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Messages - Black Kawaii Kitty

Big Event Showcase / Music Fest?
May 29, 2005, 10:41:53 PM
:wink: it was awesome in the front! and I've still got sore spots from it XD i wish i could have gotten their cd though, if i had known they were selling it i would have bought one :cry: kinda was crappy at the autographs they were gonna do cuz i thought they were gonna take pictures with the fans too but they didn't and they were taking forever to get people in so we just left >.<

edit: did anyone get pics of the performances? especially some of ZZ would be nice >.>
:D I think having Shigure's and Kyou's personalities in there make it for boys too it's a good well-rounded anime since they've got stuff for girls and guys, I personally fell in love with it since i see a lot of the characters in myself especially Kisa :oops:  thus thats one of my cosplays this year along with Hatsu-Haru XD I just read Vol. 8 of the manga and was shocked by Saki's past and Kyou's dad  :cry: it can get pretty intense and I think that's one of the things that separates anime and manga from most American cartoons >.> That and when they are gonna say or do something perverted they do it, not hide it in the movie like Disney did with the priest in the Little Mermaid, nasty >.<
:shock: I was considering doing Hevn from Getbackers this year but I don't wanna scare the kiddies, and my dad, and i don't wanna get pics taken by lots of perverted fanboys XD If I do, do it, it will be the craziest thing i have ever done....o.o That and i'm gonna chase any Goku's from Saiyuki around with my paper fan  :twisted: so if anyone hears "Stupid Monkey!" that's me XD
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance Goodness!
April 22, 2005, 03:40:38 AM
Quote from: "DayDreamerNessa"yeah sometimes if they are good it looks cool, until you get hit in the head =P

and unfortunately i dont think there'll ever be a time when the room doesn't stink, where the dance is even if everyone showers(which doesn't happen either) i wonder what it would be like if they held it like on a rooftop, or something of the like, outside ya know?

that's a good idea to have it outside but it might get too cold and other people would probably hear the music and get annoyed>.<
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance Goodness!
April 22, 2005, 03:12:36 AM
I'm bringing a ton of glowsticks for me and my friends but no worries because i'll dance with them close to my body so i don't poke anyones eyes out  :shock: i mite wear my Chi ears, or Kisa's tiger ears from fruits basket, or do my handy old black cat costume again so if anyone sees me and i'm wearing a ton of glowsticks i'll give u one :wink:  I've gotta train my legs though  :?  last year i danced for almost 3 hours straight and was so sore by the time i went to bed i could barely walk and it definitely wasn't walking straight more like wobble wobble, almost hit floor, wobble some more :lol: so for newbies planning to dance long...please play lots of DDR before u do so, but as Ikari said "please shower before the dance!" it stunk so bad last year X_X talk about needing to breathe XD
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance Goodness!
January 22, 2005, 10:12:16 PM
:( Last year the dance was supposed to be for every night i think... but sadly it was only friday and saturday.Saturday it was delayed like an hour or so if i remember right...i think it started around 8 or a little later and they said it wasn't over till around 3 in the morning< not sure since i stayed till like 12....but its fun... don't go too early cuz theres not that many people and not too late cuz you'll never find a spot to dance lol  i came close to getting knocked off the floor! :shock:
:? hmm craziest thing I've done.... would have to be when i stuck my Yuki plushie down my shirt when i was dressed as a female Hatsu-Haru at Fanime '04 >.< people took pictures too :shock: and my dad looked at me like i lost what was left of my marbles XD. and i have to say buying a ton of inuyasha plushies...invasion! Muhahahaha  :D
Live Programming and Events / Fanime Dance Goodness!
November 19, 2004, 09:33:31 PM
:shock: omg i can't believe i just randomly found this...but Antoinette is one of my friends lol i was there too as my own character-black chinese dress and kitty ears, and i was dancing with a sex-crazed jerk dressed as inuyasha>.> anyways i'm bringing a ton of glowsticks this year!!!^_^ i'll be the one dressed as Selene from Underworld and looks like a lit up christmas tree!!!^_^