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Messages - Sherbert

Oh my goodness Sackboy rocks!! He's like my favorite video game character of all time! :D Unfortunately I already signed up to go with a different group, but going as a Sackboy would be sooo awesome! Uhm, mind if I ask for links to pics as you as Sackboy? I have never seen anyone do that before! I really hope a group can pull off a Sony gathering, there's some neat characters from there. Good luck!
Hello, I was wondering if anyone has been following Eden of the East, or has seen it that knows about any progress on a fansub of the second movie (Paradise Lost) and where the sub itself (not the video) can be found? I have only been able to find the Chinese subs and a horrid google translation of the Chinese subs to english. Is there a group covering the movie? I just haven't been able to dig up any info on it and I need to see the ending of the series! O.O
Haha, well I don't even own a halo game so I guess I'm out of touch. :P I prefer PC games more. XD
Starcraft 2....? :D Or are there only console games? Sorry, this'll be my first fanime, but I would LOVE to see some Starcraft 2 action, or Team Fortress 2, or maybe some other PC game. I'm not a big console gamer and games like Halo and such are sort of a let down for me, way too sluggish and until Reach, Halo was limited in tactics with building a team of different players like TF2 has. Besides, mouse+keyboard>controller. :P But just wondering, I know the SC2 community is huge now and if we do have it, I'd love to participate, or even commentate for the games. :D

EDIT: Whoops, just read the sticky on last years games and there are PC games listed! So yes, Starcraft 2 is my major suggestion. I noticed you guys had the first one last year. :D Of course it WAS the only PC game played, haha, where's the love?
Things in the Universe / Re: Post a Video
October 23, 2010, 02:53:49 AM
:O No one has shared the epicness that is freddiew?! I will stick to only sharing one video, but PLEASE go to his channel and check out his other work, just incredible action scenes and geeky awesomeness! Believe me, you WILL be sharing his videos with your friends! :D

I don't think he's playing fair....
General Anime Chat / Re: Stream or Download?
October 12, 2010, 12:07:26 AM
I always download because I'm a sucker for the newer anime shows in HD, like Eden of the East is amazing in 1080p! I have 209GB downloaded so far on my main computer at the moment, all higher quality if I can get it. And I have probably a good 50 GB+ more on an external somewhere. So like K-ON in 1080p, Black Lagoon, Gundam 00, Gurren Lagann, several anime movies, etc. And I get so attached to my shows I can't delete them. T.T Of course I have non-HD stuff too, but download all the way, my eye twitches if I watch anything streamed, has to be at least good DVD quality for me and streaming just hasn't reached that level for anime yet. I have a laptop with 2 500 GB drives in it, can't wait until TB drives are available commonly in the laptop form factor! :D
Gaming / Re: Starcraft 2?
October 05, 2010, 10:02:47 PM
I always enjoy games from HuskyStarcraft and HDStarcraft, they are some awesome commentators, some of the games from the HDH were amazing and they just had MLG and I believe Husky went to PAX as well. I love watching games with HuK, LiquidTLO, Dimaga, Idra (lol gotta love the Ragemaster) Fruitseller, WhiteRa, and sooo many more! If you want some big epic battles I know LiquidTLO and Madfrog had quite a matchup a while back that Husky casted, look up those games on his channel, they were pretty epic, long games with very large encounters!
So I have 268 Wallpapers and adding more frequently... Using Windows 7 and I have my wallpaper to change every 5 min, but here's a glance! I like my taskbar on the right side because it takes up less pixels since it's not taking the whole bottom up. Weird? Maybe. :P Looks awesome on my 17" 1920x1200 laptop screen. :D And if anyone has any tips where to get some high resolution anime wallpapers that are just awesome, lemme know, thanks! :D

EDIT: Now I have 535 and counting rapidly! Using an awesome site called it directly pulls pics from 4chan so you don't have to dive in there to get them! I really appreciate the SFW, Sketchy and NSFW tabs so I just select only SFW and cruise away without having to worry about bad content. It also has search by color, tags, aspect ratio, and specific resolutions. :)
Gaming / Re: Starcraft 2?
October 05, 2010, 12:09:19 AM
Oh? Why do you say that? I watch a lot of pro replays and the level of the game and the intensity is similar, and we really needed a new starcraft, over a decade later! XD I've been pretty happy so far, a lot of players use very cheap strategies however, which I've been trying to learn how to counter.
Gaming / Starcraft 2?
October 04, 2010, 07:27:41 PM
Diamond league player here, ranked 100/100 in my division though so I'm not a "good" diamond player. :P Division is Void Ray Beta, and I'd love to find some people to practice with. I hardly play it because I'm too scared to do anymore ranked matches, scratched and clawed my way into diamond after 25 matches and out of the 7 I've played in there I've only won 1 I believe so I don't want to get knocked out of there! T.T I'd love to help new players too! So if you're into Starcraft at all send me a PM or even just add me: Sherbert Character code is: 170 :D
Hello! New member here actually and I am seriously considering doing Snow Villiers, with my friend being Sazh because he already looks exactly like'm, just missing the super fro and the facial hair. lol I may post pics of us none-dressed up for some opinions, I've actually never cosplayed before and neither has my friend...  In fact this'll be the first anime/game convention I will be attending! :o But my friend and I may do Reno and Rude, we'll see! But put my down for Snow and my friend down for Sazh, he doesn't have an account here yet but put him down as Ace for now as he may choose that username if it isn't already taken, thanks! Looking forward to it! ;D