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Messages - Oniko

whoa tables are sold out? Glad I snagged mine.  I dont remember this ever happening before.... nice ^_^ Fanime is getting bigger! Always nice to know more people are coming.

Well my friend and I are selling buttons this year.  There are 1.5 inches. So far I have made 16 from theses animes
-Elfen lied
-Code Geas
-Chrono Crusade
My friend has more on the way though I'm not sure how many.  I believe she is making them from
-Inu Yasha
How much would you guys pay for a button? I'm been told everything from $1.50 to $3 by others
Also I can probably get 2 more buttons done by Fanime, what would you guys like to see?

so I just saw episode 2 for season two.
Blew me away.  I was a little disappointed with the 1st ep but this one helped to redeem the show.
To mDuo13 you'll be happy to know why Lulu's memory is lost
You'll also see what happened at the end of the first season
I wont spoil if for you guys but when it ended I was like "What!? *does double take*".
any Stafy games?
this will be awesome.  My friend and I are going as opposite Shanas.  She will be just shana in a summer uniform.  I'll be the flame haze shana in a winter uniform.
well I havnt gotten the seating chart yet so you mus have the wrong e-mail.  However I dont really mind where I'm placed so I'll just wait till the con XD
Please bring anime series related games!  I found out much too late that the DS works with imports and missed out on a lot of games.

I noticed you had Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouc, would love to buy that!
I didnt see the Shakugan no Shana Ds game listed but if you had that I would love to buy it!
Dealers Room / Re: What's your opinion on grab bags?
April 02, 2008, 04:12:07 PM
I only ever bought grab bags from Yaiocon table.  My friend might buy a bag from another booth, but like others have said it's filled with old stuff and really old animes and classics.  Thats fine I guess but I'm not really into DBZ as much as them.

Normally I love YaoiCon grab bags, but I have to admit I was a little disappointed last year.  I dont know if maybe I was unlucky or they were running out of stuff that year.... but I didnt get as much as I usally do and it wasnt filled with as much of the stuff that I like and I like a lot of stuff.
check my email and I finally got an answer.
I have a table fully paid and a letter -should- have been sent to me a month ago.
Anyways, they said I will be getting a table list or whatever soon.
yay happy everything worked out.
Meetings, Gatherings, and Get Togethers / Re: WonderCon
February 27, 2008, 07:14:23 PM
I agree not enough cosplayers.  Most of the time I was telling my friend I wish I had brought my Haruhi costume from home the week before so I could dress up.  Guess I felt like I need to pick things up XD
Live Programming and Events / Re: Fanime Artist Alley 08
February 27, 2008, 07:51:58 AM
Quote from: ewu on February 25, 2008, 07:40:41 PM
e-mail artistalleyATfanimeDOTcom....we'll check for you
I'll try again, but I did that in Jan and all they could tell me was things were slow and they couldnt tell me.  But I guess I'll give it another shot.
Dealers Room / Re: Gaia Online- Are they showing up?
February 24, 2008, 10:43:34 PM
I dont see any reason why they wouldnt come again this year.  Thaey just keep getting bigger every year.
Meetings, Gatherings, and Get Togethers / Re: WonderCon
February 24, 2008, 12:08:03 PM
I went Saturday, no where near as good at Fanime imo.
I guess because I'm not into comics and superheros that much.
Fanime just feels.... bigger and I get completely swept away by it.  The dealer booths had high prices in my opinion and I decided to wait on a lot of items knowing I'll fine them fr better prices at Fanime.  The dealers room also felt way too small, you could barely move.  I didnt have much interest in any of the panels, but again thats just my taste.
Also, everything smelled =/ maybe cause everyone was so packed in but I just kept walking by smelly places.
It was an ok way to spend a saturday though.
Dang theres so many things I want to cosplay this year.
I got Haruhi of course
I still need to order my Shana costume
Erik might be going as a Wizard from RO so I'm going to try to refit into my huntress costume (lol... hopefully)
I would love to cosplay Disgaea but my money is running so thin XD
Quote from: billgoku on January 24, 2008, 08:47:53 PM
I'm thinking about it, and I know my friend Jess will be going as Haruhi again like she did last year, and there will be a gathering again this year I believe, you should join them.  ;D
your so right XD Of course I will cosplay Haruhi again.  That was my first gathering and I had so much fun
Live Programming and Events / Re: Fanime Artist Alley 08
February 24, 2008, 10:58:11 AM
I sent in paper work and a check before the end of December and still have not gotten anything.  And it looks like my check hasnt even been cashed.  I really want to know is my letter+check even arrived to the right place.  Its really starting to bother me.
Live Programming and Events / Re: Fanime Artist Alley 08
February 10, 2008, 11:05:01 AM
really starting to worry about my paper work and check....
Just an idea, kinda like monopoly or chess.  I saw this at a ren faire over the summer but why not make a gaint board game.  We could make a huge dice that you have to thow to roll (not something heavy of course) and the players move along a path(s) (maybe more then one direction like mario party) and on certain tiles they land on they have to be asked triva questions or do something silly (nothing illegal mind you or disgusting) or it effects thier player (lose in point, sent back to start, switch with another player, etc)

This could do in many different directions,  There could be points, or prizes.  Special items you get in the game that effect other players. 

Sorry if this has already been mentioned.  I kinda skimmed the pages.
I would go as etna if I had the money after buying my Shana costume.
I'm gonna take so many pictures of you Dan-sama XD
Quote from: Otaking007 on June 01, 2007, 06:41:29 PM
Quote from: Evangelion XgoukiLook what I found on Youtube:

XD darn, you beat me to it, I was gonna post it. Oh well, hope you guys enjoy it.

Dan-sama is that you XDDDDD
Quote from: o0Mutsu0o on November 15, 2007, 02:46:38 PM
^^ I myself, am still thinking of what to make next, but... so far i will be ^^;;;

Knight - Ragnarok Online

Priest - Ragnarok Online

maybe I'll bring my huntress costume, whoo!