back the Pendulum Nanao, and she'll be going as Sun Sun.
Is secretly male.
of the world.
QuoteQuote from: waffle-lover26 on Today at 07:11:39 PM
Quote from: EeveeGirl101 on Today at 07:05:07 PM
I would wear a wig for Nanao...but....The problem is, my hair is too long to be put into a wig! So I'm going to have to cut it.

Your hair is too long for a wig? I can wear a wig and my hair is about three times as long as yours...

You could wear a wig cap, that's what some people do, including me.

Meh, I'd rather have it cut. Since the convention is so nicely scheduled, I won't be seen all that much at school with it. My hair'll grow back over the summer, anyhow. Also, didn't you know Waffle-chan? My hair used to be extremley short and curly. I'll show you a picture soon!  Promise!
QuoteSeems more TBTP people yeah XD
I was like the only one this year TwT

What do you mean this year?! It's still '08? I thought it was '09! Or was that all a twisted dream? Doubt it, or else we'd have to wait even longer for the con!

QuoteAww~ Thanks. I have a new wig though, so I hope to improve the cosplay and do her the justice she deserves.

A new wig? Nice! I would wear a wig for Nanao...but....The problem is, my hair is too long to be put into a wig! So I'm going to have to cut it. When I told my friend this, she was going into a slight shock. It was surprisingly amusing to watch her point out all the reasons I shouldn't do it. She thinks I'll look od with short hair. I think I'll be fine, it's only an inch or so, anyhow. (Maybe two....)  :D
QuoteOh! Anyone know what kind of fabric I should use for the costume, I have no idea...
I think Yamamoto would go Ryujin Jakka on you two if you attempted to hit somebody with a book. It would be reduced to ashes.

I, too, want to know what type of fabric to use. For the kimono itself, and for the under garment.
Well, it would really depend on who we hit, and who attacked. If it was Byakuya, I'm sure he could get away with it. If it was Nanao, I'm sure she'd find a way to talk her way out of it.
QuoteI dunno, think you can help me drive him to a deadly coughing fit? Then I'll take over his family and all its assets.. Ill even give you..oh I dont know 30%  XD

Maybe...? Not sure I'd like to get scolded by ol' Yama, though. Maybe I can whack him with my book? There's no law in the Soul Society that says you cannot use books to thrash someone with.  ;D
Am not! I'm only rabid as a fangirl! And that isn't very often, mind you! And neither I, nor Nanao-chan, is a cannibal, thank you very much
Does anyone here know how to make the kimono the Shinigami in Bleach wear? This is going to be my first time sowing with fabric and the like, so I thought I'd stop here for some tips before I began. For the white under piece, or whatever you call it, I was thinking of making just a shirt with long sleeves. Does this sound like a good idea, or should I just go the cheap way most dealers do and sow it on to the inside of the black kimono itself? Also, how do you make the kimono, anyhow?

Sorry for the load of questions, it's just that the ones I have found online look flimsy, and not well made. (And not in my size! :D! I'm guessing that by now you can tell I'm a kid, right?)
General Anime Chat / Re: Who is your anime lover?
January 04, 2009, 09:51:44 AM
Hikaru Hitachiin! (Host Club)

Karou Hitachiin! (Host Club)

Neji Hyuuga! (Naruto)

Hanatarou Yamada! (Bleach)

The list could go on and on, but I'll stop here. ^-^
QuoteYAY another Turn Back the Pendulum cosplayer *U*

Yay! I'm so happy I'm not the only Turn Back The Pendulum cosplayer here! I was quite worried that I'd be the only one, aside from Waffle-chan, who knew what the heck I was taking about, let alone who I was. So glad to see I'm not alone here!

QuoteHehe yea. Maybe if I stick with that group people will actually realize that yes, I am cosplaying from Bleach and stop shoving me out of photo ops. >P

Your the one who is going to be Turn Back The Pendulum Byakuya, right, Yuu-san? I think I read this earlier...can I help you and Turn Back The Pendulum Gin annoy Ukitake? Please?

On another matter...does anyone know which day, time, and place this is going to be held at? Or has it not been decided yet?
Quote@ Eevee-chan

Turn back the Pendulum Nanao-chan?! The little adorable young Nanao-chan!?
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE~ I'm a Turn Back the Pendulum Yadomaru Lisa. \^o^/
This Fanime is going to ROCK my socks! XDDD

Really?! Yay! I saw one of the pictures- you look great as Lisa-chan! Since I haven't even made the costume yet, I don't know if I'll look good in it or not. Yup! I do mean adorable little Turn Back the Pendelum Nanao-chan! The only problem is, there aren't very many reference pictures. But, I'll make do! As for Waffle-chan...

No Death Note! That would just be odd, no? But, I'll tell you this. I'll ask a Light Yagami cosplayer, if we see one, if I could borrow his Death Note. Does that sound fair?
I, too, shall be going! With Waffle-chan, as well! Hum...I'm so nearvous it can't be helped! But then again, I'm excited! It's my first time cosplaying as well....

Anyways, I'll be going as Turn Back the Pendelum Nanao-chan. Why? Because. I have glasses, and I hate contacts. Also, Waffle-chan over there claims she can, "invision me now."! It's really as simple as that! ^o^! I hope to see you all at the con! By the way, you'll know it's me becuase I'll be carrying around a large book entitled: "Turn Back The Pendelum." I'm only doing so people don't think that I'm some random made up shinigami, because Nanao's hairstyle varies between Turn Back The Pendelum and now. Oh! And I heard someone is cosplaying as Turn Back The Pendelum Byakuya? Maybe I'm just imagining it, though.