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Messages - D001

Quote from: impersona on March 30, 2011, 01:22:26 PM
I am Sage and I will be returning with Taiki!   If I have the time I will do his costume from the cover of the American copy of Sea of Wind, and hopefully a little stuffed dog to be my loyal shirei <3 

CAN'T WAIT <3  The meet was awesome last year and I look forward to it again!

*squishes you* I'm so glad you're coming back! And so glad that I get to see my Taiki again :D

I've still got to fix up Tai-ou from last year, but I'm still planning on bringing him <3
Ginryuu, you are awesome.  That was the general idea I was going to type out, and I so failed and confused myself.  It was epically awesome fail, actually. *g*  But I'm c/p'ing that into the first post here as well and I think we can mostly stick with that, unless, like you said, anyone has other specific ideas upfront. *high-fives*

Kimu, but it'd still be an awesome giggly shot *beams*  I'm sure we will have lots of awesome spontaneous crack.  It's Saiyuki! XD

I think I also require HMG being amused at everyone shot.  And everyone else looking like DOOM just settled in the corner...with a colony of penguins.
Quote from: Ghetto Kitsune on March 16, 2011, 12:44:03 AM
My Lirin cosplay came today! I now have then entire thing! ^^ Can't wait for fanime.

Yay!! That's super exciting!

I can't wait for Fanime and to see everyone either! XD
Quote from: Charis on March 09, 2011, 09:55:55 PM
Quote from: D001 on March 09, 2011, 07:21:28 PMI swear, I wish I could channel Sanzo at work and not get fired for it.  He's got an awesome boss <3

You just say that because you have to put up with me for a week and change come Fanime. :P

Could be, but mostly it's because I think you'd find it entertaining if I went off on attorneys like I'd like to be able to. <3

RE: food.  I'm good with the place we went to last year (that was the place that was on the same street as the Japanese place but a block-ish closer to con, right?)  And if I recall right, they had vegetarian options for me (that would be my only veto).

How is everyone doing?  Thread has been slow (I'm assuming it's because everyone else is just a WTF busy as I am ^^;;; ) I hope everyone is doing well!

Does anyone have any picture requests or ideas for pictures we can make a list of upfront?  Might as well start getting a rough list together of some ideas so we're more likely to hit all of them.  (and if you don't have ideas now, bring your ideas to the gathering itself <3)

I'd like a picture of Hazel trying to take Bunny's soul *g*
Got the first post updated!  Yay for another Lirin <3  Can't wait to have you Willow17! :)

I swear, I wish I could channel Sanzo at work and not get fired for it.  He's got an awesome boss <3  (and really, my job would be so much easier if I didn't have to be nice XD) /workrant XD
Hi BSaphire!

Can we go ahead and submit our gatherings still?  Or is that process on hold as well?  I don't want to forget to get mine and Ginryuu's gathering in, but we definitely won't be a 60+ gathering.

Yay for Kougaiji! ^_^

Got the first post updated and can't wait to meet you! :)
Awesome.  I went ahead and put 6p in the time slot (and 5:30p for Poker whee~!).  I'll leave the dinner TBD until we get some more details in mind there.  (I'd like to include the dinner as well ^_^)  I figure if we can at least decide where we want to eat, then we should be good to go ^_^ (then no wandering around going whu? XD)

@Kimu - OMG is it really the year of the Rabbit? *g*  I'm going to have to look that up now XD

I'll give it until next weekend, you think? and then submit our gathering request.
Quote from: Charis on January 20, 2011, 12:51:06 PM
Bad: No Captain Mom for me this year.  You can blame my lieutenant for this development -- Shokora and I will both be occupied with the Hetalia gathering Sunday morning.

Good: Minazuki will be coming to Fanime with me, and may still attend the gathering. XD

Gin would be more than happy to escort Minazuki to the gathering ^________________________________________________________________^

edit: escort not escrow, apparently been working too many closings lately and Gin promises not to close on Minazuki, Gin likes Minazuki and promises to make sure Minazuki gets home safely, if not tipsy on sake <3
Yup! I think we're trying to be where the TB and TK gatherings were last year, if I'm not mistaken. ^_^

So do we all agree on 6p (was it?)

Also, someone mentioned dinner, which we did last year and I'd love to do again (with a little more advance planning XD)  Did we want to try to plan on that as part of the gathering again? Or just do Saiyuki Poker and the Photoshoot for the official gathering?  ^_^
My vote would be for early evening as well.  I think we had our gathering 6ish last year and there was still some awesome light left.  Do I recall that correctly Ginryuu?
Hee! I think I can manage that XD

Hopefully everything is going well with everybody and plans are solidifying for Fanime ^_^
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful new year!  Mine involved lots of food, so it was fantastic <3

So resolutions...I think the top of Sanzo's list would be to shoot more idiots *g*
Aw, but May will come soon enough :D you'll see!  After all, a week and a half and it's the New Year already! <3

And what are all of our various Saiyuki guys/gals/Merciful Goddesses going to be doing for the New Year, I wonder? XD

This Sanzo will be movie marathoning with friends over pizza and beer <3 
Yay Lirin XD  Can't wait to have you join us! I've updated the list. :)
Here it is! FMS = Front Marriott Side of the Convention Center Lobby (tree area)
I grabbed it as the closest to what was mentioned earlier in the thread for location. ^_^

Also, did we want to go ahead and set this for Friday and work time out later?  Or did we want to leave both day and time to be worked out later? (later as in after the big gatherings get set)
Ack! Not sure why I didn't have you on the list, Kimu, but that's been fixed now.  Will have to make sure we've got wine to welcome our Western guest <3

I've got the coscom link updated as well. :)

I'm thinking at this point that I'll bring Sanzo to Fanime, but may revise that at a later date.  Of course, Bunny will still come <3

Also...I think I got the correct code for the location, but please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong! XD  I think it's the Marriott side, but I might be getting the hotels mixed up...
Quote from: Shinigami_Lover on July 30, 2010, 11:31:16 PM
I love Gin more now! That is all I have to say!

*beams* <3

I don't know why all of you wouldn't love me...I'm loveable and cute and happy and I always greet everyone with a smile. <3
I see that you are dictating your King's schedule now?

But yes, so long as you can find me, I shall be there :D
Haha! Perfect timing then, as I was just getting ready to PM you on *hearts*

And yay for co-hosting! :D *hugs*

I was thinking that we could have the location where the TB and 12K gatherings were, since they were still outside, so yay nice, but they were in shadier areas, so yay being able to see.  Also, not in the direct path of traffic. ^^;;  Thoughts?