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Messages - Hylia

Big Event Showcase / Re: B&W Ball complaint
May 27, 2008, 11:33:21 AM
Quote from: RiotKitty on May 27, 2008, 10:07:47 AM
Oh my gosh.. Sorry to hear about your costume. I would be furious............

I was going to attend the dance as well, but I was restricted from going inside because I had an unopened package of pocky in my purse.
There was absolutely no food allowed on the dance floor I guess. Not that I was going to eat it. It wasn't like it was a plate of Nachos with everything on it.. I just boycotted the dance all together.

Pocky is clearly a threat!
Next time, they should just strip us of our clothes and get it over with.
Oh, hell yeah. I'll be paying them a visit at some point~
I still have to get even with them at Super Smash Brothers Brawl >;D
Quote from: G.S. LXVIII on May 27, 2008, 01:36:47 AM
It doesn't help that some of the friends I make at Fanime aren't from around here.

All the friends I met are a good 45 minutes away ;/
Colonel Mustang (Full Metal Alchemist)
Main Character in Persona 3.
and maybbe Zack (Final Fantasy)

Abit disappointed I didn't cosplay this year! 360 days left until I get another chance T_T
Quote from: Kanzake on May 22, 2008, 07:14:26 PM
Well, I brought a bunch of shit to fanime right? and the busboys didnt allow us to load our own stuff onto the trolly. Well, i got to my room and got my stuff to head to the pre reg lines you know? And i turn on my psp and the f-ing screen was cracked! I was completely pissed off because it took forever to mod it and get all my games on it.

So i ask the Manager on what they can do right? and they said they would not compensate ANYTHING because they were not liable. Thus, starts off fanime on a bad foot. Extremely upset.


Thats terrible man ;(
Get them back next year, and make a GIANT TUB of RAMEN in the bath!
Me and my buddies were gonna do it, only to find out we should have checked out 2 hours ago ;(.
My hotel was a mile away, so I had to pay 16 dollars to the cabs for everytime I went there and back...
That was the only shitty thing.
I roomed with some kick ass people though!
WAAAAAAAY too many Falco, Wolf and Fox players.
If you're one of those people who pwn with not-so-high-end characters, /hug to you~!
If you're one of those people who play Falco, Wolf or Fox and get your ass kicked by Peach...
Things in the Universe / Re: So, What Did I miss?
May 27, 2008, 08:09:37 AM
The cutest Tifa cosplay T__________________T
Things in the Universe / Re: im jealous
May 27, 2008, 08:06:53 AM
Quote from: JohnnyAR on May 23, 2008, 10:12:34 PM
I met Jesus and got a pic of him!

Kegan kneed him in the balls though.
Dealers Room / Re: Sooo...What Did You Guys Buy?
May 27, 2008, 08:05:18 AM
Well, not really. What kind of name is that for a hentai anyway?
My fanime bag got stolen with my Link pictures inside ;___;
That left me with-
1.)Hylian Shield

Big Event Showcase / Re: B&W Ball complaint
May 27, 2008, 07:54:47 AM
I think I know who you're talking about!
Probably the same one who GRABBED me any my buddies by the shirt and pushed us in the direction of the back of the line at the Masquerade.
We just wanted to see the line..
I had a really great time this year.. I flew from Greece a few months earlier to make it!
.. And to hit anime expo.
It was awesome. Aaaaaaaand now its back to work T__T..
The thing that really gets to me was that I never got to really talk to this girl I met.
Kept wondering if I'd see her around after the first time, but I never did ;(
It first started off as a joke in the group when we were just hanging out- "MAAAAAAAAAAAN. Lets go find Tifa!" "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN. Where's Tifa?"
She was NOWHERE.

Later I found out she thought I was cute (UNLESS TAYLOR WAS !@#$ING WITH ME. Hi Taylor!)
And her name is Alex.
Which is a hot name.
Because its mine too.

Anyway, hows everyone else's bitter taste of reality? ;D
The elevators were WAY fun!
Hanging out in the elevators was WAY CREEPY.
We met a drunk dude, who fought with the crazy chick with a hot pink pocket knife, who was also crazy and liked "dead body's", while she fought with the OTHER guy in the elevator about who was the top "weed county" in California.
On top of that, Kegan (or Kaygen? DONT GET MAD ME LOVE YOU!) was creeping out all the people who walked in talking them into having an orgy in the elevators with us.

To make a longer story short(er);