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Messages - damatte

Woww...everyone knows their club guys want to know our club's history? This year was lame 'cause all officers has senior-itis. Year before was bascially the same...and the year before? It was cool...and that's just about the end of it. No clue when our club started or anything -_-;;;;
At least you guys got an original name for your club, my club's stuck with Andrew Hill's Anime Club until we think of something, and we're all braindead. Chun, may I have the current president's contact information so I can infrom him/her of our plans? Santa Clara High's CLOSE right? (Curse me and my bad sense of direction, lol)
Lemme guess, it's'm trying to see if we can still somehow incorporate clubs from afar, into this...
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 29, 2006, 11:12:33 PM
Thank you, Spiritsnare, I'll contact him as soon as I can...but does former presidents really know the contact information of current presidents? 'Cause I don't think my school's past president know us...guess it's 'cause he's a lazy bum. Well thanks again, by the way. :)

Hmmm...wellllll....the main focus for me on this whole affiliation thing in the first place is try make the average anime club become more active...I'll talk to the other officers, presidents, etc., and hopefully your school can join us too :)

I think all minors would eventually leach off of other artist's, well from my POV at least. I've never went to Artist Alley myself (and I regret it terribly), so I hope next year'd be great :D I went on the last day of Fanime this year, and spent most of the time in the Dealer's Room waiting for this store to mark down their prices (got it down to 60%  8) )
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 29, 2006, 10:29:59 PM's still summer...but I'm bored and I need to occupy my time while I waste away in summer school...I'm making myself busy on purpose, lol. I'm planning like EVERYTHING for like the Fanime table and everything @_@ Hahaha, I'm impatient...waiting game...rawr....might as well focus my attention on other stuff. But I don't know how I'm gonna contact other clubs, I tried Gaia Online, Xtremeliquid Forums, and this place, it's true not everyone might have an account here, but I don't know where else to turn. I guess I'll have to ask people I know...

Staitonery? How cheap? 'Cause me club wants to make a club scrapbook with pics from every event, etc. Oo, screentones, I'll have to look for that at Kinokuniya in the future.

What's copic paper?
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 29, 2006, 10:01:16 PM
I need to stop by, I'm just so tempted, lol. Do they have manga-size paper or whatnot? I'm looking for those paper that when copied/scanned the lines (some blue lines that act as borders for you) won't show up, forgot what they were called, it seems useful though...

I'm worried about the club affiliations thing...only two schools not including Andrew Hill, geeeehhhh...!! ><
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 29, 2006, 11:44:33 AM
Note: There's no more clubs that's wishing to be affiliated...!  :cry:

We can have what I plan with just three clubs! It'd be lame! >< Please try to contact other school's club and see if they're intrested, please!
There's no more clubs that's wishing to be affiliated...!  :cry:

We can have what I plan with just three clubs! It'd be lame! ><
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 29, 2006, 11:40:31 AM
Wowwww...copic pens?! o_0 They cost A LOT, man! Gosh, I sorta wished I had them, they seem so cool and it's like every manga artist has them @_@ Although, so pricey, plus I feel more accomplished if I say, "I can use pastels, colored pencils, watercolor pencils, etc." than just "I know how to use copic markers..."

I like my individuality, lol. Do they have other art supplies there? I can tell my club's members about it, because there might be a few artists next year :D  (I pray there will be...)

Note: There's no more clubs that's wishing to be affiliated...!  :cry:

We can have what I plan with just three clubs! It'd be lame! >< Please try to contact other school's club and see if they're intrested, please!
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 27, 2006, 08:39:08 PM
OoO...I needa go there one day, lol. I never even heard of it o_0
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 27, 2006, 05:18:17 PM
What/where is Kinokunia? Slick though, man, lol
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 27, 2006, 02:06:42 PM
Exactly! :D
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 27, 2006, 02:05:10 PM
Well as long as you guys are fine with driving all the way to San Jose, than it's okay, maybe you guys can do carpool :)
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 27, 2006, 02:03:24 PM
Cool, Uzutake, I wish Sylvandale Middle School, a lot of the kids go to Andrew Hill afterwards, tood bad they don't have a middle school.

It's cool Fain, I'll find a way :) Don't worry, I WANT you guys there too ^^
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 27, 2006, 10:18:20 AM
Man, I've been freakin' impatient, waiting for the 2007 site to be put up, maybe it's just because I'm an impatient person in the first place  :D It's just 'cause I don't want to make plans with Fanime and then there's new rules to prevent me from doing what my club wants, so yeah...I'm not really clear on this whole panel stuff, I never went to one, I GLIMPSED one, but I was just looking for a certain video programming room :)

Hoepfully your plan works Uzutake, I can't stand the fact that most anime clubs are just a group of kids watching anime. Rawrr...hopefully if we have this panel, it'll change things. And yes...those schedules were freakin' hard to read...I had to squint to read them....
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 27, 2006, 10:09:01 AM
Hahaha, it's cool, I would've done the same thing ^^ So all we need to do is drag in other schools into this affilitation, so we currently have your middle school,  uzutake (which is what, by the way?) and Mt. Pleasant. And there's Fain Everest's school in Modesto, and she's intrested, but I don't know how I'm gonna coordinate that in. Try getting San Jose schools in (no elemantary please...they're just a tad bit too young). So once the school year starts, I'll start talking to the other Presidents & Vice Presidents and start setting up the parties and such ^^
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 26, 2006, 11:56:34 PM
East Side's the best :D Hahaha, hella gay though, we're flat broke @_@ Hahahah, I'll talk to the other officers, although you middle school kids got my support :D I'll come help if I can, we need to help the little kiddies! lol, no offense, even if you're taller then me but younger, I'll call you a little kiddy :D Hopefully Fanime people has stuff for clubs...isn't like half of the fans that go in a anime club anyways? That's what I think...I don't know who to talk to about it though, I didn't talk to Fanime people except the volunteers (my friends :D). Sucks though, I think my friends might know someone, but I highly doubt it, but I'll try and represent the clubs ^^
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 26, 2006, 11:46:17 PM
Yayyyy! ^^ I don't see why middle school clubs can't participate, I don't know, I'll have to talk with the other officers, mainly secretary because she's like our mommy, hahahah. But honestly, I'm happy, I don't care if it's middle school :) It'd be fun to get them all excited about high school clubs too :D

Uhhh...the whole loyalty thing? I just want idividual clubs to be more close-knit, 'cause my school's club itself...? It's not so great, everyone just hangs with their own groups and don't really talk to others, I just mean make more friends in the club and get them closer, ya know?

I don't actually have a plan at the moment...ahaha, it's a thought in process, although the affiliation is already beginning, we dragged in Mount Pleasant and the president likes the idea too! ^^ I'm not officially vice president either, but it doesn't hurt to plan ahead :) I was hoping we have a whole big freaking party, and just have staright up competitions between clubs, like I dunno, tug-o-war and stuff? Like have a party early in the year to introduce the clubs to our whole plan and stuff, have a party in the middle, before Fanime and after and have a party end of the year for sure :)

My head's full of party XD
Panels and Workshops / Anime Club Panel
June 26, 2006, 09:39:35 PM
Modesto? That's farrrrrrrrrr~! Well that's what my friend says, I suck when it comes to roads, streets, highways, place, anything directions-wise, lol. Think of me of like Ryoga from Ranma 1/2, lol. We're somewhere on Senter Road, that is all I know, lol. And my school's in the East Side Union High School District, long stupid name, I don't think half my friends don't even know what district we're in cuz of that, lol.

My friend just told me Modesto's another city....are you SERIOUS? I'm in San Jose, lol.
Ideas and Suggestions / 2007 idea
June 26, 2006, 09:20:31 PM
Ohhhh thank you! >< I've been totally going ballistic over all this @_@ It's a load off my mind. Even if it's a maybe, lol. It at least means there's a chance ^^ There's some ideas on the internet for anime clubs, but it takes a lot of searching *sighs* I mostly grabbed ideas from college kids :D Hahahaha.

THIS is a MUST SEE. I found it extremely useful :) It may not have a lot of idaes, but it has the essentials of pretty much any anime club.[/url]