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Messages - KindaRandomKris

I'm bringing roughly one and a half costumes.
I'm rewearing Fuun-hime from last year, as well as wearing my 50% completed Autumn kimono Anastasia (Shadow Hearts:Covenant).

No time for editing, but I'll get around to it. Eventually.
I've used my school ID since my first Fanime :\ Okay yeah, that was only 3 years ago, but I've used it every year since.
I personally think it's a little unreasonable to expect a hardcore ID (by which I mean license, state, etc.). I always thought something official-looking (like school ID) with your picture and name would be enough, but eh.
Uh, well... I'm sure that officially, you're not supposed to, but I have seen a Little Slugger with skates, people on Razor scooters, etc...
I have officially entered the "OHMIGOD I'M SO NOT READY" phase.
I have sooo much work left to do...
Ok, got in touch with my partner, and we're doing Shadow Hearts on Saturday... so, that means CLAMP on Sunday.
Quote from: "hellangel"
Quote from: "KindaRandomKris"Considering the general consensus is Monday, I regretfully must withdraw my bid for participation. I'm only going to be attending Saturday and Sunday (Friday and Monday are travel days... boo for going to college out of San Jose!), so if any Clamp-y's see me on Sunday in costume, make sure to say hi!

Well, Monday was the *only* suggested day. Which day would you prefer? =]

Haha, Saturday or Sunday works best for me. Specific day depends on when I'm wearing Sakura... I have to find out when my partner is wearing her Shadow Hearts costume, so whatever day that's not on will be CLAMP day.
Considering the general consensus is Monday, I regretfully must withdraw my bid for participation. I'm only going to be attending Saturday and Sunday (Friday and Monday are travel days... boo for going to college out of San Jose!), so if any Clamp-y's see me on Sunday in costume, make sure to say hi!
I'm planning on coming as Sakura from the Vol. 9 cover, the super blue and white one where only the back of her dress is shown. I hope I can finish it in time, since it's already 2.5 months countdown.
My first Fanime, I had only two costumes, one each for Saturday and Sunday (the only days I ever attend). As a general guideline, I try to plan two costumes for the weekend, though last year I had three (Two for Saturday, one for Sunday).

But really, it depends on how much time and money you have to put into costumes each year, and how willing you are to find someplace to change (if you don't have access to a hotel room, and then I find it's usually the con-center bathroom).
I don't recall seeing any animals last year, but I don't think that there're supposed to be any pets/animals of any kind inside the buildings, unless they're seeing-eye dogs.
I'm most definitely planning on Sakura's volume 9 cover from Tsubasa, and I'm going to try and cram in Anastasia's autumn kimono from Shadow Hearts: Covenant.
Let's see if college allows for enough time to sew!
Ahh I didn't make it to this year's gathering - actually I did but didn't stay as I'd have liked, since I really just walked by, staring longingly and nearly colliding with several people.

I agree, the group did indeed look a lot smaller than last year's. I mean, you guys actually fit in the fountain area, even at the peak of the gathering o_O

I won't be able to make it to anymore Fanime's (*kicks college scheduling into the dirt*) but I hope you guys keep up the awesomeness that is Naruto gathering!

Ciao, younger people, older people, and same-age-as-I people!
Hey, Naruto-cosplay-people.
Due to another change of plans, I may indeed be able to show up to the gathering as Fuun.

Does anyone know how to keep a back-heavy wig from slipping? I've tried pinning, tightening, all sorts of things, but I guess the stupid ass thing won't stay on because my hair is too short and the ponytail is too heavy.
I've got chin-length hair, so pins and things don't really have a place to hold on to. Any help?
Quote from: "Yukari Kaiba"so how are people's costumes coming along? Fanime is next month! i'm so excited XD

Whee! I have nothing done yet ohohoho. I'm actually going to pawn the construction off on one of my friends, and worry about the wig only. The katana, which is made of two yardsticks sanded and sawed and glued and other things together, is about 25% done.

Quote from: "Yukari Kaiba"oh and since this is the Bleach cosplay thread, i think this little bit of news is quite relevent: I don't know if you guys already know, but apparently Bleach has now been licensed by Viz Media and will be airing on Adult Swim this coming fall. I can't imagine any of the characters speaking english, and i fear it might head down the same path as Naruto and sell out to Hot Topic T_T

But at least it'll be on Adult Swim - the voices are a little better than those available on Cartoon Network, and we won't have to worry about the precious violence being cut out. And Hot Topic is really a good marketing idea - it's everywhere, and the people who frequent those stores generally find anime an attractant.

Or at least that's the case at my school - several of the 'rebels' and 'punks' and 'goths' and whatnot gravitate towards anime because it's not 'mainstream', as it is.

Yeah. Ignore my wannabe marketing knowledge. Because I'm not really sure what I'm talking about.
Whoops. I won't be able to make it to the gathering this year, due to unforeseen circumstances.
If I see you guys around, though, I'll probably drop by for a few minutes.

May your photo-ing endeavors be successful!
Quote from: "digimel11"
*insert lame change of subject* anywho...what's everyone's progress on costumes? how much ya got done so far?

Fuun is done!! Whee!
I just need to buy and style her wig now. Otherwise, she's good to go!
Quote from: "uzutake"Anyone holding a Naruto gathering?

Try searching the forum next time around, yeah? :]
Quote from: "Blue Impulse"I'm definetly considering calling a "Characters that have no appeared in the dub yet" picture shoot, followed by "Characters who die that the Dubber's dont know about yet" shoot :D

That's sorta mean =\
We really shouldn't discriminate against the people who don't have access to fansubs and scanlations, or don't understand or read Japanese. Sure, it's fun to group them differently - since we are further along in the series than they are - but spoiling such an interesting story would be sorta cruel.

But hey, if you do it, I can't real do anything against it.
Quote from: "Zekke"Im gonna be a Hidden Leaf Ninja for all the con. is that wierd? :?

As long as you clean your costume (Febreeze, handwash, machine wash, whatever), use deodorant, and shower reguarly, no, it isn't weird. Not everyone can pull together multiple costumes - hell, I'm having trouble with three, and I've been working on them for nearly a year now.

Also, I'm going as:
EGL-ish Caterpillar - Alice in Wonderland
Hitsugaya Toushirou - Bleach
Yukie/Fuun-hime - Naruto the Movie
and possibly this one original design I've been dying to make, if only for the wings.