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Messages - kam_islash

I dunno, isnt looking for people on a forum kinda stalkerish?
Im not saying thats what I personally believe, its just that it seems that we've become a paranoid society and it makes it very hard for romantic bard types like myself.

I'd like to meet that winged elf lady again and ask her if she has blueprints for those wings!!!!!!!!

And if she plays dnd and is available Friday nights for an epic level game, but I ask EVERYBODY that :)
-Met new people
-Got to talk to this girl i like from my school, got a little closer i think
-Made people happy with pocku

1: Forgot my camera
2: And there was a winged elf
3: And a Nina Windia
4: 2 and 3 further compunded the badness of 1
5: No sleep
6: Started hallucinating and talking to random people
7: I look creepy when I dont shave or sleep or bathe.
8: Disorganized staff
9: Too many damned lolis...hardly any girls over teh age of 18, and none of them were single.  I mean im not likely to get brave enough to tell that person im in love with her, so I have to try and find someone else....
10: Hardly made any money from my massage business...BUT it did buy me a few hamburgers :)

Lesson learned: ALWAYS GET A HOTEL ROOM!
This has been very educational.

Oh and to the person who said she lost a pair of cat ears: Is that a Loveless reference?
Live Programming and Events / The European Guy?
May 26, 2006, 08:55:14 AM
Are they bringing back the funny European guy the had in 05 and 04?
You know the one who did teh whole thing with "Cornboy"?
General Convention Discussion / Free rides
May 26, 2006, 08:45:19 AM
Kubla Con Also happens this weekend.
Dash it all, I wanted to play Mordheim....
General Convention Discussion / Drinking buddies?
May 26, 2006, 08:44:40 AM
You got a motel/hotel room?
I'm willing to barter floorspace for beer :)
or is that barter beer for floorspace?

Well in any case, its the one where I give yall some booze, you let me sleep on the floor.

Three cheers for barterable goods!!!!!!
Just confirmed: Its a new twist on itachi.
Dark Itachi.
What if Sasuke had actually died in the episode where naruto released al his energy? Itachi now dresses all in black..not in mourning, but to hide in the shadows to conceal himself from his foes....FOR REVENGE!!!!  Yes, now he's pissed.....But he's still a Bishie boy.

Couldn't get my hair dyed gonna have to make a last minute stop at the Dollar Tree to see if the got any black hairspray.

My brother WILL be attending, but as an original character loosely based on a composite of Sephirtoth and Akabane.  Azirthoth The Warmage
If you thought Itachi in his RED and black outfit was badass, wait until you see him go Neo Goth Ninja.
I am willing to barter Pocky, a song, or a massage or all three for some floor space.

No sexual favors please, I have a reputation as a gentleman to uphold.
General Anime Chat / Disturbing ANimes
May 08, 2006, 09:59:28 AM
ALL Guro is disturbing, the very concept of mixing blood and death and mutilation with sex is disgusting and perverted.

Well if we're including H (Which I wasnt, I was only listing non H)...

Princess69--Good luck maintaining an erection, this can not even seriously be called porn because its so disgusting and disturbing.  Anybody who finds this anime erotic or even entertaining need to be put into an insane asylum.

Cool Devices--So much death...I walked out of it during H night.

Bible Black--Weird concept and fucked up ending.

School of Darkness--Vaginal severage of the penis and everybody dies in the end. Nuff said.

Night Shift Nurses--Who finds shit and piss erotic? I have no idea.  Ridiculously gross.

Nurse Me--Shitting scene and rape. Can't stand H with non consensual sex.

Yeah I prefer Darling and Wife Eater where the lovemaking is consensual and where people are still alive at the end.

My grandpa always used to say this whenever a woman died in a movie: "Such a tragic waste of breast..."
Forum Games / Alliteration AtoZ
May 05, 2006, 10:03:12 AM
Rules: I make an Alliteration with A then the next person makes an Alliteration with B and so forth.  Must be Anime or game related. Dnd also accepted.

Alucard Absolutely Anihlilates All Adversaries.
General Anime Chat / Disturbing ANimes
May 05, 2006, 09:56:43 AM
The most disturbing Anime ive ever seen are:

-Puni Puni Poemi
-Bludgeoning Angel Dokuro
-Elfen Lied
-End of Evangelion
-80% of the anime clips from AMV HELL 0

What animes make YOU want to quote Asuka Soryu Langley?
"It's raping my mind!"-Asuka
Forum Games / The What If Game!
April 16, 2006, 04:45:05 PM
That person will never join the army.

What if Wonderboy and Young Nastyman were real people?
Thats perverted...
And its going to attract the wrong kind of guys to Fanime.
Its such a lovely picture too.
Its wellw orth the price.
If I come, me and my brother will be going as Itachi and Sasuke respectively.....if my bro cant come and I can, I wont be going as Itachi/
Is the Homonculi group from last year attending?
I still owe them money for the pictures!!

Paypal is being a crack headed byatch...if I go anywhere near McEnery this year, even if I do not attend the convention proper, I'm DAMNED if im not going to get the cash owed to my debtors.
Forum Games / The What If Game!
April 07, 2006, 08:20:25 AM
He'd cannibalize you.

What if you were given a choice between pocky and ramunes and you could only choose one?
Forum Games / The What If Game!
April 06, 2006, 10:28:37 PM
I'd move to a non-extradition treaty nation.
WHat if you discovered that every time you sneeze, you climaxed?
Forum Games / The What If Game!
April 06, 2006, 10:03:26 PM
I would worship that person.

What if Gunther and the Sunshine girls performed live at fanime?
Forum Games / The What If Game!
April 06, 2006, 12:17:06 PM
Youd eat very well.

What if Chuck Norris (Internet fame version, not the real life version) and Goku got into a fight?