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Messages - mDuo13

General Convention Discussion / Le gasp! :O
May 22, 2006, 12:15:15 AM
Aight, I'll prolly drop in, especially if I can convince other friends to go with me.
People who glomp strangers WITHOUT permission = dangerous and weird.
People who glomp friends, or strangers WITH permission = mostly harmless.

Cuteness factor of glomper = major contributor to enjoyability of glomp. Other restrictions may apply.
Forum Games / The What If Game!
May 21, 2006, 10:14:31 PM
Then they might be able to get to places on time.

What if all fansubs vanished forever?
General Convention Discussion / Le gasp! :O
May 21, 2006, 09:52:40 PM
I've pre-regged the past few years, including this one, but I've never been on Thursday. Is it really worth it?
My impression was that Melty Blood's main attraction was the Tsukhime characters. I'm not really sure though.
I had planned not to waste anime time playing M:tG, but if there's a draft, I'll drop in. I'll also probably get whooped being as I'm only passingly familiar with Ravnica (well, I did play two drafts one night about 4 or 5 months ago) and as for the other two sets in the block, I'm completely lost, but I'll give it a shot.

And, old cards are awesome but I'm not about to buy any. Got waaaaaaay too many things to spend money on at the con already. ;)
As long as they have printed schedules when I get to the con (unlike last year), then I'll be happy.
General Convention Discussion / Postcards
May 19, 2006, 10:46:04 AM
Well, I guess the solution is to print out your receipt, stick it in your mailbox, and "discover" it the next day. Presto! Instant Fanime-is-coming excitement!
General Convention Discussion / Glowsticks
May 19, 2006, 10:43:26 AM
Save us, Obi-wan. You are our only hope!
Forum Games / The What If Game!
May 16, 2006, 11:06:37 AM
Then the good days would be less special by comparison.

What if Cartoon Network showed Elfen Lied?
Dang, and I won't have a DS in time for the con. I've been waiting for the DS Lite to buy one. Maybe I can borrow a friend's.
The real question is, if you're wearing an armband: are you an alien, an esper, or a time traveller? Or are you just a normal human?

P.S. nice sig indeed.
General Anime Chat / No-Name Anime Club
May 16, 2006, 10:01:50 AM
Man, I was so disappointed to miss it! I came home from college just two days too late! After missing the nostalgia of being at the Santa Teresa, too!

Oh well, I'll definitely make the June one.
Gaming / Tabletop 2006!
May 16, 2006, 09:49:50 AM
I <3 the tabletop gaming room. It's like my safe zone at Fanime.

FNM would be great, even though I haven't even seen any of these newfangled Ravnica cards.

Also, I really want to get in on a tabletop RPG session this year. I've missed to many in previous years.
Gaming / Dance Dance Fanime! 2006 DDR Tourney
May 16, 2006, 09:46:55 AM
Man, all I care is that the DDR machine doesn't end up in the glare again. That was freakin' awful.

Also, I'm looking forward to being able to show off my improvement: from 5 feet to 9 in under a year, yay!

Oh, and as for the punchcards: doesn't it seem like it would be difficult to hit those center holes with a normal hole punch? They don't usually stretch very far past the edge. The way I see it, you should just have a layer around the border (maybe a double-row) and you can put a picture of a DDR machine in the center. Either that, or you can resort to stabbing them with a pen like I figure everyone will be doing anyway.
Generally, my best is Falco, though sometimes I'm pretty competetive with Jigglypuff. But I've played so little in the past year or so...
Asian Kung-Fu Generation would be great. Kotoko, sure. Yoshiki -- good luck.

Fred Gallagher would be nice.

But I really wanna see Yuki Kajiura, even though her live at AX wasn't so great. But, just to get her autograph...

Also, it would be totally awesome not entirely unlikely that we could get the Surf Coasters -- I saw them when they were in town a while back, and they were great. Not only good music, but really fun to watch.
I'm sorta surprised nobody has mentioned Speed Grapher.

Come on, you've gotta be disturbed by a villain who's a mutated dentist who "polishes" his enemies to death with Doc-Oc-style arms... with dental tools on the ends. Or at least at some of the other really disturbing stuff that goes on in that anime. But pretty good anyway.

Dokuro-chan and Elfen Lied are both givens, of course.
General Anime Chat / No-Name Anime Club
July 08, 2005, 10:16:21 AM
Last month I missed No Name due to work, only the second time I've missed it in what will be tomorrow... exactly four years of attending... T_T (My first meeting)

But I'm definitely going tomorrow! I'll be hanging out front as usual, with Chloe & Loktera. And Cedric, too.

You guys should all go -- Master Keaton, Chrno Crusade, R.O.D. TV, Mermaid's Forest, and Giant Robo are all really awesome shows, and I don't think I even need to say anything about Ghost in the Shell. Can't say I know anything about Dokkoida, though.

But seriously, over the years, there have been a lot of really cool things I doubt I'd have ever seen if not for No Name.

Also, I can vouch for my high school anime club not being a typical one. Then again, it was founded by some of the Studio Sokodei folks. ;) But this past year, I showed all kinds of great stuff, from the You're Under Arrest OAV to Tsubasa Chronicle.

But I don't get to go to my high school anime club any more. D:
"Don't you remember? You cut me into 17 pieces... instantaneously." -- Arcueid, Shingetsutan Tsukihime.