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Messages - yoshi4sushi

Jap Seiyuus:
Mayumi Tanaka
Kazuhiko Inoue
Kazuya Nakai
Masakazu Morita
Junichi Suwabe

Eng. Seiyuus:
Vic Mignona
Crispin Freeman
Michelle Ruff

Music Guest:
The Rootless (ONE PIECE)
7! Oops
Quote from: InsaneChan on November 15, 2012, 10:48:42 PM
Anyone from the Yugioh franchise, but most of all:

Kenjirou Tsuda (VA)

OMG! i love him so much. he does so much other fave characters of mine.
Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 22, 2012, 07:56:42 AM
Quote from: loconeko on May 22, 2012, 07:52:34 AM
Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 22, 2012, 06:40:24 AM
Holy jesus...I didn't expect to go first
Umm...and cue stage fright! It's okay...I think I can do it... 0.o

You can do it! :D

I am right before SuperSheba. Lol! That's a first. XD

well at least ull be there when she sings :D
im probably gonna stay until u sing, and then supersheba sings, and probably kaya too but i think shes in the early group so that should be fine

i'm goin at night, but don't worry don't worry. i'll be there to cheer for you.
Quote from: GaleWolf on May 22, 2012, 12:30:57 AM
This is the official order for the FanimeCon 2012 Karaoke Contest:

You must check in at the Karaoke room by 5PM . If you are providing your own music, you need to bring it with you to check in. You may change songs at check in. No song changes are allowed once the contest begins.

Group 1 (Early As Possible)

L. Pan
K. Ishijima
J. Rock
C. Chang
V. Ukhalkar
S. Cocanour
W. Teng/J. Park
V. Domincil
A. Parish
S. Hubbard
J. Chang

Group 2 (No Preference)

E. Peterson
L. Mar
C. Tomaschke
C. Chan
A. Pacheco de Sousa, R. Stewart, and M. Wan
K. Warren
Y. Mori
P. Duong
D. Hyun
S. Ou
A. Molina
C. Fu and E. Hang
N. Dai
J. Carino and B. Ignacio
R. Hughes

Group 4 (Late As Possible)

B. Nguyen
H. Shon
M. Duran
I. Ramirez
A. Blanco
M. Ring
L. Talbert
J. Chen
V. Nguyen
E. Nguyen
M. Lara
A. Ondricka
M. O'Connor

The following people are on the Standby List, and if added, will form Group 3 (Standby List)
Standbys, along with At-Con signups, need to be present in the Karaoke room at 5:30PM. At that time we will release all spots of people who didn't show up and process standbys in the order below, and then at con signups in order of sign up.

Group 3 (Standby List)

M. Connor
S. Peng
B.A. Caldeo
L. Martin
P. Coleman

awesome, i made the list. i won't be late, Galewolf. thanks for posting.
Quote from: loconeko on May 20, 2012, 09:44:35 PM
Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 20, 2012, 08:28:06 PM

Quote from: loconeko on May 20, 2012, 07:16:08 PM
Quote from: Cloud on May 20, 2012, 04:20:58 PM
Hello, anyone know a good program to use to remove vocals? Thanks!!

Try Audacity.  Its free.  Just youtube how to remove the vocals

Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 15, 2012, 07:54:31 PM
wow, loconeko, you sound so good singing that Naruto song.
wonderful! will you watch me perform?

Quote from: loconeko on May 15, 2012, 07:20:54 PM
Quote from: iAnimePHr34k on May 15, 2012, 01:19:44 AM
Ahh...missed sign ups )': Oh well.
I'll still sing open mic.
Anyone have YouTubes I can stalk---I mean listen to? x'DD

Lol!  Here's my YouTube if you're interested.  My recordings aren't that great and kind of old, but feel free.  They're not worth stalking.  =P

Ya!  Of course!  I'm glad you like it.  My voice has definitely changed since that video.  Lol!  ^-^

awesome! i can't wait to meet you. my name is yocelyn by the way.

Nice to meet you!  My name's Lauren.  =)

Do they still post that list of contestants like they did in previous years?  Just curious!   

yes. monday is when they will post. i'm not sure what time they will post it.

Quote from: loconeko on May 20, 2012, 07:16:08 PM
Quote from: Cloud on May 20, 2012, 04:20:58 PM
Hello, anyone know a good program to use to remove vocals? Thanks!!

Try Audacity.  Its free.  Just youtube how to remove the vocals

Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 15, 2012, 07:54:31 PM
wow, loconeko, you sound so good singing that Naruto song.
wonderful! will you watch me perform?

Quote from: loconeko on May 15, 2012, 07:20:54 PM
Quote from: iAnimePHr34k on May 15, 2012, 01:19:44 AM
Ahh...missed sign ups )': Oh well.
I'll still sing open mic.
Anyone have YouTubes I can stalk---I mean listen to? x'DD

Lol!  Here's my YouTube if you're interested.  My recordings aren't that great and kind of old, but feel free.  They're not worth stalking.  =P

Ya!  Of course!  I'm glad you like it.  My voice has definitely changed since that video.  Lol!  ^-^

awesome! i can't wait to meet you. my name is yocelyn by the way.
wow, loconeko, you sound so good singing that Naruto song.
wonderful! will you watch me perform?

Quote from: loconeko on May 15, 2012, 07:20:54 PM
Quote from: iAnimePHr34k on May 15, 2012, 01:19:44 AM
Ahh...missed sign ups )': Oh well.
I'll still sing open mic.
Anyone have YouTubes I can stalk---I mean listen to? x'DD

Lol!  Here's my YouTube if you're interested.  My recordings aren't that great and kind of old, but feel free.  They're not worth stalking.  =P
don't worry. i still want to listen to you in open mic.
i'm signed up n it's my first time. last yr, i signed  up,
but i bailed out at the last minute, so i did open mic.
it was fun.

Quote from: iAnimePHr34k on May 15, 2012, 01:19:44 AM
Ahh...missed sign ups )': Oh well.
I'll still sing open mic.
Anyone have YouTubes I can stalk---I mean listen to? x'DD
don't get discourage, you can still sign up at the con. even if you don't
get in the list, do the open mic. i signed up last year, but i had to bail
out cause of an emergency, so i did open mic.

Quote from: ultimatejunmaster on May 12, 2012, 06:46:30 PM
.......  :-[ :-[ :-[ Sigh........ Completely forgotten to sign up until today!

I got my fingers crossed! I really want to enter!
i'll cheer for if you cheer for me.  :)

Quote from: Cloud on May 08, 2012, 07:50:52 PM
Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 08, 2012, 07:26:35 PM
i understand you, cloud. if you ever need some advice, you can ask me. i half fluent in speaking Japanese. 12 years, but i still need more practice. i hope to see you at the event. i can't wait to hear you n everyone sing. i signed up too, so look out for me.

Thank you! I hope to see you there too. I'm really looking forward to fanime and the contest!
i understand you, cloud. if you ever need some advice, you can ask me. i half fluent in speaking Japanese. 12 years, but i still need more practice. i hope to see you at the event. i can't wait to hear you n everyone sing. i signed up too, so look out for me.

Quote from: Cloud on May 08, 2012, 07:19:15 PM
Quote from: asngtrst on May 08, 2012, 04:13:44 PM
うん!wwwありがとうございます!(I will type in English now, so people will understand) I am studying because I come from Filipino, Chinese, Japanese descent, have family members living there, and am weak in my native languages.  My girlfriend is also an international student from Chiba, and I am planning to move in with my family in Kani-shi, Gifu to further continue my studies and pursue a career in a year or so, meaning this might be my last Fanime in the states.
Anyways, I digress, good luck to everybody! Let's make this fanime karaoke contest and year memorable for everybody!

I'm half Japanese, but I'm still nowhere near fluent. I'm planning to study in Japan a couple of years from now. Hopefully everything works out alright. Good luck with your studies and career! It sounds like a really interesting experience!
I completely agree, let's all have fun competing in the contest and make this year's fanime a memorable one! :)
hey kitty, i hope to see you there. i feel so nervous competing for the first time, but
i will have so much fun meeting new ppl  now. give it your all everyone n happy practicing.

Quote from: princesskitty18 on May 06, 2012, 10:09:08 PM
Quote from: loconeko on May 06, 2012, 10:08:22 PM
Can't wait to see the list! Good luck to everyone! I have a feeling its going to be a lot of fun this year. :D

yayy!! we can do it together again this year :)
me, u, supersheba, kzuna (if he ever responds) and possibly others :D
i'm done. when it asks the song and version, does that mean if it's anime or j-pop version? cause i put the name of the song n i put anime in paranthesis.
echoes by universe

Quote from: CrunchiMochi on May 05, 2012, 07:21:55 PM
Quote from: yoshi4sushi on May 03, 2012, 08:42:18 PM
i'm gonna sound stupid for asking this: can anyone help me
make a song karaoke version or instrumental? i don't know
how to do it. i tried to do it, but it's not working out. can
someone help me? if not, thanks anyway. :-[
Which song? I'll PM you back the instrumental.
i'm gonna sound stupid for asking this: can anyone help me
make a song karaoke version or instrumental? i don't know
how to do it. i tried to do it, but it's not working out. can
someone help me? if not, thanks anyway. :-[
yes, i want this Naruto tournament. my brother wants to participate.

Quote from: tele on April 07, 2012, 04:29:36 PM
Yes!  Please have a Naruto Shippuden Generations tournament at Fanime this year~ I would love to challenge some folks against my Tobi skills :D
well, of course, i still remember. you told me your name, but i won't blur it out.
don't worry, this time, i am competing. i'll cheer for you.

Quote from: princesskitty18 on April 28, 2012, 09:19:47 AM
Quote from: yoshi4sushi on April 28, 2012, 09:16:45 AM
me to kitty. let's do the best n have oodles of fun. ganbare minna!

hey yocelyn!
glad to hear that ull be able to make it this time
we kinda briefly spoke last year and (not to be a creeper) but i looked back thru ur old posts and found out why i recognized ur name
hope that u do get to go this year and compete
and even if u cant compete, then go to open mic
cuz those are awesome as well :D
me to kitty. let's do the best n have oodles of fun. ganbare minna!

Quote from: princesskitty18 on April 28, 2012, 07:45:24 AM
@supersheba: YAYY!!! im excited to see u again! for sure we'll hang out durin con since we actually kno each other this time. maybe chi and kaya too as well?

im super stoked, 7th year at fanime
its gonna be difficult
btu ima make it work :D

cant wait to see and hear everyone there!
me too. this will be my first time to compete. i got my songs n i am ready to sing my heart out.
do your best practicing ppl. i hope i meet you all at the con soon.  :)
yes, FLOW really made the event more lively. i can't believe i got to see them in person n they left their signs as a memoir. my fave possession.

Quote from: cutiebunny on April 20, 2012, 05:46:42 PM
One thing I've noticed over the years is that certain conventions seem to have solid relationships with different animation studios, so if you like said animation studio, going to that convention would be a smart thing to do as there's a high chance that there will be guests from that studio.

Fanime appears to be on good terms with GAINAX and Hiroyuki Yamaga is a staple at Fanime.  Last year he was unable to attend Fanime due to personal reasons, but instead Fanime had Fumio Iida, which, IMO, was very nifty.  I wouldn't be surprised if either Yamaga or someone else from GAINAX attends this year.

Mamoru Yokota is also a regular at Fanime.  He was here both in 2010 & 2011.  Here's to hoping he comes back in 2012.  Same thing with FLOW.  They put on a good show.

I've gone to several different cons on the West Coast.  Fanime is still my favorite.