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Messages - XpHoBiaX

I am going to be Kadaj....only cuz I wanna wear a leather outfit again. And fanservice yo...
I have an extensive list of music for every mood swing at any given moment....So I'll just leave the Music section alone. lol It's always a constantly changing thing.

Edward Scissor Hands- Edward. To use SimaSeph's words,  "A brilliant, yet tragic figure."
Sleeping Beauty-Maleficent. Just plain mean and evil. And the best BAMF'n villain out there. 

At least it ain't bathroom pics or shower pics. lol

I'm going for Rovers next year. >X3
Yes I can. Although I may need clearer reference pics of the drill itself. :) Just to be on the safe side, especially if you want to be accurate.
I haven't gotten mine either, Kimiko. I know Suspi is a good guy, so I am sure if anything happens he'd get on it. So I am just chillin'.

I hartz drumcore. My former teachers in percussion and drums were Blue Devils. That was years ago

Unfortunately, I probably won't make it.:( Unless I start feeling better and up for travel. If anything, take pics for me!
It was the pringles cans I glued them on too. First I cut the cans into sections, different sizes depending on what I was working on. The I'd cut out pieces of craft foam about double the size of what I cut the pringles can shape.

like with the shoulder armor tips, all I did was pinch the foam in the middle, and used a hot glue gun to stick it to the piece I cut out. That is how I got the pointy tips. I used an industrial punch tool, to punch a hole in the sides for string.

It's really simple. Painting was the hardest. Some colors of craft foam don't hold acrylic paint. So I had to use black spray paint, or latex indoor/outdoor paint. Latex bends and stretches. It also helped stiffen the armor parts, yet still gave an allowance for movement. Unfortunately, the shin guards were never seen in the photos I have. But oh well.
Things in the Universe / Re: Deadliest Warrior
June 07, 2009, 09:46:10 PM
I watch this show everytime I am at my moms' house. I love the Yakuza vs Mafia.
Despite being Italian, I thought the Yakuza would win. They had precision weapons that were pretty deadly in their own right, and martial arts. It was the brute force and just plain gnarly weapons that brought the mafia out on top. But it was a very close call.

I didn't really expect any mafioso to get past the sai. The icepick to the neck was pretty bad ass at the end. Especially since the Yakuza side said they'd never get close enough to have that happen.

I didn't think the Spartan vs Ninja was fair at all. They should have had a different match up then that.
We mixed it with cherry 7up. Yummeh.

Well, I hope to see everyone if not now...eventually. lol.
Would anyone be willing to pick me up in Tracy? O_o cuz that is the only way I'll be making any meet-ups. Sonic anyone?lol

Although, I will still have to wait and see if I am feeling alright by the end of the month. There's no point in going anywhere if I am not feeling too great. @_@ 

Oh, and thanks Otaku for the booze. It was yummeh. Gramma says thanks too. lol (I shared it with gramma and grampa  ;D)

Ah, thanks! The pics are very nice. X3 I use dial-up, hence epic failure.
Thanks :) those are all first attempts too. I get bored easily and I always need to do something or I'll go batty.  ;D I have a bunch of artwork I am working on as well.
My retarded internets can't seem to load the page. @_@ I'll keep trying though.
Quote from: yumicchi88 on June 06, 2009, 09:56:22 PM
do you have picture of it?
I want to get inspiration.
Thank you!,12752.0.html

I made a topic here for you to view. :) I am currently looking for pics of me wearing the outfit. I'll update when I get them.
So I finally dug through some cd's I had of all my DIY projects, and my recent files of DIY projects. Good and not so good here, I make things randomly and on the spur of the moment. I hope you enjoy.  

left hand guantlet. Craft foam, pringles can.

Pringles can and craft foam. Counter is made out of eyeshadow case.

Blades out of craft foam. (cardboard center)
I FORGOT TO PRIMER THEM!!! FSCK FSCK FSCK!!! oh well, next time.

^finished product

Resin cast garage kit helmet, primered and painted.

Shin guards.

Pualdrons and spaulders.(Shoulder armor and upper arm armor)

^Parts of my predator costume. Made out of pringles cans and craft foam.

Costume pics:

Banged the blades before this photo. They looked all cracked, 'cuz I didn't prep+primer them before I painted them.

Mini foam top hats.

Painted up squirt guns. (wip)

Gun arm. Pringles cans, craft foam, litre bottles, dowels, string.

Unfinished eye piece. Plastic juice container top, mesh, platsic cap and upholstry material.

Gave this skirt a bustle.

kitty face mask out of upholstry material.

Stuffie named Ghoulie

Crown to fit a dollfie

Leather crafted+tooled bracelets.

Face Mask.
I made predator armor with nothing but pingles cans and craft foam. I make wrist guards, guantlets, shin guards, I even made a gun arm with pingles cans. These things are used in combination, so that they can last during long periods of wear. You can make any kind of armor with pringles cans. You can make props too.
Using those things in combination, rather then individualy, makes them more durable.

I can also build armor out of plastic buckets, soda/juice bottles, rubber maid mats, anything you can find at a dollar store, or stuff around the house.  I'll get a topic up in Incredible Things I can Make, so you can see examples.

That and resin is heavy. I have a resin helmet I wore for my predator cosplay last year. @_@ It wasn't that much, but it got heavy after a while.

This is a link to documents and info you will need for working in Artist Alley. That is all that I know though. It should answer your questions.

Also, this forum could help you out as well.,31.0.html

Usually with these aim things some one just opens up a chat room and invites everyone on the list who posted here.

I would really like to go hang with you guys. But I may not be able to do raging waters or anything like that.
Some medical issues came up, and I need to sorta slow down. At least until I know what's going on. Right now I am just feeling tired, cuz stuff hurts. And angry becuase I have to wait around.

I'd be up for a Movie night/house party/mall gathering. July would work best for me. I have a doctors' appoint on the 17th. I'll most likely be feeling better by then.
If you can't do resin, pringles cans and craft foam is a nice, cheaper alternative.