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Messages - Kupo

Issues as in stuff that just come with staying at a hotel. Especially crowded ones during Fanime. (ex. Elevator Traffic, Roomates having bad hygiene, pooing, etc This is more of a casual community conversation rather than a "complaints" thread.

For me, Elevator Traffic would depend on the hotel. I stayed at the Fairmont my first year and the Marriot for the past two years. For the fairmont, it's generally okay since it's one of the farthest ones from the con. So far, I haven't really had any complaints on waiting. The Marriot, being the closest one is obviously known for the long elevator waits. My general rule of thumb for me and my mates is that we'd use the stairs if it's at least floors 1-6ish. Otherwise, we'd just survive the wait.

Pooing issues. To try to maintain a serious tone may be a general problem depending on how comfortable you are. Usually, to be polite. I'd usually go when people are off strolling around the convention or at night when many people are asleep. But if I have to go real bad, then I would just go.

Marriot Bathrooms. For people who haven't stayed at the Marriot, one of the biggest things that stray people off is the bathrooms. There's no locks on the bathrooms, which when I initially stayed there my first time, I naturally had that suspicious and paranoid vibe. But eventually I got comfortable because my group just trusted each other. We made a pact not to joke around. That it's some sacred area. No jokes, no pranks, nothing eff'd up. We used one of the clothe hangers to signal that it's occupied.

Food. Some people are freeloaders, some people are polite. It's natural with the group. Despite bringing my share for the group, I always tend to have my own secret stash just in case of emergency.

Anyway, that's some of mine. Anything interesting you guys experience in the hotel that you remedy?
My friend was wondering if there was a price increase after Early Reg closes because she might not be able to have the money by the 15th to register, so she'll most likely go to the con itself to register.

Right now it's $65 and I was wondering if it increases after Early Reg ends. I'd assume that the price is still the same and that the only difference is that you'd have to wait longer in the center itself to register.

Damn. I hope that Early Reg would mean that I would still get a badge. An actual badge, not the ones you get if you registered on site.

Fanime Registration slipped my mind until today when I purchased a ticket today for WonderCon this weekend.

I wonder if it's still possible to register and get an actual badge. I want the regular badge so bad as a collector's sort of deal. I mean, I'll still go to Fanime regardless, but if it's still possible, I'd LOVE to be able to get a badge.

Please tell me there's hope! I'm optimistically hoping that this is April Fools joke and that there's an extension, but that's wishful thinking.

But if Early Reg can still land you the actual badge, then ummm... disregard this.
Ideas and Suggestions / Re: Fanime Online Shop?
February 25, 2011, 12:40:56 AM
I wouldn't mind.

Your badge is special and proof that you were there. In my opinion, The badge is more of a novelty and the shirt/sweater is more like brand that you'd wear.

I'd rather put $30/$40 towards something else during the actual convention itself and just save up for a Fanime shirt later in the year. That's just me though.

It seems like this is an opportunity. Start off with Shirts, Sweaters, and a Promotional Poster. I don't know if those people that sell the Fanime branded shirts have a connection with the Fanime Staff or if they're just an independent group marketing shirts they designed themselves, I'm not sure.

You can sell "Fanime 20XX" or general "FanimeCon" branded merchandise. Start out small, then introduce/advertise it at the con. Doesn't have to be a big thing in terms of selection, etc. But you know... test the waters with it, see if it gets popular sort of deal.
I don't mind going. I'm just a Bus and BART and Bus (again...) ride away.

But I'm pretty shy and I seem to be one of the youngest interested. (I'm 18.) So it depends if I build up the confidence. But I'll keep that in mind and so far. My plans are free on the 19th and 26th. 12th, I'm unsure as I may or may not go up to Tahoe that weekend and on the 5th, I'll be visiting some friends, but plans can always change.

Ideas and Suggestions / Re: A fanime Iphone/Android app?
February 24, 2011, 04:29:02 PM
I don't want your work to be crushed man, haha. I have some ideas of an alternative Fanime-related app since you cannot duplicate what that sysadmin person said. So why not make a "Sidekick" app? No not the Sidekick phone. But an app that's like a sidekick for the Fanime Con-Goer.

FanimeCon Sidekick

FanimeCon Community Tweets/Updates/Dispatch - Maybe link an RSS Feed of a "hashtag" #FanimeHappenings or #FanimeCommunity or something. Where people can tweet about issues and updates about what's going on at Fanime? It's more community based. It would seem informative and can also prove helpful. Promotes a better community and increases exposure for problems and information that needs to be brought to attention.

"Oh no! Don't go to the Marriot Elevator right now, someone just threw up in there. #FanimeCommunity"
"Starting at 5pm, for only 5 Minutes. I'm doing a buy one, get one free deal @ Artist Alley Booth #21 #FanimeCommunity"
"Anyone seen my Fanime Badge? I think I dropped it... The ID is Blue, the name Bob Smith and nickname is ShoryukenBob #FanimeCommunity"
"The lines are starting for _______'s concert! So if you don't want a long wait, start lining up now! #FanimeCommunity
"Wow, I just beat @ReubenLangdon at MvC3! He's at Stage Zero right now if you want to see some fights. #FanimeCommunity
"There's a fight going on between the Christian Protesters and some irate Fanime Con-goers outside. #FanimeDispatch

FanimeCon Tips - Have a thread on the forum asking people for tips on how to survive at a convention, how to deal with hotel rooms, good times to go to this place, where are the bathrooms at, a list of places to eat ranging from cheap to expensive, etc. For the food places, maybe have different catagories such as "Nearest/Farthest from Con, Busy/Quiet from Con, Expensive/Cheap, etc."

Planime/To Do List - I know you can just use a notepad on the phone or another app. But if you can pull it off and it's simple. Then why not?


Utada Hikaru's Autograph Signing
Saturday, May 28, 2011 @ 3-4pm
Location: Stage Zero
Additional Notes: Remember to pick up the CD I want her to sign back at the hotel room.

Nintendo Cosplay Gathering
Sunday, May 29, 2011 @ 12pm
Location: Front of Convention Center
Additional Notes: Get lunch with friends after the gathering.

Fanime Picture Book:

Take some general locations of the convention center if you're allowed to. Or use reference pics from past Fanimes. It'd be a fun thing for people to look at. Basically it's a page with the name of the area of the convention center or the name of the panel along with a description of it.


Convention Center - Front
[Insert Actual Picture]
[Insert Zoomed In Portion of the Map that shows where it's at and some of the surrounding areas. Add a dot/star that would pinpoint where it's at.]

Stage Zero
[Insert Actual Picture]
[Insert Zoomed In Portion of the Map that shows where it's at and some of the surrounding areas. Add a dot/star that would pinpoint where it's at.]

Interactive Map:

I just got inspired from the Picture Book that I thought that we should also have an interactive map. A picture of the entire map that we can zoom in. There would be icons that would either symbolize what that place is or something that we can touch and a pop up window will appear telling you what's there. Bathrooms, Convention Food Areas, Water Locations. It'd be convenient. I just don't know if this is considered duplicate. But if the official Fanime people want to use this idea for their app, go ahead.


Allow people to review events/panels?


Anyway, that's it for now on ideas that I'll contribute. If my main computer gets fixed, I'll make a visual presentation so that my ideas would get more clear. But yeah, there's obviously pros and cons to this, but what do you guys think?
Ideas and Suggestions / Fanime Online Shop?
February 24, 2011, 03:33:40 PM
Should Fanime have an Online Shop on it's website?

The past two years, I've noticed there's always a stand near the Arcade/Artist Alley where they sell Fanime branded merchandise such as T-Shirts, Sweaters, etc. I walked by and I was interested since it was 2010. 2010 was significant because I graduated from High School. It was also the last year the Fanime Experience with all my friends was probably gonna be because some of them are out in the army or go to faraway colleges. But back to the Fanime Stand, I was interested in a sweater, but it was pricey. About $30-40. I guess that's normal, but I'd rather spend on something else and buy the sweater later in the year. But I eventually gave in and bought a sweater with my friend.

This made me think that Fanime should have an online store. Filled with Fanime Merchandise such as T-Shirts, Sweaters, Lanyards, Artbooks, Posters, etc.

You'd make money throughout the year from merchandise and it's convenient for people who'd rather buy it later in the year. It's also convenient for people to buy in anticipation of Fanime as well. There's many sites you can use such as ebay or bigcartel or any other online store service. Maybe you can start out small by having someone sell Fanime Shirts and use good ol' Paypal.

What do you guys think?
Steven Blum, LittleKuriboh, Kroze, TeamFourStar (or Takahata101 if you can only get one. I believe he plays Nappa in the abridged series.)

That's all I can think off the top of my head.
There must be something you don't like about the convention, but what is the most irritating thing that you really don't like this year at FanimeCon 2010?
Video Programming / Anime Hell
June 02, 2010, 12:35:53 AM
I was wondering If there was any way I can watch any clips/videos from Anime Hell. There are some clips that cracked me up that I'd like to re-watch and show friends and I was wondering If there's a place where it's uploaded. One clip I'm looking in particular is when there was a penguin that knocked over a trash can in what it looks like to be a dream sequence because it was white and heavenly. Anyway, after that the Lion King song starts playing which made it funny.
I was Super Mario for all of the convention except Friday and Monday.

I was the more realistic looking one since I've bought the official Nintendo Mario Outfit for Halloween.

Any pics? :3
Just like last year, I too had post-con depression. This year, it just lasted for a day because today (Tuesday) I had a Senior Picnic to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk with my class, so it made me forget. The fact that I'm graduation next week shifted my focus easier. Dunno If that's good or bad though.

I think it's because they've banned the "hug lines" and the "dance lines" this year. The hallway that is between the Game Room and the Hilton seemed empty to me. Don't get me wrong, I understand the perspective of why people complained about it the previous years, but it seems like a "anime convention" tradition that shouldn't be taken away. Maybe have a section of the center dedicated for the hug-liners that can be overlooked by Rovers for safety? I don't know, I don't want to start an argument, cause I'm sure there's a solution out there that can satisfy both sides, just don't try to figure it out in this thread.

Anyway, to give a positive look, the fun you have is what you make of it. Don't try to expect Fanime to be perfect every year because there's going to be times where it's the best Fanime, and there's going to be times where it might not. Even though I share the same thought that "It felt odd, compared to last year.", I've had fun. It was my second year attending, first year cosplaying. There was stuff from last year that I've improved on this year. Ironically, I've participated in less events this year. I didn't go to Masquerade, Concerts, etc. I'm planning to go to them next year. Fortunately, I've got to shop more, watch Anime Hell, and see Stage Zero once again (Loved watching the SFIV voice of Ken kicking people's butts). But the majority of the time I was spending it with my friends since it's one of the last times we're going to see each other since we're graduating. I had fun and at the same time I've had a good amount of time spent at Fanime.

Just like last year, I've had withdrawal systems where I got depressed and didn't want to leave. I've got over it, but that's a sign that Fanime was good.
Let's plan one in Alameda.

As for the time and place, let's decide on a date we're going to be free on.
Hey Ayanami, what HS do you go to? I might know you.
Quote from: Ayanami Rei First Child on May 31, 2009, 03:13:20 PM
Quote from: roth14 on May 31, 2009, 12:47:37 PM
There is  also a comic shop in Alameda and if we get bored with that we could all see a movie too. just an idea. For the bus route i think everyone has to actually research which one to go on. Maybe this will help:
How about we all hang out on Thursday? Dr. Comics & Mr. Games is not only in a rather safe area, but a more white neighborhood as well. I've been there several times, even at night.

For public Transportation you can take the 51 bus and then walk a few blocks.

I've been to the comic shop in Alameda, and it's tiny and crowded. Although we could also hang out in the outdoor shopping plaza in Alameda. That's also a rather safe area. They have Jamba Juice, Safeway, Borders Bookstore, Lord's Ice Cream, Applebee's.

Either location is fine with me, but so far most people are good with Dr. Comics & Mr. Gamaes. Also if you sign up for their newsletter you can find out when they have 40% off Manga and Card & Board Games, and other awesome sales!

If anyone has a problem with Thursday, please suggest an alternate meetup day, as I want to get this going ASAP, that way we can be sure to get a good size gathering ^^;

Also if anyone has that web site advertisement from Fanime about Custome All Over Anime T-Shirts I'd be VERY greatful if you could give me the web site.

Why don't we just have two gatherings? One at Dr. Comics and another somewhere in Alameda like Southshore or something. So that people who can't attend one gathering can attend the other.

Oh yeah, the site for the custom anime shirts are @
I'd rather start my bus route in Alameda. Do you know what bus(s) I should take to reach there?
*Raises Hand*

I'm down for a Gathering/Meet-up. We should hang out at Alameda or something. Like the Theatres, Sushi House, Nations, Tapioca Express, Quickly, etc. since it's more safer to roam there than at Oakland.

Btw, where is Dr. Comics & Games and what bus should be taken to go there?

Ideas and Suggestions / Re: The hug line
May 31, 2009, 02:18:23 AM
Admittingly, I was one of the people who were offering Free Hugs. I first stood near Artist Alley/E-Gaming with friends (they were waiting for someone), then a few hours later, took a break from shopping and decided to join the hug line near the Dealer's Room. Just wanted to try it and get some love.

Although I wasn't those people who kept yelling for hugs (I just stood there.), Sorry If I annoyed, angered anyone in any way.

It was my first Fanime. Go easy on me.  :(
NOTE TO MODS: If this is in the wrong place, you're free to move it to the correct place.
NOTE TO FORUMERS: Sorry for the WALL OF TEXT. D: Read at your own will! (y)

Hi, this is going to be a review of Fanime 2009! This was my first Fanime, first anime convention, and first convention of any kind. I'll be critiquing it on a personal level. So basically it's like a review/blog/journal entry type thing. For those who don't want to hear my life story of Fanime Weekend, I decided to add a Spoiler Tag. You can go all the way down to my conclusion/review.

Sorry but you are not allowed to view spoiler contents.

After Fanime was officially over, I looked around and looked at the emptiness. The once filled with fans, cosplayers, and others, was turned into a ghost town. The exhibit rooms that was filled with people with a lot of money was also empty. Even the front was dwindling down to maybe 10-15 people? Anyway I got picked up by my Dad and thought "Fanime.. come back! Wahh!". I passed by my local theatre because had to pick up something at a store and on of the movies I saw was "Level Zero" and immediately thought "Stage Zero" I then looked at my bed, knowing that once I fall asleep from my dream, I'll wake up back into reality. Back into homework, parents, tests, stress, etc. *sigh*, back to normal life. The only thing I looked forward was the fact I had a normal sleep.. on some days.. >_> (damn procrastination)

To conclude, Fanime was a really nice and fun experience and it was worth the $55 (along with my other expenses.). To be honest it rekindled the Anime fan within me as before I went there I was just an occasional watcher and watched stuff like Prince of Tennis and a few others. Now that I experienced it, I want to start watching anime again, learn how to draw again, and get back into the community.

Money-wise, I spent my whole budget. I was planning to save a few dollars, but I got out of control, haha. I spent it on food such as the Taqueria, Johnny Rockets, and Hydration. I also bought stuff mostly from Artist Alley such as Commisions, some random stuff, and a Phoenix Wright PaPa Hat!

Right now Fanime 2010 is in a year and I'm planning to save money (I'll be a Senior in High School next year, so I need to save A LOT, since I'll also be participating in Senior stuff too.). I also want to plan to go to other Cons such as SacAnime and even the other big con, Anime Expo.  In the future, maybe travel around the world and go to The Otaku Con. Yeah, I'm thinking too much ahead again. But it shows how much of an impact it made on me. ^^ I would recommend a trip to Fanime to my friends.

I'll definitely be looking forward to Fanime 2010!
                     Thanks for reading.