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Messages - SOawesomeness

Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Girls T-shirts PLEASE
February 27, 2008, 05:24:42 PM
I'd would love it even more if it was blue. :0
But uh, that's just my input. xD
The one I have right now is 6.0 mp, canon point-and-shoot.
But yeah, I was thinking about a digital SLR, although I'm still not sure. So far, the ones I have seen are either 6.1 mp or 10.2 mp =.=;;
And then there's that random spec/technical stuff that I claim am too busy to look into. @.@
I hope I don't take 3-ish months to just figure all that stuff out like I did for a computer... >.<
Things in the Universe / Re: Favorite Places.
February 27, 2008, 05:06:31 PM
Fanime. :P
If that's not available, then probably in my room with no one else home. :D I love to sing really loud and pig out on food without anyone telling me to shut it or stop eating. xDD
If not, then probably just the movies or like... a friend's house... or something...

Yeah, I'm a tad anti-social. >.>
OMG I forgot about Whose Line Is It Anyway... though I haven't been able to find it lately... =.=;;
Registration / Re: Which age should I have put?
February 27, 2008, 04:45:34 PM
Quote from: ZukoLKirafan1 on February 27, 2008, 04:05:16 PM
I also have question. When you register what do you have to put down?
Can you be more specific? Just in general, fill out everything that was required... Or are you talking about when you register at the door and not pre-register?
I'm not reading all of that, but I think "Free Hugs" should be okay since it's almost everywhere nowadays. :3
(And I saw a booth at Wondercon with "Free Hugs Here" on it. ^^ )
Registration / Re: Anyone already set?
February 26, 2008, 09:06:32 PM
Aww, poor Milton. xD
Potato Peeler. o.0 Wait, that's not a household appliance... whatever. xD
Yep. :3

Mine are:
Supernatural, Smallville, Heroes, Chuck, Journeyman, Pushing Daisies, Life (because the main actor is very attractive!), House, Lost (so far from what I've seen), Scrubs, Simpson (whenever I find it on the T.V.).

But yeah. I watch all my stuff online, though. xD
The only occasion I would use a pretty darn expensive camera would probably be at conventions that I attend ( which would be... 4-ish a year? >.> ). My camera right now makes blurry pictures like no other, and I like having really nice looking photos, especially when it comes to exceptional costumes.
And it would be really nice for future things, too. ^^
Well, it's being set up and run by high schoolers, and it's basically for high schoolers in that area, though any HS are welcome. :3

I'd never find enough motivation in my high school's anime club to run a con. =.=;;
:P I know almost nothing about cameras, and I really want to buy one that isn't so bleh like mine. But anyways, I wanted to know what you look for in cameras. :3
(All I look for in one is if it is reasonably priced and high-ish megapixel. >.> )
I just had an idea about this, and I'm not sure, but what about like... a panel on How To Take Good Pictures or something...? >.>;;
Ooh, I'd heard of that convention and was planning to go... maybe. Seito Chibi Con, from when I checked last, is only available to high school students and first year college students (middle schoolers are allowed if they have a high-schooler guardian with them). It sounds pretty fun...
Avairrianna- I think I saw you at AOD last year...

The only cosplay I have done so far is my Yuna one:
I don't really have a good one by myself. Maybe I'll get some this year as well as my new cosplay. :3
Registration / Re: Anyone already set?
February 26, 2008, 04:43:46 PM
I've had it since it first was available online.
^^ Just gotta work on my cosplays now.

YAY. 87 more days!!
xD Thanks for your suggestions. I'm fairly confident that it'll hold.. but just in case, I'll hold it with two pins and have extra ones hidden around my cosplay. :3
OMG another one: Registration's servers crash and it can't be fixed for half an hour at around noon on Saturday. o.0
At any theater, if the lighting technicians are good and professional, usually actors can't see audience members very well because of the lighting. It's not that bad. :3 And it helps that you can't speak, rather, and use tape instead. ^^
I don't know which days events are at... but in general I plan to work at Registration for more than 1/2 my time at Fanime because I love it so much. ;D And it's fun for me and friends. Then check out arcades after my shifts, eat depending on if I can find food, attend some panels that I'm uberly interested in, go to Masquerade, Masquerade ball, check out Rave... other than that, most of my time walking around/eating/breaks will be of taking pictures of attendees. :3 I LOVE PICTURES OF COSPLAYERS. I basically RUN THEM DOWN if I see a really good one and they're walking away. >.> At other times, I'd plan to just hang with friends and walk around the con. ^^

I can't wait to work Reg this year. ^^ I'm so excited.
OH. I KNOW. My safety pin holding the two sides of my cosplay's top pops off and I flash everyone. x.X
Someone glomp-tackle without my permission and my top pops off.
I walk around and my top pops off.
My top pop off.
I don't prepare my things right and my pants fall off.
I sit down without covering the sides of my thighs and my underwear is totally exposed.
>.> That'd be awkward. Especially when I would be working Reg. >.>

But uh, I'd really probably kill someone if I lost my poster that I have Lanzer and Vo sign. D:<

OMG that would suck. No room... o.0 Wow, I hope staff rooms are still going to be available.