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Messages - anime_freakx1000


oh! I know the answer! XDD! You don't need to stay for the whole thing, you can go after you're done. But you would want to be there when it ends like at 4 or something? because they are going to post the results. ^^

oh..and a question...if there is no karaoke for a certain song, can i just burn the origina song to a cd and give it, and then you guys would dampen it? o.O
Thank you, Galewolf. ^^
Ah, kk, thanks for the info. ^^ And, where is exactly is the karaoke room?
Ok, I have a couple of questions. ^^

1. Is there an age limit for the karaoke contest?

2. How many rounds in the karaoke contest are there in total?
Or is there only a preliminary round and a final round...

3. The people who get into the final round, where are the results put? (For e.g. In front of the door or something like that)

4. So, we are not allowed to sing only one song for the whole karaoke contest?

5. For the preliminary round, do we HAVE to get there by 1pm? Can we just drop in like at 3 or something?

6. For "Cool" points, how can you be "cool?" I just don't get that. Lol. Like you need to be all smooth, good looking, and etc? o.O!?

7. For the karaoke, what happens if it isn't really official. Because I know this guy online, who made a karaoke out of a famous song. But it isn't really official, but can I still use it? Because the official song does not have an official karaoke.

Sorry, it just seems blurry to me. ^^ Thank you for your time.
Good luck to anyone who participates~
Ohh. Thanks. That explains a lot. Thank you again! XD!!~
Hello. XD~!
Do we HAVE to bring karaoke files? XD;;....Or will they provide it.
Thank you very much for answering some of my questions. ^^

Oh, and I have already paid for the registration and such...but don't I need a badge to get in?..or will they mail it. o.O?
XD;;..I have a couple of questions about the singing contest. ^^
Obviously, I have never attended it, so please bear with me. ^^;;

1. Do we need to supply the karaoke for the song that we are going to sing?

2. Can we listen to the real singer, while singing with the karaoke? Like, listening to the real singer in the ear phones, while the karaoke is not<---meaning by everyone can hear the karaoke?..

3. Is the karaoke contest usually on Fridays?..I heard that last year, it was on a Friday.

4. Do we need to pay to get into the karaoke contest?

5. Does it go by first come-first serve basis in the karaoke contest? Like there are 30 reserved places? After 30 people, you can't join?..o.O...

6. Do you get a prize for winning?..XD;;

7. Are there first, second, and third places? XD;;

8. Can you have lyrics? If they do give it, is it in....romaji? ^^;;

Thank you lots!! Sorry for the many questions. ^^;;