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Messages - konataFTW

aww... but there will be more... I believe there's a halloween gathering... or a Fall NorCal Gathering XD I might or might not go due to my dance practices but I hope to go to the Christmas in the parks or smt like that in December... I'll be going in a Christmas Sakura XD

I hope to see you guys in one of these gatherings^^ but if not, there's still Sakura Matsuri '10 at SF x3
haha np x3

oh dear I brought SakuBo and my Rin again but it's acually the NorCal Gathering :x did any of you guys come?
ohh updated^^

sorry for the late update... just came back from photoshoots =_= sooo tired
oh wow your font made my eyes go O_O

added~ XD
Hi Jessica :D lol I'm so blunt XD thanks~ glad you liked it :D

:D thanks... although I think my smile is too stiff XD I was too scared of falling off of that tree... *yep I was climbing a tree(*

btw the reannactment pic is here:

hopefuly I'll get a better one since in this one I think I was about to laugh because my bangs kept on falling and it was hot on the stairs XD
lolz I wouldn't say skills since some were made verry ghettoly for photoshoots XD

anyway... I think I'll be adding more to my cos list ahaha... 5.5/12? lol... there are so many characters to cosplay that I don't even have enough time to update my account lolz XD

seriously I've become great friends with the Joanne's staff XDDDDD
lolz thanks...

actually done with another cosplay :D

3/7~!! XD

(next stop Thompson sisters, Rhyme~!!)

lolz making cosplays is getting addictive for me lately o_O
^^ more lore for .hack~!!! (added~!)
hahha I finished Rin in time for the photoshoot this Saturday XD

and lol I went to 4 events/change/gathering on Sunday^^ (wchich was the Geass gathering/chessgame)

(hahah 2/7 cosplays down <3)
~!@#$% my wig hasn't come yet @_@ and the gathering is on the 25th... uwaaah I have to wear Nunnally then u_u, and I'll have more decent solo pics because I had no solo pics of Nunnally ahahaha

btw let's finalize the date when Fanime is close so it won't confuse me pfft
ok then... so far my schedule is already decided lmao

Rin/SakuBo? on friday
Nunna/SakuBo? on saturday
Sakura/Ciel on sunday
and whatever on monday

it's all because of other gatherings I hope to attend XD lol
the only free days for me are friday or monday lolz... but on Friday depending on my other gathering(.hack) if they want it that day or saturday as well...

well the board^^ doragon said it took them 3 hours and trips to the 1dollar/yard fabric store and I don't know where that is sooo...
I'm sad to say that I don't think I'll be able to handle the cosplay chess guys =(

I think I have to wear SakuBo by 2pm and the gathering will be like 12-ish this year I think(due to Bleach gathering)

but this is all maybe soooo...

---->Rin 80%, Sakubo 75% <3<-----
kk changed <3

:D whatta coincidence XD I'm making an Alice too <3 but it's Rin ver pffft... I have lots of things to do XD tomorrow I have an eye checkup so can't do any cosplays... on saturday... oh gawd Saturday: 1)have to order my wig 2)redo default Rin 3)put together Alice!Rin 4)make my SakuBo sword and book

and I got to church on sunday and after that... I rest or continue making my movie... then weekdays: more editing pffft
yayyy finally found a pic for Empress C.C.
happy 4th of July guys!

and because I missed the cosplay gathering/photoshoot at SF I am going to compensate by making a Rin cosplay to have a vocaloid shoot with Crystal and Christine... lolz

so there that's my project for the summer... Rin~!
meeeh kannazuki I still need the C.C. pic >.<

and well... I am making an emp lelouch but I'm not sure if I'lll get it done :P *doing other things

well I'm working overtime on subbing anime/jdrama/reality variety show episodes and editing/translating mini shoujo mangas so I'm too busy to work on cosplays... but I'm getting SakuBo's sword done probably august (needs it)