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Messages - YaoiCat

Quote from: AkiraxYagami on January 24, 2013, 03:53:04 PM
And  word of advice, DON'T ever sing with a friend >_> unless you know for sure that they are willing to provide assistance.  I made that mistake twice with a friend who said they wanted to duet and I ended up singing all of the song by myself while she mumble the lyrics softly.

Aww, lol.  Do you speak Japanese?  If not, how do you memorize the lyrics, just by sound?
Quote from: Oniko on January 24, 2013, 03:46:08 PM
I got a suite.  I'm trying to trade it for a standard king room as known were open so all I could pick is the suite, but I really dont want to spend that much money.

How much was the suite and which hotel was it at?
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: Handmade Plushies!
January 24, 2013, 03:35:25 PM
I think I can do that!  It would be similar in shape and size to this Grimmjow plushie I made a couple years ago.

I'll send you a private message with a quote on how much it would cost for something like this :)
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Making reservations...
January 24, 2013, 02:42:05 PM
I also fell victim to the incorrect link at first :(

It seems like a lot of people missed out on the rooms they wanted because of that.  I hope more rooms get added so that the people who missed out will get another chance :)
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Making reservations...
January 24, 2013, 02:35:11 PM
Quote from: AkiraxYagami on January 24, 2013, 02:31:18 PM
Is it me or is the Hilton full up?  :o  I am trying to reserve a room though Fanime website just to be safe and The Hilton isn't showing up for what I want  ???  I already reserved a room for myself for like 122 >_> but I wanted to see if they had anything else. Because a few friends informed me they would like to attend.

I was looking for another Hilton room too, it's full up right now :( 

Does anyone know if more rooms will be added?
I was able to book my own group's room (thanks goodness!) but my friend and her group were not so lucky, they wanted the hilton but the housing site is showing that they are no more hilton rooms available.  I was wondering, will more rooms be added?  If so, is there a waiting list?
When will the pre-reg price be raised from $50?
Quote from: AkiraxYagami on January 24, 2013, 01:30:50 AM
You have to memorize your lyrics.

That's what I was afraid of, lol.  I'm fine memorizing songs in English, but it's a whole different story when the lyrics are in another language! 
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Re: Handmade Plushies!
January 24, 2013, 09:24:37 AM
Quote from: Lucifargundam on January 24, 2013, 07:22:45 AM
can you do a Hellsing plush?

I've never watched Hellsing, so you would need to send me a picture of the character you wanted and I could let you know whether I could make it or not ^^

I don't think I'm going to take any commissions for complex human characters because they take so long and I'm holding down a full time job, but I'm open to possibilities :)
Incredible Stuff I can Make / Handmade Plushies!
January 23, 2013, 04:22:05 PM
Hi everyone,

I make plushies!  Here's a Flareon plushie that I made to accompany my Flareon(ish) cosplay from another convention

This Flareon plushie and a few other plushies that I have made are in need of new homes, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in adopting one (for a small fee of course!) and picking them up at Fanime 2013?  They make great cosplay accessories and even better cuddle buddies!

Check out my deviant art gallery  and if you see a plushie you'd like to adopt, let me know and I'll tell you whether it's available or not :)

Also, feel free to inquire about custom orders or re-makes!

This may be asking too much but ... could we get a break down of prices by room type, specifically for the hotels that are connected to the convention center?  hehe ^^;
Wait ... where is this FAQ going to be?  lol.  Is it something that goes up on or is it posted here in the forums?
Sweet!  Can't wait to check them out :)
Quote from: Sen on January 23, 2013, 12:49:44 AM
FAQ will be going up tomorrow.  ;)

Tomorrow as in Thursday?  Will it be up before registration and housing go live, or is it going up at the same time?
Live Programming and Events / Karaoke Contest Questions
January 23, 2013, 09:20:42 AM
Hi, I've never participated in the Fanime karaoke contest but I was thinking of trying it this year.  Is there anything a first time participant really needs to know?  Also, I was wondering, do you get to see the lyrics while you perform during the contest, or do you have to memorize your song?
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Making reservations...
January 21, 2013, 01:43:51 PM
Thanks DangerHeart!  Definitely good advice on the parking, I didn't even think about that ^^; 
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Making reservations...
January 21, 2013, 07:31:31 AM
Thanks Kookiekween :)

Have they ever posted the room rates in advance before?
Hotel and Facilities / Re: Making reservations...
January 20, 2013, 11:40:00 AM
I've been attending Fanime since 2008 but this is the first time I'm planning to stay at one of the hotels, can anyone describe the reservation process so I know what to expect once it opens up on Thursday?  I don't want to miss out on a room because of any confusion :/

Also, it would be great if the room rates could be posted somewhere before housing goes live, that way people have a chance to weigh their options and decide which room they want to aim for and they won't have to make up their minds on the spot to avoid rooms selling out.
Registration / Re: Registering for friends?
October 26, 2012, 02:55:45 PM
Ok, thanks for the info :)

I'd really love to be able to get their badges for them so they can't use the reg line as an excuse not to come ;)
Registration / Re: Registering for friends?
October 26, 2012, 02:18:16 PM
Hmm, I understand that it would be impossible to register more than one badge under my own name, but when I got to the computers after reaching the front of the reg line, couldn't I then enter the information for each of my (2 or 3) friends, then pay for the 3 badges all together inside?