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Messages - uzutake

KAMIJO. And if even possible...the whole band, Lareine! Even if not Kamijo, SOMEONE from that band. Even Machi or Kazumi(even though they left already) would do. ANYONE from Lareine.



...please? Obsessive much...maybe.

Oh, and have Snafu come again! And ask if this time, they can bring Bleedman! *w*

Oh, and a few cast members form the future Death Note movies:

-Tatsuya Fujiwara(Light/Raito Yagmi)

-Kenichi Matsuyama(L)

Those are the main 2 I want >< But anyone else if fine xD
Quote from: "Touya no Miko"Pictures from Monday. Dear God I look like such a goob. I'm the zmobie L.

Hey! I met joo guys! I was the girl in the glasses with my 2 sisters...

ZOMBIE L IS A SPOILER?! I thought that was just for fun cuz L sorta does look like a zombie...TT_TT

RAITO AND L YAOI?! And I missed it?! TT3TT

Me and my sisters might come as L's! Depends if my mom'll let us cut our hair >>U We'll come as Big, Medium, and Small L...yeah...we're weird like that...

All of these pictures are so awesome! I really hope I dont miss the next DN gathering next year! :D

And where can you get those Death Note notebooks?! I seriously want one TTwTT (wow, 3 types of crying faces xD)
Quote from: "risingphoenix13"
Quote from: "phoenixphire24"
Quote from: "Chikiru"
Quote from: "Rette"This guy just randomly walked up to me and my friend about 3 times a day (almost everyday) and asked for a hug.

Was he wearing, like, a light blue sweater or something on some of those days? 'Cause if it was, he did that to me too. =/ It was kinda gross on Monday, though, 'cause he didn't look like he changed or anything... XP

Yeah, he was wearing a teal sweater. I don't mind being asked for a hug, but after I said no 3 times, it got a little annoying.  My friends and I had to avoid him for the rest of the con.

He got me twice in the same day within 30 minutes of each time. I told him that I already hugged him and he pouted when I mentioned it.

My sisters and I bonded with him. We hugged him every time we saw him xDDD He's nice and cuddly! X3

Craziest thing...even though this was my first anime convention like ever...every "crazy thing" seemed quite normal to me xDDD

L blowing bubbles with Misa. Now that was weird. Death Note fans should understand. xDDD And so ironic, L started eating bunches of Mochi!! :3 Then L and Misa has a reunion with like 3 other L' of them being Zombie L. If you're here Zombie L, I was the girl with the glasses with my 2 other sisters that kept hugging you and like...everybody else. Including all the L's! >w<

What people would do for
Quote from: "HamSTA"Plans:
-Cosplay as a Champion from Ragnarok Online/Getting fit for it ;D

-Skit about Asians (specifically vietnamese? xD)

-Getting Counter Strike in the E-Gaming Room!!!

-Get as much free stuff as possible(Anything you guys don't want i'll be happy to take off your hands ^_^)

-Get a hug from that guy who ran around hugging everyone... BESIDES ME!!! D=

-Still do good in school to graduate (o7 BABY!!!)

Yay Veitnamese!

And that hugging guy was fun :3


+GLOMP MORE! From the beginning to the end! Even random people >>

+Get a FANCY sign that says "Glomp me" and such...

+Find really cool tricks to do to trade for yaoi >w<

+TRY to cosplay this time...xD

+Go to the Masquerade AHEAD of time...

+Print out legible schedules if the ones next year suck...again...

+Find and know all the times for Cosplay gatherings(preferrably Naruto, KH, FMA, and Deathnote!)

+SAVE MORE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

+Bring more friends!

+Be less shy to act like an anime loser/nerd/freak/geek/dork xDDDD


+Practice DDR so I wont get whooped next year >>

+Go to all things AHEAD of time...and not just wandering by and entering..

+Dont be scared to enter the gaming room/arcade...xDDDDD

+Dont glomp people smaller then you x___x


There's much more, but this list is getting too long and Fanime is still a year away xDDD
AAHHH!!! KAMIJO!!! I took a picture with him, but they took the picture with the polaroid so I gotta take a picture of that agian...

But I got lotsa picture-pictures of him...just gotta get them onto Photobucket soon...>>U
2865...ionno if it was special. Pre-reg on March 31. The last day for pre-reg to be $50.

How are the pictures determined anyway? O_o
This was my first year too! Wasnt it just THE BEST?! Even my sisters loved it! EVEN MY MOM LOVED IT! XDDD

I'm coming back next year for SURE!!!! :3
I'm looking for the guy in the greenish-bluish(is that a word O_o) sweater-looking thing that kept asking people for hugs, in his words: "Hug me?"
Yeah, me and my 2 sisters always hugged him whenever we saw him because some people didnt want to hug some random 20 year old dude >>U(since most dude anime-fans are supposedly hentai X_X)
We also hugged him like 10 minute before he left, so I really do hope you're here >< Me and my sisters miss you!

Also there was this girl that was in line for Kamijo pictures/autographs on Sunday. She just took a picture with him and came running to the end where me and my sisters were and were like "My friends are still taking pictures/I'm looking for them, so I'll just hang out with you guys!" she was really nice and loved Kamijo a lot *w*

And there was also there this Vash guy! The one who hung out with Sunday's FMA group(consisted of Envy, Wrath, Scar and human friends) My sister glomped him then he sorta put her on top of himself for about...2 minutes while I took you picture. If you're here, I'm sorry for the wait! I bet you were getting tired of holding her! My camera takes forever to load >>U

And there was this Axel who I glomped then she spun me around.

And also this Japanese guy(I think; he didnt understand English) who had one eye with white contacts and one eye with red contacts. And also the people who hung out with him. Even though he MIGHT not be able to read/understand this but: OMFG YOU GUYS WERE SO COOL!!!

I'm also looking for the Glomp Group! I think they looked around 14-16? They taped lined notebook papers to their backs that said stuff like "GLOMP ME!" "GO AHEAD AND GLOMP!" "GLOMP PLEASE!" and such. My sister took a picture with the dude(I think he was Filipino) You guys were so cool xD

I was just wondering if anyone here might recognize me and my sister, we were running around Fanime like 10 minutes b4 it ended asking totally random people/cosplayers for Glomps/Hugs on Monday. I was the girl in the glasses and my sister was small, cute, and energetic. A Kairi dubbed us the name "The Hugging Girls". XD So yeah, if I/my sister hugged anyone who just so happens to be here, HELLO! in conclusion...PM me if you're one of these people/know who me and my sisters are/have seen these people/know these people :D
Quote from: "scyper15"I suppose I'll make a thread for the official Death Note gathering for 2007. The 2006 one was awesome! I was the shortest guy L there for the 2006 gathering. For 2006, basically most of the Death Note cosplayers met up together after the Shonen Jump cosplay. I'm not sure when to do the Death Note gathering for 2007. I'll see how many people reply to this thread and decide upon the date, location, and time afterwards. I'll put the info on this post so it'll be easy to find.

Cosplaying as Death Note is very fun. ^_^! L is just fun to cosplay and walking bare foot is..somewhat disgusting and fun at the same time. XD And there are just so many wacky ideas for photos like one where all the L's are dead on the floor with all the Lights writing in their Death Note. We had a bondage Misa for 2006 and she was AWESOME. :o So.. Yeah. Official Death Note Gathering for 2007 is here. Reply whoever is thinking about cosplaying.

Picture of the gathering for 2006. I'm the dude at the bottom right. >o>

Wait, are you the L that kept getting glomped by 3 girls? I was one of them and we were really really big fans of that L >w< The "L"'s are in the way so I cant see your face.

It's still really early in the year ot be talking about gatherings, so when next year comes around, please put where the gathering's gonna be! I'd love to glomp all of you L's :3
Squwee!! My SN is:


I'm like always on! Just IM me and I love chatting! If you dont mind randomness and retarded otaku-ness at times :P
It was my very first CONVENTION overall so OMFG I HAD THE GREATEST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!


Exhibit Hall 2(I think, the Dealer's Room?) why was the exit in from of the entrance? Even though I kept walking in and out of it like...a million times...I still got confused.

The Schedule...that was hard to read...I had to take off my glasses and stare at it for...25 seconds b4 my eyes could get used to it.

I had a 7-year-old with me...and some of the performances and stuff werent exactly rated PG...she's okay with yaoi and that(since I'm a die-hard fan) Great Idea for next year: put a rating next to the performances. Maybe like a sign or something :3

For the yaoi marathons and such...Gakuen Heaven and Gravitation arent rated R or anything...they're Shonen Ai, not Yaoi. Maybe have a Yaoi marathon for people 18+ then have a Shonen-ai one for people ages...13+? Ionno, but I'm pretty young and LOVE LOVE LOVE yaoi.


KAMIJO!!!!!!! He was soooooo cool and nice! He walked around all of Exhibit 3 and complimented the stands and everything! Then he'd pose for pictures and yeah...I've never met a star that was so willing like that. More people like him please!

The people were so nice!!! I dont know if that's a compliment to the convention or the people, but hey, it's a compliment alright!

I dont have any other specifics to comment on, but this convention just ROCKED! I dont know, use every other word out there that can easily be a compliment: FANTASTIC! AMAZING! COOL! SUGOI! FRIKIN AWESOME! RADICAL! SHWEEET! GREAT! THE BEST! ...etc...

I'm definately going back NEXT year!!! :D
General Convention Discussion / TEH GLOMPER!
May 29, 2006, 07:21:52 PM
Hey hey and HIYA! Imma post some of the pics I got (A lot[ me, this was my first con >w<]) later cuz they're taking FOREVER to load onto teh comp!

And I know there was a Kairi somewhere there? You got a picture of my and my sister, uh...I think the "Official Hugging Girls"? yeah, the ones that were having a hugging/glomping contest! So....uh...I hope some people remember me! And my cute little sister! :D I would also like that picture please! And I'd like to have your deviantArt too!

I wasnt there Friday though( :cry: ) but if someone has pictures of the stuff that HAPPENED on Friday/the cosplayers, then link please! THANK YOU!

Uh...I forgot everything else I was gonna conclusion...

I'll edit my post when I get to downloading my 100+ pictures on this slow computer TT3TT
Naruto wouldnt even stop at the sparring part! He'd blast that Big Chakra Ball at Inuyasha and BLAM, everything's over. xD

I've only watched like 5 episodes of Inuyasha, and none of them had him in the "Insane Demon State" so I wouldnt know how powerful he was, but looking at how powerful NARUTO was in the manga...gawsh. I dont think any other anime character, demon or not, could defeat that. Unless there's an anime out there that does have that, like some immortal dude or something. *shrugs* *scared of bashing cuz I'm an anime newb*

I guess that's my opinion. >w<;;

I would, but I have NO IDEA where to get a uniform that is not ordered online and making one would be too hard.
Crossdressing Cosplayers always put a big fan-girl grin on my face! Anyone have pictures of crossdressing cosplayers? Is ANYONE a crossdressing cosplayer? Anyone PLANNING on being one?

General Anime Chat / Otaku Population: 60% Perverted?
February 25, 2006, 11:43:18 PM
I dont know a whole lot about the Otaku population, but from the girls I know on deviantART, girls from the ages 13+ (AVERAGE) publicly call themselves perverts due to yaoi. And I've also seen 11 year olds draw yaoi-related scenes. I dont know how that adds onto the 60%, but I hope it helps in some way ^^;
Things in the Universe / Fanime AIM Chat Gatherings!
February 25, 2006, 11:22:14 PM
SN: aznblaziken

Yeah, my fave pokemon was blaziken ^^;

I'd like to be notified whenever there are chats and stuff. And I'd like to talk to other Naruto fans as well pwease. ^w^
Anyone holding a Naruto gathering?

I liked Brock and James from Pokemon when I was 9-10 years old. Back when I was the cute little innocent kid who felt sorry for guys like Brock. >w<

And now my crushes are:

1)Kakashi from Naruto (He even has fan-BOYS! That's saying something)
2)Ryuho from S-Cry-Ed (*shrugs* He'sh hawt)
3)Roy and Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist (ROY RULES AND YOU KNOW IT. And Envy's got that whole "I'm hotter than you and that says it all" thing going on >w<)
4) Ritsu and Ayame from Furuba (Ritsu's like my Siamese Twin and that's saying something O_O. And I sorta go for those bishonen-type guys and I'd say Ayame and Ritsu are it)

There're more but it's either I forgot them or dont know their names (I'm so pathetic...)
Fan-girls EVERYWHERE. Perverted Fan-boys EVERYWHERE.

I think if Anime was real, all celebrities would be lessed cared about and they'd rebel against the anime characters/fans and there would be a great war. >w<; But we know our beloved Anime'll go all super saiyan and samurai swords and magic on 'em. THEN ANIME RULES AGAIN! MUAHAHAHAHA!
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