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Messages - Rainbow Ichi

1 vote  to suggestion of PornoGraffiti band
1 vote  to suggestion M-Flo
1 vote  to suggestion Monkey Majik
1 vote to suggestion of Luna Sea
1 vote to suggestion of Bump of Chicken
1 vote to suggestion of Epik High
1 vote to suggestion of Perfume

would be awesome to have M-Flo and Monkey Majik together.

Minmi for me :D

A friend of mine wants to try out his local band for Fanime MusicFest if its possible. I got their contacts, PM/mail me or check their site

The name of the band is "bento" and they're an Alternative Rock band.
1 reaction:


Okays, I visit the forums once in a while and noticed this topic. I remember tossing a mail about me getting free tickets to the VAMPS concert a few weeks ago in the trash bin from my inbox.

I thought it was some sort of fraud too, so I immediately dismissed it. Oh wells.

I do have a question. How on earth was I selected to acquire the tickets? I never applied for any :O
I'm a city away from San Jose, I'm a bus ride away from the Great Mall. I occasionally visit nijiya and nikaku when i'm in the mood, and festivals at times in japantown when I can make it.
Quote from: Runewitt on May 26, 2009, 07:55:50 PM
She's on my AIM buddy list, but her away message is up right now. also, look for a similar topic, she's on the forums here, but only posted a few times.

i'll edit this if i find her info soon.
appreciate the help :)
Its my first time really mingling with people, i usually get civvies a lot of times when passing by gamestops

I'm Rainbow-<3 btw

So far, I counted 25 people as ESP'ers I've met, and from the help menu, it seems 2 out of those 25 people bought stuff from my shop, cause I got some yen the second time we mingled :)

thank you's

The alien category is only when you leave it for a long time, I think its automatic in the game.
Although when I started mingling, when I hopped into my dad's car he told me he had his bluetooth and wi-fi on his mobile phone, and when I opened my DS and there were 2 aliens, I always thought electrical devices trigger it. But it doesn't all the time, so that theory is debunked.
I was browsing around artist alley sunday when I found your table.
You made awesome bunny scarfs and I wanted to purchase one, but I was short on money, however I asked if you will still be around for Monday Artist Alley, which I couldn't come, can't excuse myself for it either.

Is there anyone who can remember her contact/business card, so I could still buy from her, wherever she may be located?

we saw you when you passed by the artist alley on friday, and you stopped by our BAAU table. You gave one of my friends a piece of paper saying he's the 18th person :)
I was a li'l lonely too, as I was just by myself all thru the con of friday and sunday (cousin came over saturday) but oh wells. My first Black and White ball attendance was nice, but I'm not too overly happy with it, especially that it was hard to ask guys/girls to dance with me (im a girl) plus I sucked at the dancing part, especially if you only attended 2 of the dance lessons out of the other dance lessions =_=
wow that looked cool :O
never noticed it till you mentioned terminator, was wondering what were those shiney things were
General Convention Discussion / Re: Your Fan Name
May 26, 2009, 07:28:42 PM
Rainbow Ichi
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: DeviantArt
May 26, 2009, 07:24:55 PM

I draw once in a while. But i'm usually a lazy bum. I need some creative juices flowing in my mind in order to draw/paint stuffs, otherwise nothing happens...
hey~, even though I have no cosplay for fanime this time, i still want to come and take pictures of the cosplay.

tell me when's the gathering <3<3
I want some guests from the people who do the podcast for Anime-Pulse please :D

I would love it if Ichigo, Battou, Tim and Weltal come too especially :D

they're so awesome to hear, but it would be awesome to have a live-podcast/panel with them too ^_^
I have a question :)

Will the Hilton Foodstaff be ready during Fanime :D?
I loved it when they were selling sandwiches on the last day of Fanime, like 8$ for a sandwich, a bag of chips and a soda+a choice of candy bar.

It would be awesome if they would provide something like that during Fanime, not when it's almost ending.

the food gave me nutrition, it did.
I've got all my pics up now, if anyone wants to see them ^^
I've got my pictures up, if anyone cares to view them ^^
As much as i'd love to hang out today with you and get t meet you i'm a tad too far, I'm in the Calaveras/Park Victoria Area, and there won't be VTA buses anymore past 8:40pm

If you know of a nearer venue i'd love to check it out :D
hey guys and gals, i've got some of my photos up :D

enjoy ^__^