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Messages - KindaRandomKris

Quote from: "Yukari Kaiba"
Quote from: "dosukinuta4"Wait, u think that there will be less people cosplaying as Naruto characters this year?  With all the dubbies?  Yea right!
Its gonna be huge!
There are gonna be WAY more people cosplaying Naruto, and they will see our gathering and join.

yeah, he's got a point. i'd would think there would be more than last year since its now been released in the US (sadly ><). but eh,what can you do? you'll probably be able to tell the difference between cosplayers who have been watching for awhile and those who have only known the dub, or mabye not, i dunno

Well, I dunno about that... I know alot of kids who watch CN and the dubbed Naruto, and most of them don't know what cosplaying or convention means. The American cosplay scene is really quite small, and the average age of CN kids is really too young to care about dressing up and joining people in gatherings.

P'raps there'll be more people with just headbands, but I highly doubt there'll be too large an influx of actual cosplayers.
Quote from: "Zekke"Anyone know a site or a place (Near Danville, CA) that can custom make cosplay items, i need a Konoha Vest. I've tried "" and it aint workin for me  :x  . Anyplace that makes good, reliable cosplay clothing.

The best advice I have for you is to go on I know several cosplayers from Anime Expo (in Anahem CA) are also available as comissioners.

The next best advice is to go to any standard tailor, seamstress, etc., and see if they can make it. Maybe someone will be able to stumble through making a pattern and making it; I know that several Vietnamese people I've been to see (admittedly in Vietnam, though there are good ones here) are able to improvise rather well.
I've been avoiding watching the episode after the introduction of the Sand-genin (TiVo is a curse and a blessing all at once) but I'm sure my brother will want to watch it soon.

I'm not too terribly disappointed in the Sand-genin's voices, but the randomly added sound effects (like the robotic Sakura-head-turning-in-anger) sort of threw me off.
Ideas and Suggestions / Energy Drink "Bar" at Fanime
January 31, 2006, 08:19:24 PM
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"<offtopic>

So how many Fanime people live in the Evergreen area? >w<

I'm tempted to set up a mini-mini gathering, like at Coffee Lover's or Sweetea. Too bad Nickel City's moved. :P

<offtopic liek woah>
There's always the movies!
I still haven't gotten to watch Brokeback Mountain, Memoirs of a Geisha, Narnia... hell, I haven't been to the movies since Fantastic Four ._.
Ideas and Suggestions / Energy Drink "Bar" at Fanime
January 31, 2006, 07:17:39 PM
Quote from: "Spiritsnare"Just out of curiosity and out of context, Kris, do you live in that area?

I live about .. uh, maybe 2 minutes away from that Savemart.
Ideas and Suggestions / Energy Drink "Bar" at Fanime
January 30, 2006, 05:51:19 PM
Quote from: "Eri"
Quote from: "Ayanami Rei First Child"I've never heard of Bawls though.....I haven't seen it sold anywhere around the Bay Area, I don't think ^^;

It's hard to find.. I haven't found a place that sells it in the bay yet.. It sucks cuz it's about the only energy drink I'll ever really drink >.>

Keep on the look out for a root beer bottle that's blue (sometimes white for their sugar free one.. ew...) with white lettering. If you find it, let me know.. Need to know where to get that stuff when I'm in the bay ^_^

My first (and only) bottle of Bawls was from a ... Savemart in San Jose. In the Evergreen area, to be exact. Damn expensive for a little bottle like that but it was gooood.
Quote from: "digimel11"ouch...just got my ears pierced so i can cosplay Ino properly >_> argh the things i do for cosplay >_< hehe

getting super excited for Fanime now that it's 2006! can't wait!

Just to cosplay as Ino? Wow, you're dedicated. I won't even cut my hair (not that there's very much to cut >.>).
General Anime Chat / Naruto 4 for GameCube?
January 08, 2006, 12:29:07 PM
If you've got a North America GC, you'll need a thing called a switch disk (or something to that effect, I'm only familiar with PS2 mods) which will allow you to trick the console into playing the imported game.

I'm not really an expert on the wherefore's and howto's, but I do know it's a mod disk. I'm pretty sure you can find one anywhere they sell gaming stuff. I think you could even find it under 'mod-chip' (which is what I use on my PS2).

The one I've seen for Gamecube is the "Free Loader", which is a disk you boot up the system with, and then swap out for the imported game. ( I'm sure there's other brands, though.

Yeeah. Might not be totally accurate, but I hope that helps
Speaking of hotel rooms, might I plead with someone to allot me some space in theirs to throw my junk in during the day? I live far too close to rent a hotel room, but I don't drive myself, so I've no place to store props for secondary costumes (as well as the secondary costumes themselves) and whatnot.

PM me if anybody's willing to let me borrow a little space - I promise to have my crap out of the room everyday by 11PM.

Things in the Universe / Fanime AIM Chat Gatherings!
January 04, 2006, 06:23:20 PM
Hay guiz whatz up?
Yeah sorry.
So I have a new s/n: KrisIsVeryShort
Hooray for English words! I'll probably be on both at all times, but I now prefer to be contacted at this new one <3.
Updated cosplay list :D

For sure:

Fuun-hime - 1st Naruto Movie (I don't even know what it's called -_-)
Hitsugaya Toushirou - Bleach
TimeJump Subakuno Gaara - Naruto

Time angel/mage/soldier - Original design
Kusajishi Yachiru - Bleach
Lady Butterfly - Devil Kings
Quote from: "Oneiros"Wow, guess I'm grossly overestimating how much we'll need =/

Thanks for the feedback ^_^

Keep in mind when I say 3 yards, I mean 3 yards black.

Also, my friend made my haori-thingy early for me, so she could wear it on Halloween. We bought only 1 yard of the white fabric, and she made good use of it. Barely had enough, if I remember what she said correctly. I'm about 5'0", maybe a little less, and the haori came down to about midcalf.
Quote from: "Oneiros"
Quote from: "KindaRandomKris"My friend and I bought the same amount of fabric, though she's the only one who's actually made the outfit. She's about 5'...2", maybe, and her 3 yards worked pretty well.
Yes, was that the whole costume or 3 yards for each part?

Anyway, I kinda had in my head that maybe 2 yards each for the black top (don't know what exactly it'd be considered 0_o) and inside white lining, 3 for the hakamas, and 4 for the haoris.... Should I use more for anything? Less? Ideas are welcome ^_^

I do believe she used the 3 yards for the entire costume. Though, she did cheat quite a bit in the process - not making a full kimono, etc. I remember she told me she was a little disappointed in her hakama - so to be safe, I'd go with 5 yards if you're about her height.
Not leather. In all rationality, leather would probably be too noisy for a ninja to wear and still fight in, right?
But if you wore a cloth one similar to Kakashi's, then I don't see why not.
Quote from: "Oneiros"My friend and I are planning to go as Aizen(me) and Gin(friend). w00t.

Had a question for fellow shinigami cosplayers though: We're on a little bit of a budget, so I was wondering the yardage of fabric that you guys have used to make your shinigami uniforms. Or maybe a guess if you don't know exactly how much you used...

My friend and I bought the same amount of fabric, though she's the only one who's actually made the outfit. She's about 5'...2", maybe, and her 3 yards worked pretty well.
Quote from: "Useless"Hi, I just registered

fanimecon eh?

Welcome to the insanity that is the FanimeCon forums, as well as the superinsanity that is the Naruto Gathering thread!
Don't mind if the people go incredibly far offtopic (as decided by Blue), or if they all act high in general. That's normal.

:D Have fun.

AKA Sailor Fortune
AKA the chicken.

Quote from: "serajwl"hmmmm.... i'm thinking about cutting my hair. if i do cut my hair, i'm probably gonna go as Temari

Yeah, cut your hair. Temari needs love too. Though you'd need a whole crap load of hair spray or hair clips to keep your hair up in her style - I've seen too many Temari cosplayers who use their own hair that let her pigtail things just ... die.

And yey! A Zabuza!
Quote from: "Itamiko">.>
On Halloween I bought a costume in Japan, it's Sakura from Naruto  :D I wanna join this gathering! Someone tell me what day and time  :x

Err yeah. It's far too early to be deciding on times, as panels and the like are not finalized yet - usually that's decided a few weeks before the actual convention.

I'd also advise against using the : X face on these forums: they don't have an "X" smiley, so it just comes out as angry.
Being Gaara for Halloween was fun, even if the armor I made was the absolutely most craptastic thing I've ever seen.
I finally learned how to do makeup. Effin' scary, that.

Annnd. I'm probably most definitely showing up to the gathering as Fuun-hime. Unless my cosplay partner has a huge problem with that, then I'll switch to Gaara. And no, looks like any plans for Inner Sakura are dun ded.

My brother isn't going to cosplay D: He is supposedly working all weekend (at which I laugh merrily), and he doesn't think he'll still be so short by the time Fanime comes around.

Quote from: "xMkLx"remind me again how doggy treats, dog food, bacon, choobaka, and peanutbutter has to do with naruto, or fanime in general? are we goin to have a fiesta? =D

I think it's that Fanime and Naruto can get seriously crazy, and the forum-members can get seriously crazy too. They find a common element between eating doggy treats (which is ... a crazy teenage/early20's thing to do) and cosplay/anime/conventions (the craziness of which is self-explanatory).