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Messages - Beastcub

my normal sleeping hours are 4am-2pm
so i will be up late.

i plan to take advantage of the cold night air and run around in my ryo-oki (brown cabbit from tenchi) cosplay :3
I just wanted to say that we MIGHT not being doing the masquerade. Epona is so hard to wear that depending on the weather we may just focus on cosplay gatherings (nintendo and zelda) since wearing epona too long really hurts and if its too hot can make my sister really sick if she is in it for more than 30 minutes.

SO for those on the wait list PLEASE do show up at 12pm on saturday because you might get our spot. i would hate for our spot to get wasted...
Quote from: TC_X0_Lt_0X on May 21, 2010, 09:13:24 PM

Now watch as the weather shifts again and we get a storm for the entire con =P

*knocks on wood
I have never done this but I heard you can....I sure hope I can because it would be nice to settle into the room for a break and eat somthing that is not over priced room service or cold from the fridge.

could any of the San Jose locals give me the phone number for the nearest Pizza Hut? X3

Maybe we could make a list here for with contact information for all places that will deliver food to hotel rooms?
i have learned to not to fret over early forcasts, it could very easily change.

and it could change last minute: the night before the cherry blossom festival 2007 it was dumping rain and i took clear shower curtains and made booties and slickers for our costumes (so you could see them under the plastic) for the cosplay contest because i had worked on it all year and was not going to let rain stop day...bright and sunny, hardly a cloud in sky .__. hours and $10 wasted lol.
i see mine was apporved but i had a few questions in my entry, was the entry the right place to ask questions and thus they will be answered later on or do i need to contact some one directly about my concerns? my concerns were i was planning to have some one sew part of my costume for me to save me some time, and the costume i made for my sister is huge, hard to move in and very hot.
I looked through several topics here to see if i could find an answer first before i bothered ya'all with this post (and got some good info on other things) but i still have no idea just how big the fridge is.
i know it is a mini but beyound that?

my sister and I are milkaholics, we will easily go through a gallon in 3 days so we plan to bring a gallon of milk, but will a gallon sized milk jug fit in the fridge? if yess then how many gallons of milk would fit? and no i do not plan to bring more than 1 gallon but the size of the container is a good reference point for me to figure out how many sandwitches and other drinks we can cram in there.

PS in my search for fridge information i heard mention of free breakfast at the this true? :3
opp well i just took a closer look at wondercon and pre-rge for the masq closed and it runs rather late to attend on a dat trip with a 1-2 hour drive home...
are there any prizes? wondercon has a $500 cash prize and now i am wondering if i should skip fanime's masquerade and do the one at wondercon. the costume i plan to enter is a lot of work to wear and my younger sister is the one stuck in it and i know the cahnce at getting prize money would make her feel better about me "torturing" her XD
i have a room booked in 2 hotels and i need to make up my mind so i can let one of them go and give some one else a chance to have it. i booked the mariot first because 80% why i am going is to cosplay and i was told it was best for cosplayers BUT then i learned it was not pet friendly so i nabbed one at the Hilton. the fridge at the hilton alone is enough to tempt me to stay and part of the other 20% of going to fanime is to shop and it is close to the dealers. (as for the dog she is technically a service dog so we can stay at the mariot, i just preferr pet friendly hotels since we will be leaving her in the room for a while)

but i wonder, just how much more inconvient is it to be in the hilton when it comes to showing off ones cosplay? some one told me everyone seems to gather between the 2 hotels anyway so there is not much difference between then 2 hotels. our costumes are very big and very hot so the less walking there is to do the better...
count me in for epona and possibly link too could some one email me on the time and place to meet up when it is decided? we will only be at the con for the weekend by the way. [email protected]
Quote from: PyronIkari on February 08, 2010, 01:29:16 PM
No, don't do it. There's a very limited amount of entries allowed in the event, and a lot of people are turned down every year due to time restraints. You are basically saying that you want to take the spot of someone who worked hard on their costume and want to enter this contest to show and get appreciated for their work.

It's kinda rude to just be like "I don't want to be judged, I just want to show off my costume and take the time of someone who wants a real genuine critique".

i still put hard work into my costumes, it's just that for me squealing fans is all the award i need and i have entered and won in like 4 different cosplay contests already so i am not out to win anything anymore...
and i am a professional costume maker so i don't want any drama from those who think professionals should not enter (though i was told it is okay...) as i have gotten a bit of drama at the last event i entered and won at :(
and i don't want drama, i cosplay for the enjoyment of myself and for the enjoyment of others...

and on the topic of a cosplay parade and it being too difficult for those with complex costumes:
what about a HUGE group photo? is there any place big enough for all cosplayers to gather and then get a picture taken from way up high (hotel window? cherry picker?)
such a big "bulk" gathering outside the masquarade would be cool :)
i do know that at "fur cons" the fursuit parade is the biggest event for the costumers, much bigger than the masquarade itself, every one gathers in one place before the parade which is great because it is like a huge social event for those who are both in costume and want to see them, then they parade through the location and meet for a huge group photo at the end, and it so great because the rest of the time all the costumes are spread out all over the place, and it is much more epic when they are all in one place.

80% of why i do any event is to run around in costume, i love making costumes and seeing peoples reactions to them.
i am hoping to have a trio of yoshis done in time for fanime for me, my sister and our friend to wear. if not then i have my ryo-oki as back-up if i cannot complete the yoshis.

I have heard that being part of the masquerade can be "slow and painful and often runs late into the night. Pretty hit and miss." and this is my first fanime and i am staying 2 nights so i would much rather not have my time caught up with the masquerade.

so i was wondering if there was some way i/we could pop up on stage early in the show for a quick "whooo ahhhh" from the crowd and then just go about our business. no prejudging, no rehearsal, literally just 20 seconds of music as i/we pop on stage, look cute and leave.

i don't care to win a prize, all i want to do is be sure all the fans of the characters get to enjoy seeing them as that is mainly why i cosplay and i myself LOVE seeing costumes of my favorite characters :)
and i am hoping that us getting to pop out on stage during the masquerade will ensure that any one who would like to see us gets to see us.

if the answer is no then i understand as this request would take time away from those who entered to compete.
I see no rules posted yet and I need to know this ASAP because if I can enter I need to start building the costume soon as it will take a while to get done between commissions:

Is there a rule against professionals?
I have entered and won awards at sac-con/sac-anime, Further Confusion, and the Japan town cherry blossom festival in San Fransisco.
and my primary source of income ins building costumes.
I am self taught and make everything myself.

so I wanted to know if I can enter and if there are any limitations (such as skit-only) or if maybe there is a professional division such as Further Confusion has.

Thank You.
i am planning on making an epona, if i can make it to the con i will bring her ^_^
i shall remember to check back here before the con so i can know when the gathering would be :D
IF i can make it i can bring my Shippo (kilala was recently sold) but i am not sure if i am comming and for what days....
you can maybe, maybe, count me in
my sister has been wanting a certain pokemon made for her to wear for a very long time now and we just may just finially build it this year ;)
well i am not 100% sure if i can make it but if do i am bringing my newly built ryo-oki

so if there is a tenchi gathering let me know ^_________^