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Messages - ICosplayNeji

Quote from: BrightHeart76 on May 07, 2010, 11:21:28 PM
LOL.  If the worst thing I've done today is make someone smile...I think I can live with myself.

I'm not kidding when I say this year is going to be the best ever.  I can hardly wait.   ;D

EDIT:  By the way the first post is updated with this quasi-official schedule and the official photo list.  We're up to 68 cosplayers!  I don't know if we'll reach our goal of 100 cosplayers on the list...just a reminder if we do reach the goal I will bring candy for everyone...sweet, sweet CANDY.   :P

D: MAN, I WANT CANDY! *hurries over to deviantArt to recruit more Naruto cosplayers*
AW MAN! Looking at the schedule just raised my excitement meter XD lol Man, I can't wait!  ;D
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on May 06, 2010, 07:27:17 PM
Have I mentioned that you guys are the best?  I can't WAIT for the convention this year.  Counting down the days.  :)

I got the rest of the prizes for BINGO and UNO today.  Gotta say I'm not as impressed as I had hoped to be.  I'm going to keep looking for some other stuff.  However, I did get some L.E.D. light up lolipop rings for prizes that actually seem to be really cool.  I think you guys will like them (and some of the other stuff too). 

Happy Thursday guys and gals!  Keep the excitement going, Fanime is just around the corner!!

Happy Thursday to you too! Just THREE WEEKS from tomorrow!
Quote from: luluuxduplica1223 on May 06, 2010, 05:29:17 PM
Quote from: ICosplayNeji on May 06, 2010, 02:14:17 PM
Quote from: luluuxduplica1223 on May 05, 2010, 07:20:38 PM
Quote from: Eeri-chan on May 05, 2010, 05:58:34 PM
...Oh! And a Gai-sensei to do the Nice Guy pose with!!!!!! That's very important too! And a Tenten would be awesome! 

Etto... sou. Those are the only ones I think.

I'm being TenTen all of Sunday. Or so I have planned. :3 And there should be a gai-sensei or two about. :) I'm sure there's tons of other TenTens too. :D


YAY! A Neji! :D SQUEE!

And here I was worried a few posts back that we wouldn't have a full Team Gai XD I shoulda known lol
Quote from: luluuxduplica1223 on May 05, 2010, 07:20:38 PM
Quote from: Eeri-chan on May 05, 2010, 05:58:34 PM
...Oh! And a Gai-sensei to do the Nice Guy pose with!!!!!! That's very important too! And a Tenten would be awesome! 

Etto... sou. Those are the only ones I think.

I'm being TenTen all of Sunday. Or so I have planned. :3 And there should be a gai-sensei or two about. :) I'm sure there's tons of other TenTens too. :D

Um, I vote for whatever's a decent walking distance from the con center D: 'cause walking is my only mode of transportation when I get to San Jose
Quote from: TokenBlackGuy on April 27, 2010, 01:33:30 AM
Anyone going to be there the entire weekend, i am and was wondering if possible to have a pre-gathering kinda thing so we could all meet each other. Just an idea, but its fine if not.

I'll be there the whole weekend ^^
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on April 25, 2010, 12:23:42 AM
Quote from: ICosplayNeji on April 24, 2010, 11:34:24 PM
I hope we find a Ten-Ten and/or a Gai-sensei at the gathering! Me and the Lees will be kinda lonely XD lol

I have never seen a year without a Gai-Sensei.  Like I said a lot of cosplayers don't register for the list here, infact that Gai-Sensei that comes to mind first has never registered in advance for the gathering and has been there every year that I've been there.  Of course I make no promises...but I feel some level of confidence that we'll see Gai.  Ten-Ten is iffy, there have been less and less of her over the years.  Ino-Shika-Cho is in the same category, fewer cosplayers each year and certain characters get missed all together.  We'll do our best and see what happens.  LOL, I suppose we could always get someone to photoshop the characters into the pictures after all is said and done.   :P

@Shinigami_Lover ~ awesome!  New wigs make cosplay great!  Can't wait to see it.  :D

I hope so! lol. PSH photoshop XD
I hope we find a Ten-Ten and/or a Gai-sensei at the gathering! Me and the Lees will be kinda lonely XD lol
Hey, ElvenArcher here!

I'm bringing my Lucrecia, SoulCaptive from DeviantArt. ^^
Most definitely! We all know the Hyuuga could use more bonding XD
Hiya! Just checking in to say I'm bringing a friend! Keychain1900 from DeviantArt is going to be my cousin for the day as Ship. Hinata  ;D
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on April 11, 2010, 12:37:30 PM
(before reading please note I'm just being silly and trying to start some friendly rivalry with the Bleach cosplayers...I have total respect for the fans and cosplayers of Bleach)

That being said...

We on the Naruto side of the checkers board are just SO AWESOME that we have scared off the Bleach side!!  We will win just by virtue of true awesomeness.  (insert image of Tsunade striking a victory pose here)

Nicely put, Tsunade-sama! (cue Hyuuga smirk lol)
So, I'm for sure cosplaying Hibari for Fanime, but I won't be able to make it to the KHR gathering :(

You can take me off the list, and I'm on there twice for some odd reason XD lol. As "ICosplayNeji" and my old name "Haku_Hyuuga" Maybe I'll be able to make it next year :)
:( In the end I couldn't fit L into my Fanime cosplays. Maybe next time!
Quote from: BSaphire on March 27, 2010, 06:01:07 AM
Quote from: BunofGovt on March 27, 2010, 03:48:39 AM
Quote from: BSaphire on March 15, 2010, 10:05:19 AM
10.   When a piece reaches the furthest row from the player who controls that piece, it is crowned and becomes a king. One of the pieces which had been captured is placed on top of the king so that it is twice as high as a single piece. (Cosplayer piece is given a crown to show that they are the "kinged" piece)

Although this could be hilarious with people riding on each other's backs or shoulders (thinking of Kenpachi and Yachiru from Bleach), certainly the crowns are a safer idea.  ;)
I know that it would make some WONDERFUL photo ops if we could do it the other way, but the crowns are the safer way to go. So... are you going to play? and what about you ICosplayNeji? There is room for both of you :P

Oh! I'm already up there for the Naruto group ^^ It's under my cosplay alias ElvenArcher, I'm just a dork who didn't remember to use the same username XD Sorry 'bout that ^^
Quote from: BrightHeart76 on March 27, 2010, 10:28:52 AM
Quote from: ICosplayNeji on March 26, 2010, 10:46:18 PM
AW MAN! I haven't been here in FOREVER!  If you still need people for checkers, I'm up for it!  :)

In regards to the latest chapter, MY MAN NEJI IS BACK! And he speaks! WOO!  ;D lol

I have you down for checkers...I just used your name.  Do you want me to change it to ICosplayNeji instead of ARE ElvenArcher aren't you?  If not I've totally confused myself (not that that would be the first time).  Anyway, let me know.   ;D

lol, yep, it's ElvenArcher. I'm just a dork who forgot to use my main cosplay alias XD Sorry for the confusion!

Well coolness! Man, I wish Fanime would hurry up a little lol
Pirates vs. Ninjas ;D lol, NICE.

Shippuden Hyuuga Neji will gladly join his fellow ninja!