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Messages - Cosplay_Rose

Finally getting my cosplay schedule in order, I'll be Maid Yoko, Ed's not cosplaying that day.
So our group had a bunch of stuff come up. As far as I know, we lost everyone except myself (Yoko), Nia, Viral, and Attenborough, and Viral and Attenborough are only maybes now.
Also, I'm going to be Maid Yoko now, not Time-Skip.
Panels and Workshops / Re: ESCAPE the Room! 2012
March 16, 2012, 05:42:44 PM
I would love this so much.

Quote from: The Doctor on January 12, 2012, 08:12:19 PM
Sounds like fun, but it also sounds like a fire hazard. Just seems like the fire marshal wouldn't take kindly to locking doors of occupied rooms.

I also agree with this. Perhaps the door shouldn't really be locked, instead of the goal being to unlock the door, it should be to find a specific key that would theoretically unlock the door. (Basically participants would just imagine the door was locked.)
Quote from: bahamutknightzero on March 02, 2012, 09:32:07 PM
Quote from: Cosplay_Rose on March 02, 2012, 08:52:47 PM
Unfortunately, my Ironette costume won't be finished by Fanime, so I'm going to have to skip this gathering, you can take me off of the list. :( I'm really disappointed. Maybe next year!

That is a total shame. You don't have any backup costumes that could be done in order to still make the gathering?

I wish :( I might stop by to take pictures at least!
Unfortunately, my Ironette costume won't be finished by Fanime, so I'm going to have to skip this gathering, you can take me off of the list. :( I'm really disappointed. Maybe next year!
Panels and Workshops / Re: Panels we want for 2012 ^-~
January 28, 2012, 03:07:09 PM
Quote from: renalcul on January 26, 2012, 07:34:18 PM
How would i go about making it so that they get the discounts, since my ticket is free anyway :D

I'm not staff or anything, so this isn't an official answer, but my best guess.

Have one of your friends submit the panel and put the second friend as their helper (you can only list one helper). If you're wanting to get credit for the panel, which I don't blame you for, have you friend make a note of it in the "Other Notes or Comments or Questions" section of the form. I'm not sure that this will guarantee you get your name listed as a host though, I'm not sure how that works. If you're friend's not sure what information to submit, you can fill it out but don't submit it and e-mail the information to your friend to submit.
I vote for the gathering to be Saturday in the early afternoon or late morning (some time between 11 and 1). :)
Okay, now that some other gatherings have their times up, I now have time preferences for this gathering.
Friday at 4pm or earlier
Saturday at 3pm or later
Sunday at 2:30pm or later
I came to RSVP, but I see I'm already on the list, haha. Officially checking in as Mercedes (Raisins girl)! :D
I would like to attend as an Ironette. Depends on when the final day/time is, but I intend to have the costume finished by then, so I hope to be there. :)
I've heard the version I did called "bounty hunter Yoko" also, I think a lot of people "fuse" the two in their head, I'm just not used to referring to it that way myself. :) It doesn't bother me though, call it what you like, so long as no one argues with me when I don't call it that. lol
Oh yeah, haha I forget it's called that. (I always think of her bounty hunter outfit as this one I'd love to see a Boota fursuit, it sounds adorable! We just wanted to do something simple and comfortable though.

The gunmen would be replacing Simon and Kittan, or rather they'd be inside of their respective gunmen.
Ed and I should be there! We don't know as what though, depends on what day. Though I'd like to come as White and Black Mages.
Haha We kept saying that we'd be the entire gathering, I didn't think we were actually big enough to make one. I believe everyone's pre time-skip except for myself (I'm so left out in my own group lol). I'm doing this version (this is me except I have a rifle now). Boota is going to be a kigurumi, nothing super special, but he'll be there! lol
We want to make gunmen (King Kittan and Lagann), but I don't know what the status is on those, so I wouldn't bother listing them, I'll update here if they get made.
I'll be there as time-skip Yoko with my group. We have a young Simon, Nia, Rossiu, Kiyoh, Kittan, Viral, Attenborough, Leite and Boota. (You don't have to list us all, but we should all be there.)

I don't have a preferred time/day yet because Fanime's schedule isn't up, but I'll come back when I get a time in mind. :)
It's super early to be able to say for sure, but I'll most likely be going as a White Mage from Final Fantasy 1, and my boyfriend(you can put his name down as Valen) will be coming as Black Mage.  :)
Yeah, we lost some time (about 15-20 minutes?) because we had to switch panel rooms, due to that ridiculously long line, so that didn't help. I don't think we could discuss Magikarp for two full hours though, haha. Anyway, glad you enjoyed it! We'll try writing a few more jokes in where we can.
I would like to thank everyone who attended our panel 'Magikarp: A History', we did not expect such a huge crowd, and you guys were great. We'd also like to apologize to those who couldn't get in, but we will be hosting this panel again this year, so you still have a chance to join us!

We'd like to hear some constructive feedback on our panel so that we know what we can improve on for next time.  :)
Alright, one more plan change from me, haha, sorry! My boyfriend will still be coming as Magikarp, but I'll be going at Koffing instead of Pikachu.