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Messages - Mango Bunny

I'd be a fanime cheerleader. Heck. Yes.
....Ok, I feel like nobody got that I was kidding. I just wish it was fanime and am tired of waiting. My proposals aren't serious. I mean, c'mon. I thought people would get that when I said 'time travel' as an option. o_O
I'm too poor, limited in transportation, and busy to invest in other cons.  =P
Even though fanime is like, 4 days Monday shouldn't even count, and I always get there late on Friday. >.< I'm for weeklong Fanime!
Quote from: Jerry on November 26, 2007, 02:17:06 PM
Believe it or not, Fanime isnt the only convention in the bay area or california in general...

it also takes the dedication, time and efforts of easily hundreds of volunteers, staff and as well as our vendor partners (like the convention center and hotel staff) so not to burst your bubble, but even if we wanted to have Fanime 24/7 ... its a bit of a pipe dream...

with that said, thus the forums are here for you anime fix needs.

feel free to chat, discuss and even make new friends who are also as dedicated to anime related stuffs as you are.

We do have group gatherings and even plan mini events whenever possible.

Besides, if Fanime WAS 24/7 it wouldnt be as special ne?

Welcome to the boards Mango Bunny...

hmmm for some reason im hungry all of sudden.  :P

I was kidding, silly. And besides, even if there are other cons, none are Fanime!
Eat a mango! ...But not this one.

Quote from: zoupzuop2 on November 26, 2007, 02:26:57 PM

'sall about mango ice cream, nyoro~n.

Welcome to the boards, Mango Bunny. Your enthusiasm for Fanime is very much appreciated. :3

There are still 180 days left. As it is, we'll all have to wait 180 days until Fanime. That is a long time. We need to find a solution such as time travel, making every day Fanime, or maybe just having a couple Fanimes sprinkled throughout the year. Suggestions?
I'm personally for every day being Fanime.
Ok, that makes some more sense now. Still wondering though, are you going to try to hold it in a nice place next year, or just a room in the con?

If you end up having to hold in in the con somewhere I can understand the financial issues, but it doesn't mean I won't miss the amv contest being the way it was.   >.o
I've asked this in other threads, but nobody seems to have given me a reply.

Ok, so as we all know the amv contest was moved out of the civic center. Why so? Also, will t be moved back ever? Or is it where it was this year forever?

I miss it in the civic center! It really had an atmosphere there.

I don't mean to complain too much,  just want to know if the beloved amv contest will go back to being how it was.
I didn't get to stay through the viewing I went to since some things came up. I saw a few cool videos while I was there though.

My question is.... why was it not in the Civic Center? It really created an atmosphere there. I understand the staff was trying to do its best, but some of the songs were way too loud and they couldn't get the video working for a while. It was just...cramped. I know my friends and I really miss the atmosphere the other place created. ;_; Will they ever move it back, or is it going to be in that room forever?

I only caught the last little bit of the masquerade, which was my fault. I also had bad seats because of it.

The amv contest was a let-down. I didn't stay through all of it because something came up, but I didn't go back for another showing either. The room was tiny and there were lines through some of the videos.... Poor quality. The volume was WAY too loud at times... I miss it being at the Civic Center. It really gave it a certain atmosphere. The videos all looked AMAZING there. It was really an experience. I know it took a lot from the con for my friend (fanime veteran of 5 years now) having it be in the new room. It was a big part of the con for him, a staple if you will, and it got ruined for him. So I don't know if we're going to go again if it's still in that room.

There seemed to be an increased number of creepy guys this year. I got approached several times by scary menfolk. Maybe there was the same number but they just found me this year.

We lost our expensive-ish mouse while carrying the laptop to a panel.


It was fanime.

So many awesome people.

Some really awesome cosplay

We had a room on the 4th floor so there was the option of taking the stairs to our room, rather than the terrifying elevator/sardine can.

We had extra money

There was a lot of stuff I wanted from the dealer's room, which is unusual.

It was FANIME.

It got me away from home

Overall: Awesome.
My budget for food is like... 10 dollars. From when I leave Friday to when I get home Monday evening. I'm bringing some snacks, but.... other than those snacks I plan to mostly starve. OR live off snacks and buy one fancy dessert. I do love fancy desserts.

My spending money is like...40 bucks. Or something. Yeah, I'm pretty poor right now.

It's all good.
Pretty sure some people are ready to kill me over fanime.

Every day I try to find something to do to prepare. ^^
I may come!
I can't bring anything though, sorry. >.< I have almost zero money to use at fanime. I won't be a glutton though!
I'm not sure if I can even go however due to....
1. Not sure what my friends have planned
2. Don't know what will be going on exactly during that time as far as fanime scheduling (not to say the picnic wouldn't be important!)
3. Not sure if I have the room to haul a dress + petti + etc.

How DO you pack a petticoat and dress without hurting them? ;_;

If I do come, I'll be wearing this BtSSB jsk

Unfortunately I only have a black petti. O_o But it you can't really tell that through the fabric. Thank you Baby for making good quality clothing.
Hey everyone,

I've never cosplayed before, but I hope to this year. I was wondering what are some dos and don'ts when it comes to cosplay? For example...that cheap halloween costume fabric is a don't. But what other sorts of things? I want to know what wil make people look down on me and what details and tips can make a good costume in your opinion. I think it could be fun and useful. ^^
I don't see anything wrong with it. Just don't act out the scenes in the middle of the con floor, please.
Quote from: "Kegan_Flame"
Quote from: "IamTetsuo"
Quote from: "Mango Bunny"
- I got sick
- I got my friend sick

Seems like a lot of people got sick... Maybe there was some thing in the climate control system?  Or maybe someone working registration was sick?

I think there was because I and three of my friends all started feeling icky.. and so did a LOT of other people

What kind of sick did you guys get? I got all weak and my throat was in massive pain.
First of all, it was the best time of my life for many reasons.

Bad things I can think of:

- I got sick
- I got my friend sick
- I ran out of money
- My friend missed the Kamijo concert
- Fairly sure two of the guys running a vending booth wanted to rape me
- Some guy tried to take my picture even though I said no repeatedly (I wasn't in costume!) and i had to hide behind my friend to get him to leave
- Some icky guy touched my ass while I was watching my friend game
- One of our travelling buddies left us stranded in South San Francisco, alone and cold with no way to get out on the way back

Overall it rocked hard though

I would die and use it ten thousand times. Well, not in tht order maybe. But you get the idea.

I love purikura. I've only done it 4 times though. I WANT MORE. (Fill my walls with it?)

Seriously though, it would be great if it could work.
Quote from: "Monica"Like the tetris blocks >.<

The tetris blocks ended up in ruin....
I personally am uncomfortable with random hugging/glomping because, well, for one I am weird about strange guys (or most guys) hugging me. Secondly I met quite a few pervy guys at the con and it makes me nervous to have guys come up and ask for hugs or glomp me or something. Girls? I'd be fine giving them hugs. If they glomped me i might be scared though. I would probably end up falling or some such thing.