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Messages - HunterZero

Quote from: weirderraindrop on July 25, 2012, 09:30:09 AM
Hell yes. Do they still show Maiden Diaries?

They show different stuff every year. I haven't actually stuck around after running the HMVs for the last few years. Just not as much fun anymore.
Quote from: Glitch on July 20, 2012, 12:01:57 PM
No, my friend was the much older gentleman who came up with the "Horse!" chant. Everything he says is extremely clever.
I've had my share of stupid people thinking they are funny, but I see the "taking it too seriously" crowd much more annoying.

I beg your pardon sir, but I'm the person who came up with the Horse chant.

It came about because of one year they were showing some hentai based upon Maids and at one point, it looked like there was going to be beastiality involving a dog, but it was cut out (or didn't happen, don't know which). Then they started showing a horse drawn carriage and I started screaming "HORSE!" whenever it came on screen.

And thus, a legend was born.

I was also the guy who sang "I fell into a burning ring of fire" during one particularly bad hentai.
I just tried calling the Fairmont and they referred me to FanimeCon housing, which is a message saying housing is now closed for 2012 and to check the website for information on 2013.
Now comes planing for the other conventions and my european vacation! After that, time to start working on 2013.

I deal with it by hanging out in #fanime, sleeping, eating and working.

Oh, and Judo. I get beat up a lot.
You make a good point. My main thought behind having things in blocks was that if there is a story line, having it broken by something else can cause its own issues.

Still, I'll think about that for next year.
Quote from: Lucifargundam on May 29, 2012, 01:33:36 AM
I wish the lines wern't so long :( any way we can make the rooms bigger or something?

I don't know if there is anything that can be done about that, the showing happens in the Hentai room and its size has been the same for several years.

Quote from: LastExile on May 28, 2012, 05:45:38 PM
Can we get links to the videos shown?
Quote from: ket on May 31, 2012, 06:05:02 AM
So yeah....any way we can get links or directions to the videos?  ;D
Those were just gold.

I don't have any easy way to host the files that were shown, sorry. I'll see if I can set something up in the coming months and I'll post here if I get it setup.

This year's co-winners are:

"Makes Me Thirsty" - By King Brown

"It Literally Just Happened" - By Khaotic Kinema

Congrats to both of you! Your prizes will be mailed out this week or next week.
I'm the guy who ran Midnight Madness on Friday evening. I'm interested in any feedback people have. So far, I've gathered this much:

"Freeman's Mind" was a hit
"Robotech - How drugs won the war" was NOT a hit

Anything you'd like to see for next year?
Quote from: OGIGA on May 22, 2012, 02:32:14 AM
Any ETA on when the schedule will be released?

I estimate that it will be released on Thursday, May 24th at 10PM.
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Hilton HDMI?
May 17, 2012, 01:46:57 PM
Quote from: kookiekween99 on May 17, 2012, 07:54:08 AM
The CMR website says "All guestrooms are equipped with external port for AV and gaming devices." The Hilton website says nothing useful. So I guess I have to rely on other people's experience here.

Do the "external port for AV and gaming devices" include HDMI?

Few hotels support HDMI inputs. Of all the places I've stayed in recent years, only the Bellagio in Las Vegas had HDMI, and that was right after their upgrade last September. Your best bet is to call the Hilton directly and speak with someone in maintenance.
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on May 17, 2012, 12:54:13 PM
You know, come to think of it, what exactly is the Convention Centers Capacity Limit?
It won't matter much when the expansion is finished, but it would be interesting to compare the attendance to the capacity.

That's a complicated question. It depends on the layout of the facility, which is something that is determined by each event planner. After the layout has been determined, the fire marshall has to inspect the area and give the number.

You can get a little more information here:

Since FanimeCon has the rooms setup in a specific arrangement, you'd have to ask them what the capacity is given their layout. Generally speaking though, the number of chairs in any given room is close to the capacity with some percentage (I've heard 10-15%) reserved.

My personal guess (pulled out of thin air) is around 25,000 people. The bigger issue to me with FanimeCon isn't the convention center, but the lack of nearby hotel rooms.
I suspect that's mostly due to the program still being in a state of flux.

My understanding is that the Yaoi events are put on the Yaoi-con staff, and I doubt they've gone anywhere.
Video Programming / Re: Anime Hell in 2012
May 14, 2012, 10:56:58 AM
Midnight madness is a good alternative to Anime Hell, and we've got a lot of fun stuff planned for this year
I enjoyed being able to shout out the episodes we wanted to watch. That was fun
Quote from: Glitch on May 12, 2012, 11:18:57 AM
Question; Is it ok to use words on the images? I won't be doing anything like subtitles but a certain scene would be really funny if I added certain texts. Wanna be extra sure.

I'm almost done with my video, just need to move some scenes around.

You can do pretty much whatever you want, as long as it is within the rules. Besides that, it's really all up to the audience.

Hell, the Pokemon HMV has text and that's what really makes it funny.
I wish that someone, ANYONE, would import Melon Fanta from Japan, because I can't get it here NO MATTER HOW I TRY.

And no, other melon sodas don't quite make the grade for me. Whenever I go to Japan, it's a non-stop orgy of Melon Fanta and Dr Pepper from Don Quixote
General Convention Discussion / Re: Schedule
May 11, 2012, 11:30:15 AM
Quote from: kane64 on May 11, 2012, 10:09:35 AM
I don't know if this has been asked/addressed yet, but does anyone know when the schedule will be posted? Or are we going to have to wait until the day before to figure out what we want to do this year?

Usually, the schedule gets posted online a few days before the convention. I think the earliest I've ever seen it go up was a week before, but then again that might just be my memory failing. It is usually pretty close to the con since things are usually being fiddled with up to the end.
You could probably cosplay that one girl from Naruto. You know, the one who is a ninja and has a crush on Naruto.
I dare say that Ramune and Pocky sales alone would bring in the most money. Especially if they are competitive with the prices in the dealer room.
Quote from: Mouse on May 07, 2012, 02:15:30 AM
.... interns are replaceable, right?

You have NO idea how replaceable they are. If the UN ever found out what goes on with our interns, we'd be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

Which is, of course, as it should be.