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Messages - Blues

Quote from: "AbsolutelyCursed"Hail Ilpalazzo!!!!

That line fits your av so well...

Anyway, as much of a fan as I was of Outlaw Star, I'm gonna have to say Excel Saga...  Those two just don't even compare to eachother, since they're in entirely different catagories.  However, if you're going strictly on the grounds of entertainment value and rewatchablity, then yes... Excel Saga.

I feel your presence, Space Butler...
General Anime Chat / anime crossovers? wish they existed?
February 18, 2006, 12:55:19 AM
What about Sailor and the Seven Balls?  Does that count?
For me, I think it'd be a tie between Love Hina and One Piece...

On one hand, I do think it'd be fun to go on adventures and meet people with all sorts of crazy and fantastic powers and abilities in a world that isn't overrun with technology and life just seems a little simpler in a way...

On the other hand, Love Hina seems like that kind of place where some elements of fantasy exist, but in a world that's, and I use this term loosely, pretty much normal, but life could still be interesting.

Excel Saga might be fun, but I'd probably end up wasting most of my time trying to save Menchi...
Quote from: "Jyunishinsho"
Quote from: "Sunara Ishi"
Quote from: "Tsubasa"
Quote from: "Jyunishinsho"In more realistic terms (though that was realistic for this sort of thread), wouldn't different parts of the world just be in utter chaos? For example, this city is ruled by an overlord, this city has robots, this one is attacked by angels, this one looks like Akibahara (spell check), this one has samurais, this one ninjas, this one tentacle monsters, this a hentai city, this one full of rockers, this one filled with maids, this one filled with morphing people and transvestit-ish people, this one has roses all over, this one has swords, this one has great teachers, this one has teachers from hell, this one has alchemists, this one has harems all over, and so forth.
If this were anything like anime, those would all exist only in Japan.  We're in America.  We'd be in cities full of roudy, loud Americans cussing every other word.  Oh wait, we're arguably already there. XD;
and according to the eng. version of excel saga, we'll be all speaking spanish... >.>
hmm... I wonder which animes besides Excel Saga has a reference to america... O.o?
Most American/English anime/game characters are stereotyped to have either or both blue eyes and blond hair.
I know there are a lot of American dissed characters (hahaha), but right now I can't think of any.
(Quote Senor Ilpalazzo: Our time to conquer the city is hasta manana.)

At the moment, the titles that come to mind are:

Digi Charat
Azumanga Daioh
Lupin III
Samurai Champloo

With the exception of AzuDai, which only showed Americans as being blone hair/blue eye/rigid facial features, the others portrayed them as loud, drunk, violent, and/or stupid.  Also, we all have guns.  ALL OF US.

Personally, I think it's funny as hell.
The planet would have been destroyed 7 times over by now, and it would all have started at Tokyo Tower.
I'm gonna second Elfen Lied, unless you count the fact that LCL was the blood of Lilith that was filling that entire room in Terminal Dogma.

I have a minor in "hair-splitting"...
Sin.  Mainly for the fact that it sucked in every aspect.
Dude, don't make me open a can of "what about the crap we talked about last summer?"  on you.  Check your PMs.
Ideas and Suggestions / Energy Drink "Bar" at Fanime
January 31, 2006, 05:38:00 PM
don't quote me on this, but I believe that's legal so long as you don't cut a profit.
I've seen Otaku no Video several times, though I don't know if that counts, being a movie...

I've seen Eva about 3 or 4 times over, I've rewatched the first season of DiGi Charat a couple times, along with Read or Die, and I've lost count of the number of times I've seen FLCL...

I usually wait until a year or so after I've seen it, and have forgotten all the little details about the plot and such, so it's interesting all over again.  There are some exceptions, though, like Otaku no Video and FLCL, where I just stare in awe the whole time and can't wait to watch it again.
Things in the Universe / Fanime AIM Chat Gatherings!
January 29, 2006, 09:18:26 PM
I used that thing.  I was entirely amused.
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"Why anyone would want to solve a situation with laxatives and chloroform is beyond me.

You and me both, sister.
Live Programming and Events / GTL's 1337 Tutorial setup
January 28, 2006, 11:35:05 PM
okay, let's try and keep ideas within the realm of plausibility.
Live Programming and Events / GTL's 1337 Tutorial setup
January 27, 2006, 05:27:16 AM
I'm afraid that will have to remain a secret until the day of the show.
Agreed.  On a similar theme, I suggest we invite the major players involved with 4Kids.

I also think we should invite a firing squad.
Live Programming and Events / GTL's 1337 Tutorial setup
January 23, 2006, 01:47:49 PM
Quote from: "otakuapprentice"
Quote from: "Jyunishinsho"We need a rent-a-zilla, mosh mosh revolution, and Fanime challenge=Super Monkey Ball outside of the con.
hah! thats great, but that would work better as a short video/skit during the panel(film video before the day of the panel)

If there's one on-going theme to the GTL show, it's throwing shit together the day before...

And I've just been struck with an idea of how to do it... I don't know if I'm a genius, or just a lunatic...
I plan to ruin the souls of everyone in the karaoke room with...


Aside from that, I have a little challenge with a friend from last year, so I've got some OP songs to master, and a metric assload of Pillows tunes.  Plus a secret weapon.
Ideas and Suggestions / Energy Drink "Bar" at Fanime
January 20, 2006, 09:32:37 PM
Quote from: "astroboy"
Quote from: "MPLe"...
The San Jose convention center wouldn't allow us to do this for free.
That's the first thing that came to my mind. I guess a lot of the newbies don't know that practically EVERYTHING costs money, in a hotel/convention center.

rental fees for: chairs, tables, stantions, easels
surcharge for: electricity, water
permit fees: if you wnat to sell anything

once you come up with the realization that a hotel/CC will charge you for practically anything and everything - it gets pretty hard to come up with  new ideas unfortunately.

Hence why I suggested combining it with another room; it'd take less space and it'd be cheaper.  You don't need to rent tables and chairs twice for the same room.

Though I will admit that the decorations might get a bit expensive.
General Anime Chat / Anime for sale
January 20, 2006, 03:34:37 AM
I'll be the plan B for selling that Excel set.  Drop me a PM if things fall through with Short Pachoo, and we'll arrange for a trade off in Oregon.

It'll be like a drug deal!

...I'm still on staff, right?

Anyway, I was thuroughly disappointed at the severe lack of Munchkining happening last time, thusly, I hope to see more of that going down.  Secondly, If we don't get a game of Hero Quest happening this time, Nick is going to feel my unhindered rage.  I ROLL CRITS, NICK.  CRITS.

I also might be interested in some RPing, but I have some new ground rules:
- If you're the captain, commander, guy in charge, whatever: Please don't be passive and let your team run around like a group of retarded monkies.
- Chloroform and laxitives are NOT the way to handle EVERY DAMN SITUATION.
- If you're RPing with other players, it's usually appreciated to let them RP for their own characters as opposed to spending 2 hours telling the GM what everyone else around you is doing.
- Now that I think about it, laxitives are banned from all RPs I'm involved with.  That's just the best way to handle that.
- If you're playing a barbarian, you have to talk like one.  NICK.

These are just general guidlines that I came up with and don't refer back to any specific incident last year.  I think it wasn't Saturday night.