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Messages - michiko nakano

this white, sticky
is older than he was two days ago!  Happy Belated birthday!!

Why have I burned the toast three days in a row?
Did any of you see paper man at fanime '09?  I went to high school with him.
Forum Games / Re: The 'In my pants' Game! =D
August 18, 2009, 12:44:16 PM
Every little thing she does (in my pants) is magic!

-The Police


Not a screenshot, but this is my background.  You know you like it.
Things in the Universe / Re: Only in my city
August 18, 2009, 11:56:17 AM
My town... has no downtown.  That's how pathetic is.  And last year's "renovations" consisted of them demolishing the movie theatres and bowling alley with no intention of putting them back.

Joey: Hey Ross, I got a science question. If the homosapiens, were in fact, "homosapiens"... is that why they're extinct?
Ross: Joey, homosapiens are people.
Joey: Hey hey, I'm not judging.

Well, I won't shoot you down.  I will dance with anyone, hug anyone, and high five anyone.  Yeah, rejection sucks.  I got rejected nine times when I tried to get a prom date a couple months ago, and had to ask one of my stalkers, but even though he was my stalker it turns out he's a very sweet guy and we talked about Supersmash bros brawl most of the night when we weren't dancing. 

Yes, apparently they're slimming...
oh me too!!!  whenever i finish a series, i get really nostalgic...
Who, lestat?  He's hard to miss.  Vampire, ya know.  I lost his number though.  Like someone mentioned, he's an official bishounen so he'll be at Yaoi-con and such... and definitely Fanime again.
Hey, don't know if this thread is dead or not, but THOSE PEOPLE ARE MY BEST FRIENDS and i went to high school with them.  Fanime '09 was my first time there, but we played it at least once a day and I think it's going to be tradition to play it at midnight at the top of the stairs next to starbucks.  I have Jessica, Kat, David, and others' numbers so... if you wanna talk to them i'll give them your number or something.
I think he might kill me for telling you his real name... It's a stunningly normal name.

My friends and I hung out with him quite a lot at Fanime '09.  He's got a gorgeous singing voice.  He's wearing contacts, that's why his eyes are so awesome. 

One of my friends TOTALLY fell for him... I felt bad.  I would have fallen for him, but I was busy with two of the other bishounen. 

They're all players.

...and that's definitely not a bad thing  ;)
Bit of advice for guys wanting to dance at the black and white ball: almost every girl sitting along the wall went there because she wanted some guy to walk up, smile, tell her she's adorable, and tell her he'd be honored if she'd dance with him.  


A lot of guys tell me they don't approach me because I'm pretty... lame. I don't care if I'm pretty or ugly, I still wanna be danced with.  I love nerds.  I want to dance with ALL of them.  C'mon guys, let the balls drop and be some lonely girl's prince charming for a dance... or the night!
Forum Games / Re: I am
August 16, 2009, 01:20:24 PM
I am SO not wanting to start college tomorrow... but will immediately start looking for an anime club, if they have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ahhh pcd... yeah i've been reading the stuff that came in the fanime welcome bag thingee, going over the schedule, wearing my badge around, looking for pictures of people i met on flickr... plus running around in the forums.  The forums help a LOT.
I found a tiny one!
You don't sees it?  I'll go find another one...