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Messages - Jun-Watarase

Things in the Universe / Re: Happy Single Awareness Day!
February 14, 2009, 01:52:06 PM
So I got a new hair curler.

Special enough for me!
Things in the Universe / Re: Happy Single Awareness Day!
February 14, 2009, 10:59:54 AM

Happy Hallmark Day, everyone! If anything, this commercialized holiday seems a lot more fun for single people. With couples, it's the pressure of using this day as an excuse to go on a special date, booze up, and time in bed together. Not to mention... gifts!

I'm spending Valentine's Day alone today, too. Pyron'll be at work all day, so we won't be able to do anything until after that. In any case, if this must be a holiday of love, there's no harm in taking the time to love yourself.

Time to camp drug stores for half priced candy.
Gaming / Re: So my PS3 is broken.
February 14, 2009, 09:50:21 AM
Quote from: LordKefka on February 14, 2009, 01:55:07 AM
Why is no one feeling sorry for me! I'm teh one hurting damn it! T_______________T

Same reason why no one plays Rock Band with you! :OOOOO

*Jazz hands!*
Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 13, 2009, 05:35:11 PM
Quote from: Steve.Young on February 13, 2009, 05:12:54 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on February 13, 2009, 04:44:29 PM
So my soon-to-be stepfather had his parents come visit briefly, so out of courtesy, I went out to greet them and introduce myself. What they said in response was, "What a cute girl you are. Are you graduating middle school this year?" I stood there, dumbfounded, until my stepdad while trying to hold back his chuckling, "Oh no, she's in college." and they were about just as dumbfounded as I was.

I have other awkward moments that I'd normally share, but I'm not sure if I'm able to do so. :|

If you wanted to, you could probably walk into a middle school classroom and no one would know. =P

Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 13, 2009, 04:44:29 PM
So my soon-to-be stepfather had his parents come visit briefly, so out of courtesy, I went out to greet them and introduce myself. What they said in response was, "What a cute girl you are. Are you graduating middle school this year?" I stood there, dumbfounded, until my stepdad while trying to hold back his chuckling, "Oh no, she's in college." and they were about just as dumbfounded as I was.

I have other awkward moments that I'd normally share, but I'm not sure if I'm able to do so. :|
Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 12, 2009, 10:00:33 PM
Quote from: PyronIkari on February 12, 2009, 09:58:57 PM
Quote from: Jun-Watarase on February 12, 2009, 09:57:49 PM
When someone starts singing....

"Five... Five dollar. Five dollar foot loooooooooong." when you're sitting next to them on the bed.

When you're in bed and someone poos in it


I hate you so much. Time to find a new boyfriend.
Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 12, 2009, 09:57:49 PM
When someone starts singing....

"Five... Five dollar. Five dollar foot loooooooooong." when you're sitting next to them on the bed.
There's a Buy/Sell/Trade board up now, so maybe better luck there.
She was suggesting the seating area on the balconies of the Metreon building. In no possibility would I ask to use a restaurant for practice.

Meetings in San Francisco will remain in The Esplande.
Great suggestion! But I am rather unsure if we'd be able to do that. The safest thing is to remain in the Esplande.

Also, we do not go over waitress training until the follow up meetings happen, which are after maids who pass are confirmed.
Things in the Universe / Re: Akward Moments
February 10, 2009, 10:57:00 AM
Quote from: Jerry on February 10, 2009, 10:17:04 AM
then again i wouldnt mind coming home to my (makebelieve) girlfriend and seeing her cooking in only and apron.

That would be awesome instead of awkward. :D

Reading this.
All of our maids are gamers to some extent, as on the profiles of their questionnaires, there's an option for them to list their favorite games. Though, I would appreciate that you do not use this thread to try to find out our volunteer's contact information. Afterall, one of our main rules at Fanimaid Cafe is "No stalking our maids, or any other action that disrespects their privacy." I would suggest an appropriate alternative, if there were one. Please modify your post and remove the request for our maid's information.

All our introductory meetings... are listed. So one the post, a page before, they're all there. They are also listed on the Volunteers page on our Fanimaid Cafe website. Feel free to ask me questions related to the cafe, however, I must point out that answers to most questions are in the sources provided.

As for the meeting location, meetings in San Jose can be moved into the Hilton Lobby upstairs and they DO get moved into a Hilton conference room during the second half, but the meeting place will remain. The meeting place in San Francisco will remain the same. Please understand that in order to get a venue, I must purchase one out of my own pocket, which is typically a few hundred dollars a day. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Also, to answer a very popular question: "Am I required to wear my uniform to the introductory meeting?"

No. We will all be typically dressed in casual clothing. As these are "try outs", most of our volunteers are assumed to not have owned a uniform this early in. I actually encourage that you do not purchase your uniform before you are confirmed for the cafe. We will go over uniforms during the meeting.
Things in the Universe / Re: Pet Peeves
February 09, 2009, 09:29:08 PM
Quote from: Mizuki on February 09, 2009, 09:27:43 PM

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Oh you.
Things in the Universe / Re: Pet Peeves
February 09, 2009, 04:49:00 PM
New pet peeves.

People who believe spirits in a bar mean "the spirit of alcohol", and still continue to believe it after it is explained to them.

People who believe that everything in the world can be explained from a dictionary definition.

Old pet peeve: Stupid people.
Quote from: Long on February 09, 2009, 03:53:15 PM
My idea is a good one. It is to me at least. But everything probably starts from an unrealistic basis. Simply because I have an idea that is probably highly difficult to pull off, or even impossible, the best way to deal with those suggestions is to explain why. And your repetitive plaintive cries of "you don't know what this bar is for", just really come off as stupid. Seeing as I am the one who has the image of the bar in my mind, and it is my idea, I am pretty certain I know what "THIS" bar is for. It may not serve the same purpose as your bar, but contrary to your belief, not everything has to be 100% authentic to be enjoyable. So the maid cafe isn't exactly like the ones in Akihabara. Who gives a flying f*ck? It's still fun. Sometimes otaku-ness like yours can reach a point to which you just end up pissing off other people with your uncompromisable nature.

But you don't know what your bar is for, and have so far not explained it. If you gave us an explanation of where you're actually going with this idea, perhaps we'd have more we could work with. So far you haven't explained anything.

And in reply to "So the maid cafe isn't exactly like the ones in Akihabara. Who gives a flying f*ck? It's still fun.", some people might not care, but a good amount of people do, which includes me. As someone who is currently running and organizing this event, I do care that the maid cafe should emulate an actual maid cafe. If anything, it was THE main concern, that the maid cafe is an actual competent maid cafe that'd emulate ones that of Akihabara. Attendees who are aware of maid cafes care, as well, and their responses to our maid cafe's previous years reflect that.

Pyron may not have been the nicest person in explaining to you, but the points are the same and explained plenty reason why there are issues with your suggestion.

Quote from: Long on February 09, 2009, 04:00:27 PM
And you are misinformed as to my knowledge of both concepts which I presented. I knew perfectly well beforehand what exactly a host club really is, and I know in general, how a bar is supposed to present itself. However, I thought common sense would play into this, and you all would understand that I did not mean to take either concept in its literal and realistic form. As for the host club, I had the idea in mind, something similar to Ouran, simply because I know those forms of prostitution are illegal in California. However, if it's just serving drinks and food (similar to what the Maid cafe does, and similar to the Ouran anime) then it would be perfectly fine. But you seemed to get hung up on the literal translation of a Host bar, so I didn't pursue it.

Really, if you were knowledgeable, you would realize why it's a bad idea. A host club is not simply sharply-dressed guys serving you food and drinks. Though, if we did run a "host club" like that of what you're idealizing, it would still be impractical to do.

QuoteThe bar was the same way. I presented the general vague idea of a bar. A congregational space of service, and conversation, and you got hung up on the literal translation of the bar as well, pretty much saying, that if it isn't perfect, we might as well not do it. These are my ideas and they would be followed according to my views, and not yours, if they were accepted. Simply because it doesn't meet your specific standards doesn't mean it won't work. I just felt that most of you came off as rude. Especially you Jun, and definitely Pyron.

It's not even so much as "meeting standards" as it is "actually working". What you lose from trying to make this "bar" pretty much strips what would make it "a bar", other than the extremely vague surface of what a bar is-- "some place where you get drinks". It would be like having a maid cafe with just girls in maid uniforms... and end it there.

Also, I shouldn't have to assume that I need to kiss up to you in order for you to be able to read information. I did keep my posts neutral for the most part when replying to you, until you made it very clear that you have no clue what you're talking about, and persisting certain things when they were already clearly told to you for being impractical or undoable.

EDIT: Again, I hate posting right after Mikey. >:|
Quote from: Long on February 09, 2009, 03:41:18 PM
Thank you for actually replying to my post in a thoughtful and polite manner. Until now it seemed that any forum idea would be immediately shot down by everyone in the rudest way possible without them even giving you a reason as to why.

But people did explain to you why, and no one was "extremely rude" to you, other than Pyron being quite blunt in explaining it to you. Everyone who posted on this thread, except Pyron and Codex are all "upper" staff. It just so happens that Jemz is an extremely nice person, but a lot of the information given to you was already said in a slightly less detailed form, that explain the same exact thing. The difference is, you needed it to be spoon fed to you in order to understand.

If you feel that attendees would be receptive to the idea, and that the positive effect is worth the money and effort, it would be considered. But the thing is, both the ideas that you presented, you pretty much had no real clue about as to how they function, in or out of FanimeCon.
Quote from: Long on February 09, 2009, 01:33:30 PM
The spirits of the alcohol that you refer to, would be absent of course, but to be honest, Fanime has a spirit all on its own, and we don't even need alcohol to bring out the fun and conversations at a serving place.

To be honest, I was thinking... "Did I read this sentence right?" and to my dismay, I did.

But just as an fiy, Eric is part of Head staff and is aware of what doing something like this would entail for the con, and it's rather impractical, to put it simply.
General Anime Chat / Re: Toradora! Is it worth watching?
February 09, 2009, 11:07:55 AM
Pyron pretty much copied my opinion, pft. But yes, I will have to strongly agree that the character are VERY nicely designed. And to add, even the background characters are interesting (Like Yacchan. \o/)

Ryuuji, Minori, Ami are all surprisingly very realistic and in-depth characters. Some people fail to see why Minori is realistic, but she is, especially in the high school scene.
Things in the Universe / Re: Happy Asian New Year! :D
February 09, 2009, 11:02:52 AM
Quote from: xXunyuuXx on February 09, 2009, 10:08:40 AM

Just curious, but is there any particular reason why you make single posts of just random emoticons? :|