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Messages - AnnoyedWabbit

shinigami_babe wrote:
QuoteAnnoyedWabbit wrote:
I knocked some flyer ideas together with sprites and whatnot from
Sol, Ky, and Millia
Johnny, May
Venom, Chipp, Faust
Anji, Baiken
There weren't big sprites for a lot of the characters, hence the lack of ABA, Bridget, and Dizzy. ;_; But anyhow, the idea was that since they're 4x5 inches, you could print 4 designs per page. I thought it might keep people's interest up, and this way I could include more characters but keep the flyers from getting too busy.

Oh, and the fullview looks hideous, but they print out pretty nice. Mildly pixelated, but not too bad.

My friend and I are going to see if we can hijack our school's computer lab and big fancy printer to print flyers for free. I'll keep you posted on the results...

aw no love for jam and I-no??? But I like the idea you have, but I can't read the writing very well @_@;

There was no matching sprite for I-no, though i could probably fit Jam in. She was giving me trouble, the pose of her sprite is really odd. O_o

I can change the font, especially on the when/where part. I wanted to use it for the title 'cause it's very similar to the Guilty Gear font.  :D
I knocked some flyer ideas together with sprites and whatnot from
Sol, Ky, and Millia
Johnny, May
Venom, Chipp, Faust
Anji, Baiken
There weren't big sprites for a lot of the characters, hence the lack of ABA, Bridget, and Dizzy. ;_; But anyhow, the idea was that since they're 4x5 inches, you could print 4 designs per page. I thought it might keep people's interest up, and this way I could include more characters but keep the flyers from getting too busy.

Oh, and the fullview looks hideous, but they print out pretty nice. Mildly pixelated, but not too bad.

My friend and I are going to see if we can hijack our school's computer lab and big fancy printer to print flyers for free. I'll keep you posted on the results...
saturday at 12:30 sounds great. ^_^
Quote-Just curious, but is there anyone doing the Order Sol?

Yes! My bf is going to be Order Sol. So far the shirt/vest/skirt/collars/cape part is all done, the tabard/loincloth thing is started (about a third to half done, i'd estimate), the belts are mostly done, the headband and huge belt buckle are molded, carved, and primed (just have to be painted now), and the boots are bought but not covered. The wig is going to be the hard part to finish. ;_;

And i am still a definite Baiken! I made good progress over spring break, and so far this quarter my workload's been light... so HW is sacrificed in favor of cosplay. >_>;;
well, this is late, but i'd like o be a chess piece! my costume's sorta evenly divided between white and black, but whatever.

If you need extra chess players (as opposed to pieces) on any day of the con, i could make my boyfriend play, since he actually knows how to play chess. He's not on the forums, though. :(
#26 This place has lots of helpful advice on cosplay wigs. The cosplay wig maker is a maniac, and incredibly good. o.O and that's where she gets her base wigs. Really high quality, lots of styles and colors and whatnot.
Panels and Workshops / How To Sew/Cosplay Panel
March 04, 2006, 11:25:18 PM
sounds cool to me...
saturday for the gathering sounds good to me. ^_^

Got the Order Sol costume pretty much done, save the fussy details, which will probably end up taking me as long as everything else, and i now have all the materials for my Baiken costume. ^_^
Panels and Workshops / How To Sew/Cosplay Panel
February 14, 2006, 10:42:05 PM
"Q&A" format sounds cool. ^__^
Panels and Workshops / How To Sew/Cosplay Panel
February 11, 2006, 05:38:39 PM
so is this panel/workshop/thingy actually going to happen? Because i'd be happy to help.
I've only started cosplaying in the last year, but i have 7+ years of traditional sewing experience, so i could do anything involving basic sewing, costume construction, interpreting commercial patterns, etc.
I'd also LOVE it if people did a "fabric theory" portion of the workshop- basics of choosing the right fabric and everything (do not use unstretchy satin for the swimsuit, just because it's pretty, or fabric with no drape for the flowing dress) because that's one of my pet peeves...>___<
I also have a lot of traditional sewing resources that people might not know about- discount/bulk fabric stores, why historical pattern places are gold for cosplay....
w00t, onlysolution. someone i actually know! ;) How much progress have you made since we were doing skirt-design stuff?
I'll be carrying on the noble tradition of Saiyuki crossplay with a Gensomaden Hakkai, ^_^'' and my friend's going as Sha Gojyo. Well, actually, it's all her fault for addicting me in the first place. >_>

See people there!
in answer to questions about yardage- if you're making a short kimono on traditional lines, you should need about 4 yards total of 54 or 60 inch wide cloth(2 yards outside, 2 yards inside, and i'm estimating with quite a bit to spare)-4 strips each 15 inches wide and 40 or 50 inches long (length from your shoulder to your knee, plus some for hems and seams and whatnot) and 2 strips the right length to fold in half and make into sleeves, plus extra for the collar and the front placket things on the kimono.

a Haori is going to need about the same amount as a kimono.

Hakama, on the other hand, use ridiculous amounts of fabric because of the number of pleats they involve. I can't remember exactly how much i used, but i think it was around 5 or 6 yards.

hakama are actually bloody annoying to make right... -_-'' even if one does have experience in sewing. i can vouch that carries REALLY nice ones these ones are navy blue, but you could easily dye them with Procion dye from Dharma Trading

I also reccomend the Folkwear Asian Patterns, in particular #113, #129, and #159. ^____^
I'm going to Fanime as Baiken, and bringing at least my bf as Order Sol with me. His costume's about 80% finished. (aughnoreferencepicturesauuuughheadsplode)

We may bring more. Dunno how many friends i can plead/bully/nag/generally annoy into cosplaying with me. XD