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Messages - Krnchichiri


I'm scared that this thread is gonna die.
LOL. I remember that! I can't belive I forgot about that!

xD I totally didn't know what the mods looked like IRL. >>

Hehe... I can't wait to actually carry a conversation with one of them.

Geeze, I'm too much of a nerd/loser.

Still, can't wait. ^^ I'mma try to buy a disk gun... >>
LOL. Straight Jacket? >> I'd find him REALLY odd to be happy about that... LOL. That'd be cool, thrown into the closet.. I could be like "OMG LOCKE THREW ME IN THE CLOSET!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!"

Moon- Of course not! (I'm bad with words. xP ) I'd be interesting, though.. but I'd probably avoid my eyes. xDD
>.> Let's just hope I don't slack off and get lazy for the costume... like I did with my Sailor Pluto one. D:

LOL. I'd have to starve myself from now 'till then for that kind of waist. >.>

I still have some pudge to get rid of before I use the Jinx costume. She shows her stomach. >.>

I'd be interesting to see someone as Vanessa... *hint hint* xD No matter the shape! (Except MORBIDLY obese... >> )

Of course you can. I'd dress up like Vo, but no one would know who/what I was. >>

But even so, not many people would recognize Jinx.. T_T


You go, sexy Moonblossom mod-person!
That'd be awesome! Then hopefully I'll attend Fanime next year (as well as have my own hotel room. My age restricts me to... mother worries and stuff. D: )
Hoy people!

Apparently Gaia is having an official meeting... @.@ So instead, we're all going to meet there: Fanime Official Gathering on Sunday May 27th at 2:00PM at the Hilton Lobby.

I'll still keep a list, though. ;]

Teh Smexy Cosplayers (Mods loved!):
Moonblossom- Moonblossom. ^^
AkiraOmega- As himself. ^^ Yay~
notpirahna- undecided.
Girlycard- as herself. ^^
Jeans- as self. ^^
Malocide- flarn?

Aww, timeerkat couldn't make it.. Good luck traveling elsewhere! ^^

Oh, btw... you might just see me at Fanime with an anti Von Helson/Gambino sign, and my friend with the other. ^^
Oh. Well, I suppose I'll make my own mask. ^^


Hope the rumor's true... ^^
Ideas and Suggestions / Ball
November 19, 2006, 12:17:28 AM
I'd love to COSPLAY and LEARN to ballroom.

I'd be fun... but I don't know how to dance ballroom. LOL.
I think we should have a "How to talk to guys" panel.

I got to hug Vo... and get signed stuff. (I was only there for a few hours... for one day. D: )

This year, I PLAN to:

Stay all 4 days
Meet and talk/have a discussion with one of the Mods of GaiaOnline
Watch Anime
Stay at a hotel (which will only happen if an adult stays with us. D: )
Go with friends
Have 2 different cosplay costumes.

>< Hopefully.
Quote from: "BunofGovt"Ninjas already wear black.  Ninja ballroom dancing.  Now that's something I'd be interested in ...
xD I would LOVE to see that.
Well, if there were lessons and there was no *age* limit, then I'd LOVE the masquerade.

I'd need to find a costume though. >.>

Black and White-themed, eh? Hmm.. :/

Edit: Wonder if it costs?
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
November 18, 2006, 10:06:50 PM
D: I'mma just keep posting questions here... ><

I heard a rumor that volunteers got free rooming? :?
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
November 17, 2006, 11:23:38 PM
Shi_Musouka- thx muchos.

>< More questions, though.

So how is the refund refunded back? (As in physically or... credit-card-ly...>< )
Me= bad with words.

What if I want to volunteer, but I'm not out to seek the reimbursement?
>.< I don't want to buy cosplay clothes and I'm extremely inexperienced with cosplaying... nonetheless, here are my ideas:
(Btw, I'm not a big anime watcher/ manga reader. T_T
Oh, and I'll probably end up using only one or two. )

Moria (GaiaOnline)
Fina (Eternal Arcadia)
Vyse (Skies of Arcadia) [ very small possibility. ]
Rikku (FFX-2 OR FFX ) [LOL, really unorigional, I know. ]
One of the sailor scouts from Sailor Moon
Sailor Lethe (From Sailor Moon)

Hopefully I'll have at least one finished... >.<
Staff & Volunteers / Becoming a Volunteer
November 17, 2006, 07:52:00 PM
D: Mah, I'm too lazy to e-mail the volunteer e-mail, so I'll ask my question here. xD
(I'm glad that I'm over the age minimum... )

So, volunteers can volunteer at any day? Or only the whole entire weekend? Or we can skip out on our volunteering job for a few hours at a time?
(If I do have to ask someone to get off a little bit early, I don't think I'll be able to do that easily.. I'm shy. D: )

>.< Nyar. Answer, please~ I don't bite. xD
(Or at least that's what I say.)

Oh. What happens if you get weekend passes from a company and the passes are free? Will I get a refund?  :?

Ooh, paradoxical.