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Messages - TokenBlackGuy

Im up for anything, little confusing but ill keep reading it trying to get it :P
I haven't said anything for a long time. I might end up making my own character. but thats a might. And i'm getting a job in feburary with this program im doing and will be having it for 3 months , getting paid for it all so ill have money for fanime/costume. But i wanted to stay in a room but idk if i can do that , kinda sucks. I hope ill be able to get a hold of the costume i want and will probably have to edit it to fit. I hope to have a good time. Last year i loved the enviorment  friendly people. Nothing but pure fun and entertainment. months away and i can't wait.
Im totally psyched for fanime and its so far away. ill do what i can to help, just give me a job.
shinigami_lover are those chars u have in ur post sig gonna be who u dress up as during Fanimecon 2010?

and i feel behind even though i got like half a year till fanime, feel like i need to get everything i need for it now lol : p
I was planning to dress as Kazu, only because i like to run and he is the fastest person from the main chars. So i was acutally planning to create my own pair of At's just for show. I think this work be a good idea.
Hey guys, ive love fanimecon 2009 so much i cant wait for next year, such a lively fun friendly environment. So hope to meet some of you and hang out that weekend. So now one to the manga, if anyone is reading the mangam its about ot be Madara vs Danzo. Which sounds intense.
arg Disney. Stop ruining stuff.
im not changing my desicion on my cosplay .
so long away and im so stoked for it.
i got the jerk remark today, I told somone who i guess is planning on going to fanime about who i was planning on being. Im being anbu but also Kazu from air gear.
But there respose was oh, maybe u should find a darker skin tone charecter. i thought about it but thought it was kind messed up.
G4tv anyone, i was thinking that for a while, wondering if they could come and do somthing on it. It just an idea i had.
What about getting G4tv to be there, they always seems to be at conventions and stuff, just an idea.
Ok thnx, ill see what i can do.
Thank you glad to be a part of the group now. Im planning on stay the entire weekend with some friends of mine who i went with last year, how early should i try to get my rooms in a nearby hotel?
Location of the picnic, i hope to get along with everyone and hope to find and meet new people. I was there only Friday last year then realized after i left i literally said "OMG i wish i wasn't broke cuz i want to stay the entire time."
now even as it is months away im still psyched for it. I going to be there the entire weekend and will hope to hang out with a lot of people.
Here we go i took some pix here are some umm this was a really crappy camera and phone quailty so there. The person in the photos is my bestfriend like my brother and the black guy is me :p. If i took a pic of you here u go to find out.
I might cry lol, can we petition against this action ? :p. I guess ill stick to watching it online.
im acutaly about to go to school to be a cook, but i dont think im that experienced, i could cook somthin if anything. Actually i will cook somthin but ill decide what later.
Hello i went to Fanimecon only Friday in 2009, i hope to go for the entire event. I plan on being a Anbu ninja, and a Air Gear char. I hope to meet some of you people.

See idk if i took a pic of any of you, but after Fanimecon i got even more into anime and manga.
These are some of the pics i took . im the black guy with the white beanie. The guy in the pic is my best friend that inv me to go to begin with.