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Messages - D001

I'll go ahead and sign up as Gin :D  Not sure which version, but it's pretty much a guarentee I'll be there as the smiley bastard *hearts*
Reupping for 2011! :D
Thank you so much for waiting for us ^_^ It was nice to get to participate in the gathering. :)  I just wish I could've hung around longer for the Tea Party, but my Kate is a bit of an oven ^^;;;;

I had a blast and it was awesome to get to meet everyone :D  Such awesome costumes too!
Yay for the Saiyuki gathering! Whee~  We had a pretty good turnout and I think things went well. :D

Any favorite moments?  Any suggestions for next year?

I was utterly stoked about the turnout we had.  I was ecstatic!  Saiyuki FTW :D
*smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles; pats Kira on the head* My fuku-taichou is adorable, isn't he?

I had a blast, though I was only able to hang around for a short while (had to run off for masq stuffs) *hearts* And the baby Nel was the most adorable thing ever!

Thank you Yukari for hosting! And it was awesome getting to meet you and chat with you *hugs*
*melts at Sage* ~_^  I got to have a Taiki *hugs you* You were awesome :D (I'm such a softie for my kirin ~_^)

And Pixie OMG your costume was amazing! I cannot believe that wasyour first fursuit.  (and it was so soooooooooft *pets you more*)

I had a blast and am so glad I was able to get my costume "wearable enough" to make it *hearts*  Yay for lots of fun and awesomeness!  (and penguins :D)
Checking in official as the King who is in such a safe place he cannot find himself. *hearts!* :D
*manages to find a way to transmit without captor Myalchod noticing...yeah right? ~_^*

I've got the list updated, absolutely cannot wait to see everyone, this is so very exciting!

I've been buried under my competition costume, but it is finally finished and packed WHEE~!  Hopefully all you die-hard Saiyuki fans out there will approve of it *hearts*

*runs off to finish packing and pass out - that was a monster of a costume*

Aw, that's sad to hear about kuroikouma not being able to make it T_T
YAY!! I've updated the list with the both of you.  ^____________________^

I am very excited about this gathering and am looking forward to the awesome turn out we will have :D
No worries!  It got up, we know what happened, it's aaaaaaaaaaall good :D

Thanks for letting us know and thanks for all of your hard work in pulling this all together!
Shall we play the Time Zone game? I can tell you now that I am not Pacific! WHEE~!
Eee! Yay the prop kit :D  Lots of goodies in there for fun times :D

Also, we should start putting a list together of photo ops.  Obviously, we'll have the full group shot, the Sanzo group, etc.  But if anyone has any ideas of other photo ops or even artbook shots we want...speak up so we can make a list so everyone gets the pics they're hoping for.

Also, given how long my competition costume is taking, I highly doubt I'm getting the costume I was hoping to bring to the gathering done.  As a result, I'm signing myself up officially as Ukoku. *smirks, plays with a chess piece*
Well...if you believe Aizen...I'm creating the rubble, not laying in it ^________^

Though I prefer to think I'm on the sidelines drinking YOUR sake with Unohana-taichou. *smiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiles*
Why, oh why am I not surprised by this, Shokora :D  Will you be sacrificing the punch? ~_^
So, just in case you haven't noticed, we are all signed up and ready to go for our gathering this year :D  Please check the first post for all of the info ^_^

Don't forget that we're going to be doing Saiyuki Poker prior to the gathering and having a Saiyuki dinner afterwards. ^______^

Definitely looking forward to this! Whee~
Well, you can move me from tenative to probably now ~_^ (though I'm still not comfirming)  I've got Tai-ou halfway to wearable enough, so...*hearts*

I'll be bringing the Capt version of Gin :)
