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Messages - Tuplica

Quote from: "Vanessa"
Quote from: "KimaLucifer"Otakuya's just a nice person so you can't resist :D

Oh I just assumed he was dressed as some Catboy/Yaoiboy type. Cause those are the type the girls go nuts for.


...Though I apparently barely qualify as a girl, so.. uh.. hmph.  XD
General Anime Chat / Yuri Anime?
April 26, 2005, 06:49:49 PM
Utena.  Especially the Utena movie.  I really don't know much of yuri, so that's it from me.
General Anime Chat / Hardest to Draw?
April 23, 2005, 02:35:10 AM
I have a miserable time with the bodies.  The faces look good, the hair looks relatively okay, the hands and feet could admittedly use work, but... the bodies.. >_<  Always terrible.  I can't handle poses and I have a very poor knowledge of the way wrinkles in clothes should be done/look.  Blar.
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance Goodness!
April 23, 2005, 02:29:33 AM
I agree about the stink. :P  One of my classes at school has these things called 'wondervents', which are essentially a high-powered way of venting the air out and moving fresh air in.  It's too bad that the con centers we've been at don't have any kind of setup like that.  I also agree that a rooftop thing would be great, and maybe if you could get it high enough there wouldn't be a complaint about noise- but that could get cold and also be dangerous, unless there were serious precautions taken (like 10 foot fences or something) that people wouldn't end up falling off the edge. @_@;;
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance Goodness!
April 22, 2005, 03:16:43 AM
Aww, I love the glowsticks.  Though admittedly I didn't see anyone getting their eyes gouged by them.  A flash of light! A missing eye! Searing pain!  I can see how this wouldn't be all that enjoyable..

But still, if the glowstick ravers bother to make the space and hold on tight, it's fun to watch, and sometimes it just looks soooo good.  -drool-
General Anime Chat / Funnyest Animes
April 18, 2005, 01:16:26 PM
Slayers Next
Slayers Try (yes, my loyalties lie there)
Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
Super Milk-Chan.
General Anime Chat / GENDO
April 15, 2005, 10:51:52 PM
There was no selection for "That crazy cosplayer who stood in the elevator right in front of the doors and glared downwards at all entering persons in an effort to scare the bejeezus out of them" in this poll.  I am aggravated.   :wink:
Quote from: "gmontem"I did not quite like having to sit through parts of the second season of Fushigi Yuugi where the Seiryu Seven attempted to rape Miaka.  :?

I hear that. -_-;

Quote from: "hakudoushi"hmm. most disturbing ANIME i dont know. but for MANGA, its confidential confessions. dude, i thought it was just shojou, *twitch*

YES.  Holy hell, that manga is out there. o_o;;;;
Boogiepop Phantom.  Man, as much as I love that show, some of the episodes were just fuggin' FREAKY!
General Anime Chat / What's your favorite Ramen Flavor?
February 23, 2005, 01:06:02 PM
CHICKEN! XD I don't eat any but that. @_@  Well.. except for that one I had a friend's house... that had egg in it.. but I don't know what that is! *flails*
Ah, yes, I'm very fond of .hack.  I haven't even touched the games as of yet, but I watched the entirety of .hack//sign and .hack//twilight bracelet...  I thought twilight bracelet was kind of cute, and amusing, though I would've liked it if more of the chars from Sign had interacted with them/returned... All in all, though, I reallyreallyreally enjoyed .hack//sign and absolutely adore the music.  I nearly died when Ramen and Rice were performing some of the songs from it last year.  So gorgeous!
General Convention Discussion / History of Fanime?
February 23, 2005, 01:02:38 PM
'05 shall be my fourth con.  Gone every year since '02.  I'm looking forward to it... Though I still miss the old con center... XD
General Anime Chat / So...where do you buy your anime?
February 23, 2005, 12:58:17 PM
Ebay.  Lots and lots of Ebay.  Stuff can be generally found for less there, especially if it's an older release (instead of online and offline anime shops that'll still charge you 25 bucks for a DVD that's four years old) and there's always competition for the best deal, so chances are you can pay less there.

Otherwise, anime castle.  Very good deals, pretty good selection.
Sailor Moon Stupid was a 4-part radioplay parody.  Hilarious stuff, IMO.
Quote from: "Mordyan"Hmmm... I better go sell more blood if I wanna aford all that anime.  :roll:

*Buys blood*

*realizes she now has no $ for more anime* DANGIT! I hate conflicting addictions... *lurks off into dark corner*
I usually like good fansubs because too many companies these days seem to have a tendency to censor their subs, if only a little bit, which drives me nuts. Otherwise, I don't really care- if the dub is horrible for a certain anime (or there's only a dub for the butchered version of an anime) then I'll gladly take the sub, but I don't mind good dubs at all.
The only thing I'm watching regularly right now is:
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku!

Although I just finished Witch Hunter Robin a while back...
General Anime Chat / What's your first Anime?
May 02, 2004, 03:01:21 PM
I'm part of the Pokemon generation... However, Sailor Moon was the thing that actually got me pulled into anime's lair in the first place... a friend of mine had a binder with a picture of Super Sailor Moon manga style and I couldn't keep my eyes off it. :D
I only DL anime that hasn't been released here yet- It's that or buying the bootleg DVDs, and those not only take $ away from Japan but their subtitles suck.

And I agree- I haven't bought a -lot- of anime (I only buy my favs) but the retail value of my collection has got to be a couple thousand by now. @_@; Scary...
General Anime Chat / Anti this or that...?
September 25, 2003, 11:54:20 AM
Quote from: "Hououji Fuu"...speaking of fansubs, a fansub group FINALLY PICKED IT UP! *Squee* I love Rocketto-Dan, they're the only reason to watch the show. n.n

WHERE WHO WHEN and how can I get it? PM me if you like.... :D