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Messages - Tsu

I'm not a fanime con rep, so I'm sure they can list a billion things that I don't even know about.  But I'm sure part of what the money goes towards is simply renting the convention space and the hall across the street.  Renting all the rooms at the con center and insuring it against theft/damage/loss is probably a part of what they spend their money towards, plus probably some type of permits in order for things like the dealer's hall to function...  Plus just because the staff isn't paid doesn't necessarily mean that they aren't provided water and/or snacks, things to keep them functioning during the hours they have to be on-staff so we don't have fainting rovers all over the place.  The con also provides all of the gaming equipment and such, which I imagine has been damaged more than once; they have to rent all the arcade machines, and they're liable to the company they're renting it from in case of damage...  Not to mention, the big guests at these cons... Well, I don't know if they're paid, but I know people like Momoi aren't paying the airfare all on their own out of their own good will.  The guests come from all over the country as well as out of it, and I'm sure the con takes care of feeding them and making sure they have a place to stay.  I'm sure the list goes on and on... janitorial services... rental of video/projection/sound equipment... etc etc.  Even the badges themselves cost money to produce. I think the only reason pre-reg is lower than later on is because of the convenience it offers the con.  They get a general picture about how many attendees are going to be coming, and since the money is paid on the spot, they're able to use it to purchase supplies, deposits, all that stuff.
A little bit of sprinklage would be okay. I've only been to the con once before when it's rained, and at least when I saw it doing so, it was really light and over with quickly.  I hadn't even thought about the rovers' point of view... I'd hate to think about people in fancy costumes getting wet shoes and feet and slipping on the floor downstairs! That could be disastrous.
Here's a tip for any would-be pizza orderers... check the websites to see if there's any coupons you can print out before you leave for the con! I do this every year, it saves me a few bucks and it's still a lot cheaper than room service.  Just make sure that if they're region-specific coupons that you get one for San Jose and not one for your local area!  (I've never had any problems with pizza deliveries at the Hilton or Marriott.)
Video Programming / Re: FMV 2010 Finalists!
May 21, 2010, 06:41:10 PM
GAH! What a tease. If AMV editors start flailing around uncontrollably and create chaos, you've only yourself to blame! *Shakes fist melodramatically*

In seriousness, thanks for your hard work. ;)
I cannot say how AWESOME this is! Thank you Reg people!! I've gone with friends in past years when I had a pre-reg badge and could get in for things on Thursday, but my friends only had Early-Reg and couldn't.  This is wonderful!
EDIT: Nevermind, I just got the confirmation email. Thanks!
Hotel and Facilities / Re: E-Check In?
April 24, 2010, 03:56:21 PM
I don't think you need to worry. I've checked in at 8 and 10 pm in the past with no problems. The important thing is that Fanime doesn't overbook the hotel rooms, so it's not like 5 people reserved 3 junior suites and whoever gets there last is out of luck.  The only thing you need to worry about is someone else coming along outside of Fanime and wanting to reserve a suite, but I imagine the Marriott would be reluctant- and besides, who would want to do that at full rates during a convention full of crazies like us?  ;)
Kind of hard to follow up such awesome advice, but you might also consider downing something like a smoothie or frappucino from the con as well.  Those things are usually blended with ice, so they're a lot colder than just a bottle of water, and it'll reduce your core temperature quite a bit, at least for a while.  (Think of how cold you get drinking something like that in cool weather... same principal applies.)
Registration / Re: Pre-Reg Closed...
April 03, 2010, 05:07:51 PM
I wouldn't have minded paying the extra 5-10 bucks at the end of the pre-reg segment, had I known it was actually ending.  That's the thing.  I mean, now it says that Early Reg is closing on May 19th- that's it, it's over- but we didn't get any info like that regarding pre-reg.  I used to grab my pre-reg the moment it opened, but nowadays it's easier to pay the $55-$60 when I've actually got the money for it than $45 when I don't, and letting it rack up APR charges.

I'm just bummed, is all.  I would've loved a small grace period to pay the Early Reg price and still get the pre-reg badge.  It's ultimately my mistake that I didn't get one, but I've come to rely on the messages on the front page for years now, and they didn't give any warning this year. :/
Registration / Re: Pre-Reg Closed...
April 03, 2010, 05:59:01 AM
On Jan 16th (now the second page) they did post that the prices were going up to $55 until March 31st... but it didn't actually say that it was going to stop being pre-reg.  

QuotePre-registration is now $55 per person until March 31, 2010, 11:59:59 PM Pacific Standard Time. Click here to register now!

November 9th, they said almost the exact same thing, just with a different cost and deadline... 
QuoteSingle and group pre-registration is now $50 per membership badge until Thursday, December 31, 2009, 11:59:59 PM Pacific Standard Time. Click here to register now!

And again on Oct 30th...
QuoteRegistration for FanimeCon 2010 is now up! Single and group registrations are currently available at a price of $45 per badge until November 6, 2009. Click here to register now!

The same type of language was always used, which never indicated that pre-reg was actually ending at any given time... just that the prices would rise as of March 31st.

From what I see on the twitter feed, there wasn't any info about the price rising, or the closing time for pre-registration.  :/
Registration / Pre-Reg Closed...
April 03, 2010, 04:09:26 AM
I'm a little disappointed that the pre-reg closing date wasn't announced anywhere on the front page or the twitter account like in prior years.  There wasn't any warning given unless you went to the registration page itself.  Even the Registration FAQ pinned on the board didn't announce the date.  Normally I put off pre-reg as long as I can because of financial issues, and grab one at the last minute possible when it's noted on the front page... no such luck this year.  Is there any hope for an extension like in some prior years?  I'm seriously bummed, I've never attended (6 years now) without a pre-reg badge.
Any updates on this?
Big Event Showcase / Re: AMV Contest?
March 23, 2010, 07:10:48 AM
I haven't been to the Arcadia, but I've had some of the room service food that comes from there and it's pretty tasty.  As far as Original Joe's goes, if last year is any indication, try to call ahead... or don't go when you're starving.  The place is really pricey and the lines were insane. We were waiting for about 45 minutes to get a table.
Live Programming and Events / Re: Fanime AA REDUNCULOUS
February 28, 2010, 07:32:19 AM
Quote from: Oniko on February 27, 2010, 05:39:18 PM
In the time I was typing I noticed your responded to jAded.

I dont think they were being rude or sarastic.  They seemed to be calming explaining how they felt about the subject (Which you asked to hear) and then tried to give you advice.  They were trying to help you, because we shouldnt just assume you know everything to life.  You wanted to know how people felt, you encouraged it and asked for it, so you got it. Not everyone is going to feel the same way about this that you are and calling people rude who when you have been throwing names does not make you look any better.

Agreed.  There was nothing snide or sarcastic about their comment whatsoever. Think what you will, but a lot of people don't know how important it is to get signed up for unemployed benefits right away so you can make the most of it. jAded simply was making the suggestion, and since you never said anything about having applied for it, cool it.

I'm not an artist, so I can't say anything about the prices there. Of course the rising prices at Fanime bum me out. I've been going since they were at the Santa Clara center, and the general registration prices were MUCH lower. Now they start at what, $40 if you pre-register at the con the year before? It's a pain, especially since I have to balance whether to pre-reg right away and save some money- but pay the bill right then- or do it later, and pay more- but what can you do about it? It's never seemed to me that Fanime has actively raised their prices to make money off of us. They moved to a bigger con center, extended it to 4 days, have a music festival across the street in yet another building they have to rent for 1-4 days of the con (depending on what else they're using it for), permits and so on. Hell, the first year we were at San Jose, they didn't even rent the whole con center. There was a graduation ceremony and a bunch of perturbed looking veterans wandering around, as they rented portions of the center as well. Yes, it sucks that the prices for AA is so high, but as others have pointed out, they're in the same league as other conventions, and better than most of them.

Really, I can understand your complaints about the price, especially with your financial situation. Things have gotten incredibly tough for me this year financially, and I look at Fanime as a way to get away, have fun and relax each year- but the price tag attached to it makes me cringe, wondering if I should even bother.  Far as I can tell, nobody here was particularly looking to fight with you about that.  Chill out, at least towards us. We're not responsible for the price.
General Convention Discussion / Re: guest announcements
February 10, 2010, 03:25:46 AM
Thanks ewu!  Yeah, last year's visit with Karen Dyer was a surprise, wasn't she announced like only a few days before the con? (Oddly enough the same thing happened at SacAnime)  Looking forward to it...
General Convention Discussion / Re: guest announcements
February 08, 2010, 03:26:24 AM
Sadly I have no answers, but I'd like to know about this too.  I guess no one's been confirmed yet?
Agreed, they used to be more expensive a few years ago.  And if you share the room and split the cost with 1-2 people, it really brings it down even more.
Was the Marriott unavailable on Thursday from the start, or has that day filled up?  Will there be more rooms added?
Video Programming / Re: FMV Iron Editing contest?
December 30, 2009, 02:15:43 PM
It is a bit odd to watch... but it was still fun, they showed random AMVs while the editors were working (with noise-blocking headphones, I imagine) and kind of just chatted up the audience.  If it were to happen again, Fanime could always mark the schedule to show when the whole event starts, and when the actual finish time and the screening would be.