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Messages - keitoghostie

Registration / Re: Electronic Post Cards
May 22, 2012, 06:32:21 PM
Is there any way to check and see if we registered with the code?
Because I think I did but I'm not sure and I don't want to spend time in a line only to find out my badge isn't even there

I tried checking through the registration site and combing through my emails and it didn't yield anything!
Panels and Workshops / Re: Fanimad Libs.
May 22, 2012, 09:53:04 AM
Hey there! My name is Kate and I'll be co-hosting this panel this year!

This'll take place in SJCC Room C (Where the karaoke events are held, near the video screening rooms, map here)
on Sunday, May 27th from 11am-12pm (that's morning to noon!)

We're all very excited to bring this to you!!
I hope you'll be able to make it a part of your Fanime experience!
aaa i'd love to do the event as Mio Naganohara from Nichijou!

I'll be able to do Saturday as far as I know, but on Sunday I'm hosting a panel until 12pm so I might not be able to do that!!!
Hey there, I'm SUPER interested in the Yotsuba Revoltech, how much would that be?
I just visited the convention center last Friday and the former fountain actually looks pretty nice as a garden!

Granted, it's definitely not the same but it looks much better than the picture that was posted earlier and should make a nice background for cosplay photos!!
I will DEFINITELY be Jade, Eclectica Dress outfit for the gathering unless something comes up!

EDIT: there's a good chance i'll be bringing my flute along with me!!
Ben Nye is excellent, I've used it to cosplay Nepeta and had no problems with it. I'm pretty sure I didn't get grey on anyone and it looked very nice (although the cadaver grey color did show up as being a bit pinkish in some photos)
It was about $9 for 0.5oz of it which doesn't sound like a lot but it goes a LONG way. I used it for three days of cosplay and I probably only used 1/5 of what was in there (although I only used it on my face, neck, chest, and forearms)!!

Hanyaan's tutorial is a great one to follow for applying Gamzee's makeup!! In the info bar in the video she has her tutorial for creating general troll makeup!
It might be a good idea to buy the makeup now as opposed to closer to fanime because I'd heard a lot of people say when they tried to order or buy it, the color(s) they needed were all sold out.

As far as the horns, you might want to add a bit of weight in the opposite direction of where they're tilting (such as adding a bit of clay to the base to balance things out) OR you could remake the horns with a more lightweight material (styrofoam works excellently)

I can't think of any songs right now??? dang sorry!

I hope this all was helpful though!
This is really tentative, but I might be cosplaying Kim Pine??

I'm not super sure though, sorry!
As long as I don't have another meetup going on at the same time, I'll be there reppin the DCU as Rule 63 Ted Kord (Blue Beetle II)
Oh geez, I have a plethora of potential costumes, but probably over the course of the con, i'll be wearing 3-4 of:
- Karkat
- Dave covered in babydaves
- Jane
- Nepeta (which I wore last year so I probably WON'T be wearing this to the meetup)
- Sailor Scout Godtier John ?? (also a rewear)
- Fem Sollux

I don't know which to wear to the meetup, probably one of the first three, whichever sounds the most interesting to people I guess???

EDIT: Definitely going to be Dave OR Karkat, Karkat is looking a bit more likely right now!

Cool, I'm gonna be Nepeta and I even made her tablet

Aaa I'm really sorry but I totally have another meetup I HAVE to go to around the same time so I don't think I can officially make it!

I hope you guys have lots of fun, and I'll still probably wear my Blue Beetle costume either Sunday or Monday!
Oh man, this sounds great.

I totally have a genderbent Blue Beetle costume in the works, so I'll see you guys there!
I would love to see
- Melt-Banana
- Kaela Kimura
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Becoming a Volunteer
May 16, 2009, 10:37:54 PM
Thank you.  :)
Staff & Volunteers / Re: Becoming a Volunteer
May 16, 2009, 01:24:36 AM
I sent an email to [email protected] with some questions a couple weeks ago, but they haven't been answered yet.

1) What is the age limit? I'm 17, is there a parental consent form that needs to be signed?
2) I read somewhere on the forums that setup hours are doubled [1hr of setup = 2hrs towards a badge discount]. Is this still true?
3) I hadn't had the chance to preregister. Can I still do volunteer work on Thursday?
4) If I do setup work, can I earn my hours before I physically purchase my badge?
5) When exactly does setup take place?
6) How exactly is the money refunded after earned by volunteer work?
Nitro Mega Prayer!
I'd be super happy if they were a guest (in 2010, I suppose).
- Rilakkuma Mechandise (Like a wallet/plushie/T-shirt)
- Some sort of Loveless merch - possibly a cell phone strap
- Maybe a figurine or two?
- A dvd - either NOIR or Shuffle!