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Messages - magz

Gaming / Video Arcade Location thread
June 22, 2007, 05:28:42 PM
Quote from: "HentaiTentacleDemon"dude, the sjsu arcade is a lot more roomy now. i can't wait to host another tournament! :D

Yes, and here are some pictures to prove it (taken today).

Overview 1
Overview 2
Back Area 1
Back Area 2
Side Area 1
Side Area 2

Pictures ~100-200k @ JPEG60 1024x768

Hopefully they bring back Guilty Gear and upgrade it to Accent Core.

From overview 2 you can clearly see where the old banister used to be and how much more space there is due to that from overview one. If they do just a little more rearrangement, they could put two fighting games from the side area and put them on the opposite wall, thus creating a ton more space around all fighting games.
Gaming / Video Arcade Location thread
June 19, 2007, 04:54:09 AM
SJSU Student Union Update

From what I read on SRK, Hokuto no Ken was removed and Third Strike was put back in.

I might stop by there again today to see what's up and what's not.

Edit: Some more updates from SRK:

MVC2 is back and has replaced SC2. T5DR and KOFXI are in the new center area (oooh...).
General Anime Chat / Summer 2007 Anime
June 17, 2007, 03:08:31 PM
More or less the same list w/ times, stations, and group dibs, although they never quite hold:

Looking forward to ZnT S2 and the Geass S1 Finale.
Quote from: "Chun"
Quote from: "Jun-Watarase"
Quote from: "Chun"Sola.


It has quite a fanbase, don't you think?

Hmm... not that I've heard of, really. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong places?

Most pass it off as your standard atypical OVA production from the game associated with it. It's like W-Wish, Hourglass of Summer OVA, or Mizuiro 2003 all over again.

To have three groups subbing it... I'd say it's pretty well appreciated states-side.
KS was really popular from what I could tell. One of the few box sets I actually own.
Gaming / Video Arcade Location thread
June 13, 2007, 12:24:06 PM
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"Also, we have confirmation of Act Cadenza at SJSU.

...along with Hokuto no Ken/Fist of the North Star. lawl

edit magz: Chun goes to UC Davis. I'm sure they'd appreciate MBAC/GGXXAC - they've got nothing else, right? ^^;
My bad, my memory is horrible >_>

But Fist of the North Star?! Oh boy... At least we've got Melty =X

Edit: Confirmed myself that the games they currently have running, as of today at SJSU, are:

Melty Blood Act Cadenza ver.B (99% sure same cab from Fanime + buttons/sticks fixed)
Capcom vs SNK 2
Hokuto no Ken
Deer Hunter
House of the Dead
Maximum Tune

They've removed the divider that created a hallway next to the arcade. Should be interesting to see how they layout the arcade setup now and what games will be dropped when everything is finalized. SC3 perhaps?
Staff & Volunteers / Re: BLARG!
June 13, 2007, 02:57:14 AM
Quote from: "Skull Leader"I agree that some were rather rude and lacked common sense. I was a vol for the dances on sat and sun (Yeh, the quarter master with the skull and cross bones) I was trying to keep things organized, clean and fun. I remember the sigh of relief the dance group had when I came back to volunteer then next night. Next year I'm staff.  :)


I remember you. Good guy.

That is all I have to say.
Gaming / Video Arcade Location thread
June 11, 2007, 11:28:33 AM
Quote from: "Tsubasa"

The SJSU SU has been under some renovation for the last couple of weeks, but it has recently opened up again and the arcade is also up and running again.  I get reliable word that the Melty Blood Act Cadenza and Guilty Gear XX Accent Core from Fanime are present.  I believe that makes SJSU the first arcade in NorCal that gets either game.

I'll likely swing by from time to time during the summer.  You'll definitely see me in there all the time when the fall semester begins.
I was reading up on Shoryuken and had definite confirmation that AC was placed at SFSU. Maybe OCE is going to be placing the game at both locations? I also go the idea that MBAC was being placed there as well. I'll be checking out SJSU some time this week to confirm for myself. Regardless, I'd kill to see both those machines along with IDAS4 this fall =X

Edit: Memory sucks, etc.
Gaming / Video game Tier lists
June 11, 2007, 12:15:31 AM
Quote from: "HentaiTentacleDemon"mid-tier characters are considered completely worthless? wow, MvC2 really is unbalanced.
Indeed. There's no point in having 50+ characters if only 8 or so of them are even remotely worthwhile in high-level play.
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"
Quote from: "LastElixir"all hail tsubasa, human nanohapedia

I can back this up, having rode often in what he probably will be calling the Asura sometime soon.
I'll third that as his knowledge of the series is rather frightening.
Staff & Volunteers / We need a web designer!
June 01, 2007, 03:25:11 PM
I honestly don't have much of a portfolio to show here as I've never seriously buckled down to put one together, but I'd like to take a look at what kind of design you guys have in mind and from there I could tell whether or not it would be possible for me.

Something I threw together so I wouldn't fail an art midterm: Link
Note: The code is a little bit more dirty than I'd usually have it. The main site isn't PHP driven at all, but that's because I was lazy >_>
Quote from: "HentaiTentacleDemon"
Quote from: "AmazingKenchan"I think everyone here owes On Campus a big round of applause for the condition of their games!
I also called them like in the middle of the night, 12:35 AM, just to tell them that their quarter machines were out and Eric was like, "Alright, we'll be down there in 15 mins!" They take job seriously. :)
I must say that that goes above and beyond the call of duty.
I stayed the weekend at the Crowne on the third floor. Too bad it was under construction and one of the elevators was not working. I haven't stayed in a hotel in the U.S in quite a long time, so it honestly blew me away how nice the rooms are.

My only complaints were that the TV was really crappy in that it had rendering lag when connected to my PS2 so playing fighting games was instantaneous fail. Also, either on Saturday or Sunday morning, some random people were MAKING their cosplay costumes out in the middle of the hallway so you could hear all this noise and even hammering on a constant basis. This was at like 10AM or so and even then that's way too early for me to be getting up >_>

Anyways, good stay overall and I'll probably be giving either the Hilton or the Marriott a try next time.
Heck, I'd go pick up a copy if shipping is an issue. Hilarious yet sad story indeed.
I have only a few things worthy of note:

1) Get MBAC Ver.B2 (Correction Edition)
2) There was something funky about the AC machine. It seems somewhat sluggish.
3) Towards Sunday/Monday, some of the buttons needed to be replaced (at least on GGAC/MBAC).
4) Stools! Those chairs we stole from tabletop gaming were horrid.
5) Everything was split way too far away from each other (console - pc - arcade - tabletop).
6) Fighting Game Tournaments

More to come later...
Gaming / Fighting games on console
May 28, 2007, 05:34:14 PM
GGXX/GGXX Slash were fine because we had Accent Core on the arcades. Tekken 5/HnK were indeed duplicates though.
Gaming / 2007 Arcade Game List! [Please Sticky]
May 26, 2007, 10:28:49 AM
Quote from: "Kazuhide Aeiji"@Spiritsnare: who was that guy that racked up a 48 game win-streak?

He's from central U.S (the term escapes me).

Didn't quite catch a name though. He played Satsuki.
Gaming / 2007 Arcade Game List! [Please Sticky]
May 26, 2007, 02:33:22 AM
Just an update for those that haven't been to the con yet.

The current fighting game lineup is as follows:

Third Strike
Hokuto no Ken (Fist of the North Star) (BTW, nobody plays this game. Replace with Slash!)
Guilty Gear Accent Core (Does not work yet. Needs new joysticks/connectors? Hopefully fixed today. Send to SJSU after Fanime >_>)
Melty Blood Act Cadenza Ver. B (Not B2, I'm pretty sure. Send to SJSU after Fanime >_>)

Oh, and Tekken 5. Not sure what version.
Just posting to re-iterate that the Initial D reference was epic and it caused me to marathon the series (currently on episode 4 of season 4).

I'm loving this show more and more. This season is packed to the brim with awesome shows.
Gaming / 2007 Arcade Game List! [Please Sticky]
May 24, 2007, 10:41:55 PM
I've never been to Fanime before. Where will the arcades be located?

Oh, and this is kinda off-topic, but what time are we allowed to go? Registration opens at 8, but what about access to the rest of the convention?